
John Norris Maguire Professor of Information Technology

Sloan School of Management


Professor of Engineering Systems

Sloan School of Engineering


Massachusetts Institute of Technology







































1.      Operating Systems (with J.J. Donovan), McGraw-Hill, 1974, 640 pp.

           (Adopted as textbook by over 100 colleges and universities).

        --Japanese edition, published by Nippon Computer Kyokai, 1976, 713 pp.

        --International Student Edition, published by McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd.,1978, 640 pp.

        --Russian edition, published by MNP, Moscow, USSR, 1978, 792 pp.

        --Czechoslovakian edition, published by SNTL Nakladatelstvi Technicke Literatury, 1981, 590 pp.

        --Polish edition, published by Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Nankowe, Warszawa, Poland, 1984,           625 pp.

        --Spanish edition scheduled for publication.

        --Instructor's Manual to Accompany Operating Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1974, 159 pp.

2.      Software Projects: Pedagogical Aids for Software Education and Research (with J.J. Donovan), McGraw-Hill, 1977, 509 pp.

3.      Computer Security: Problems and Solutions (with D.K. Hsiao and D.S. Kerr), ACM Monograph Series (Academic Press), 1979, 331 pp.

        -- Russian edition, published by MNP, Moscow, USSR, 1982, 264 pp.

4.      The Strategic Use of Information Technology (Editor), Oxford University Press, 1987, 206 pages.

5.      Software Project Dynamics: An Integrated Approach (with T.K. Abdel-Hamid), Prentice-Hall, 1991, ISBN 0-13-822040-9, 264 pp.

        -- Received the Jay Wright Forrester Award for "Best Contribution to the field of System Dynamics in the preceding five years" awarded by the System Dynamics Society, 1994.

6.      Information Quality: Advances in Management Information Systems (AMIS) Series, (Editor, with R. Wang, E. Pierce, and C. Fisher),  M. E. Sharpe Publisher, Armonk, NY, 2005, 265 pp.

7.      Improving National and Homeland Security through Context Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Technologies”, (with N. Choucri and M. Siegel), Emergent Information Technologies and Enabling Policies for Counter Terrorism, IEEE Press/Wiley, 2006.



1.      Structure and Capabilities of Key Personal Computer Operating Systems” (with M. Hsu), Insights into Personal Computers, IEEE Press, 1985.

2.      Perspectives on the Effective Use, Planning, and Impact of Information Technology,” The Strategic Use of Information Technology, Oxford University Press, 1987 (pp. 3-14).  [SWP # 1868-87]

3.      Future Artificial Intelligence Requirements for Intelligent Database Systems” (with M.L. Brodie, D. Bobrow, V. Lesser, D. Tsichritzis, and C. Hewitt), Expert Database Systems Benjamin/Cummings, 1989.

4.      Chapter 2:  Information Technology Platform for the 1990s”, The Corporation of the 1990’s:  Information Technology and Organizational Transformation, Edited by Michael S. Scott Morton, Oxford University Press, 1990 (pp. 27-60).  [SWP # 3061-89-MS]

5.      Chapter 16: Putting IT All Together Before it Falls Apart”,  Information Technology in Action: Trends and Perspectives,  Edited by Richard Y. Wang, Prentice-Hall, 1992.

6.      Context Interchange Network Prototype” (with A. Darawala, C. Goh, S. Hofmeister, and M. Siegel) in Database Applications Semantics, Chapman & hall (London, UK), October 1996 [SWP #3797, CISL #95-01].

7.      The Elusive Silver Lining: How We Fail to Learn from Software Development Failures” (with T.K. Abdel-Hamid), republished in Modelling for Management 1: Simulation in Support of Systems Thinking, (Dartmouth Publishing Company, Ltd; Hants, England), 1997, pp. 443-452.

8.      Lessons Learned from Modeling the Dynamics of Software Development” (with T.K. Abdel-Hamid), republished in Software Project Management: Readings and Cases, (Irwin Books/McGraw-Hill, Chicago), 1997, pp. 144-163.

9.      Incorporating Generalized Quantifiers into Description Logic for Representing Data Source Contents” (with S.Y. Tu), in Data Mining and Reverse Engineering: Searching for Semantics, Chapman & Hall, 1998 [SWP #3998, CISL #98-01].

10.   Discovering and Reconciling Semantic Conflicts: A Data Mining Perspective” (with H. Lu, W. Fan, C.H. Goh, D.W. Cheung), in Data Mining and Reverse Engineering: Searching for Semantics, Chapman & Hall, 1998 [SWP #3957, CISL #97-04].

11.   Chapter 6: The MIT Context Interchange Project” in Data Quality, Ed: R.Y. Wang, M. Ziad, and Y.W. Lee, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 79-92 {earlier version appeared as “Metadata Jones and the Tower of Babel: The Challenge of Large-Scale Heterogeneity,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Meta-data Conference, April 1999 [SWP #4069, CISL #99-04].

12.       Hongwei Zhu and Stuart Madnick, “Chapter 3: A Mediation Architecture for Global Comparison Services,” in Comparison-Shopping Services and Agent Designs (ISBN: 978-1-59904-978-6), Edited by Yun Wan, Publisher: Information Science Reference, April 2009, pp. 37-55.

13.       Nathan A. Minami and Stuart Madnick, “Chapter 4: Using Systems Analysis to Improve Traffic Safety,” in Traffic Safety, Christina Ferraro (Editor), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 4th quarter, 2010.

14.       Andreas Henschel, Erik Casagrande, Wei Lee Woon, Isam Janajreh, and Stuart Madnick, “A Unified Approach for Taxonomy-based Technology Forecasting,” chapter in Business Intelligence Applications and the Web: Models, Systems and Technologies, Editors: Marta E. Zorrilla, Jose-Norberto Mazón, Óscar Ferrández, Irene Garrigós, Florian Daniel and Juan Trujilloto, Business Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), dated 2012, pp. 178-197.

15.        S. Madnick, R. Wang, K. Chettayar, F. Dravis, J. Funk, R. Katz-Haas, C. Lee, Y. Lee, X. Xian, S. Bhansali, "Part IV. Chapter 12: Exemplifying Business Opportunities for Improving Data Quality through Corporate Household Research," in Information Quality, (Editors: R. Wang, E. Pierce, S. Madnick, C. Fisher), M. E. Sharpe and National Defense Industry Press (of China), in Chinese, 2013, pp. 187-203.

16.        Hongwei Zhu, Stuart Madnick, Yang Lee, and Richard Wang, “Chapter 16: Data and Information Quality Research: Its Evolution and Future,” in Computing Handbook, Third Edition: Information Systems and Information Technology, Volume 2, Taylor & Francis Group, Chapman & Hall/CRC, May 2014, pp. 16:1-16:20.



1.      "String Processing Techniques", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 10, No. 7, July 1967, pp. 420-424 [].

2.      "SCRIPT, An Online Manuscript Processing System" (with G.A. Moulton), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech, Vol. EWS-11, No. 2, August 1968, pp. 92-100 [].

3.      "A Modular Approach to File System Design" (with J.W. Alsop), IAG Quarterly, IFIP Amsterdam, No. 3, 1969, pp. 7-34 [].

4.      "Time-Sharing Systems: Virtual Machine Concept vs. Conventional Approach", Modern Data Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 1969, pp. 34-36 [].

5.      "Recent Technical Advances in the Computer Industry and Their Future Impact", Sloan Management Review, Vol. 14, No. 3, Spring 1973, pp. 67-84 [].

6.      "The Future of Computers", Technology Review, Vol. 75, No. 8, August 1973, 13pp [].

7.      "The Hierarchical Approach to Information System Security" (with J.J. Donovan), IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, May 1975 [].

8.      "A Modular Approach to File System Design" (with J.W. Alsop, edited by P. Freeman), Software Systems Principles: A Survey, Science Research Associates, 1975.

9.      "Virtual Machine Advantages in Security, Integrity, and Decision Support Systems" (with J.J. Donovan), IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3, August 1976 [].

10.   "Institutional and Ad-Hoc Decision Support Systems and Their Effective Use" (with J.J. Donovan), Data Base, Vol. 8, No. 3, January 1977, pp. 79-88 [].

11.   "Trends in Computers and Computing: The Information Utility", Science, Vol. 195, No. 4283, March 18, 1977, 1191-1199 [].

12.   "Computer Security and Privacy" (with D.K. Hsiao and D.S. Kerr), Naval Research Review, 1978.

13.   "Management Policies and Procedures Needed for Effective Computer Security", Sloan Management Review, Vol. 20, No. 1, Fall 1978.

14.   "Properties of Storage Hierarchy Systems with Multiple Page Sizes and Redundant Data" (with C. Lam), ACM Transactions on Data Base Systems, Vol 4, No 4, September 1979. pp. 345-367 [].

15.   "The Dynamics of Software Project Scheduling: A Systems Dynamics Perspective" (with T. Abdel-Hamid), Communications of the ACM, Vol. 26, No. 5, May 1983 [].

16.   "INFOPLEX: Research in a High-Performance Database Computer" (with M. Hsu), IEEE Database Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1986.

17.   "Modeling Multiprocessor Computer Systems with Unbalanced Flows" (with Y.R. Wang), ACM Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 14, No. 1, May 1986.

18.   "A Microcomputer-Based Image Database Management System" (with B. Prasad, A. Gupta, and H. Toong), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. IE-34, No. 1, February 1987.

19.   "Impact of Schedule Estimation on Software Project Behavior" (with T.K. Abdel-Hamid), IEEE Software, Vol. 3, No. 4, July 1986 [].

20.   "A Microcomputer-Based Image Database Management System" (with B. Prasad, A. Gupta, and H. Toong), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.  IE-34,  No. 1,  February 1987 [CISR No. 146]

21.   "On the Portability of Quantitative Software Estimation Models" (with T.K. Abdel-Hamid), Information & Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, August 1987.  [SWP # 1977-88; CISR No. 174]

22.   "Performance Analysis of Multi-microprocessor Systems" (with Y. Wang), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. IE-34, No. 3, August 1987, pp. 345-350.

23.   The Economics of Software Quality Assurance: A Systems Dynamics Based Simulation Approach” (with T. Abdel-Hamid), The Annals of the Society of Logistics Engineers, Vol. No. 2, October 1987.  [SWP # 1977-88; CISR No. 174]

24.   "Shifting Timestamps for Concurrency Control in an Information Hierarchy" (with M. Hsu), Information Processing Letters, Vol. 27, May 1988, pp. 291-297.  [SWP # 1875-87]

25.   "Evolution Towards Strategic Applications of Data Bases Through Composite Information Systems" (with Y. Wang), Journal of MIS, Vol. 5, No. 2, Fall 1988, pp. 5-22.  [SWP # 1862-87; CISR No. 170]

26.   "Motivating Strategic Alliance for Composite Information Systems: The Case of a Major Regional Hospital" (with C. Osborn and Y.R. Wang), Journal of Management Information Science, Vol. 6, No. 3, Winter 1989/90, pp. 99-117. [also appeared in Proceedings of the 1989 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 1989  -- Nominated for Best Paper at HICSS.] [SWP # 2031-88; CISR No. 203;]

27.   "Hierarchical Timestamping Algorithm" (with M. Hsu), Information Systems, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1989, pp. 119-129.  [SWP # 1876-87]

28.   "Software Productivity: Potential, Actual, and Perceived"  (with T. Abdel-Hamid), Systems Dynamics Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer 1989, pp. 93-113.  [SWP # 2075-88; CISR No. 179]

29.   "Facilitating Connectivity in Composite Information Systems" (with Y.R. Wang), ACM Database, Vol. 20, No. 3, Fall 1989.  [SWP # 1975-88;]

30.   "Maintaining Valid Schema Integration in Evolving Heterogeneous Database Systems" (with M. Siegel), IEEE Office Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, August 1989, pp. 9-16.

31.   "Lessons Learned from Modeling the Dynamics of Software Development" (with T. Abdel-Hamid), Communications of the ACM, Vol. 32, No. 12, December 1989, pp. 1426-1438, 1455; also in Software Project Management: Readings and Cases (editor C. Kemerer), Irwin, 1997, pp. 144-163.  [SWP # 2069-88; CISR No. 184;

32.   A Taxonomy for Classifying Commercial Approaches to Information Integration in Heterogeneous Environment” (with A. Gupta), IEEE Data Engineering, June 1990.

33.   The Composite Information Systems Laboratory (CISL) Project at MIT” (with M. Siegel and Y.R. Wang), IEEE Data Engineering, June 1990.

34.   The Elusive Silver Lining: How We Fail to Learn from Failures in Software Development” (with T. Abdel-Hamid), Sloan Management Review. Vol. 32, No. 1, Fall 1990, pp. 39-48 [SWP# 3180-90-MS].

35.   Beyond the Globalization of Information Technology:  The Life of an Organization and the Role of Information Technology" (with Y.W. Lee and Y.R. Wang), Journal of Information Technology Management, Vol. II, No. 1, 1991, pp. 1-10.

36.   Context Interchange: Sharing the Meaning of Data” (with M. Siegel), SIGMOD Record, Volume 20(4), December 1991, pp. 77-79 [SWP#3356-91-MSA;].

37.   Context Interchange in a Client Server Architecture” (with M. Siegel and E. Sciore), Journal of Systems and Software, June 1994.

38.   "Integrating Information from Global Systems:  Dealing with the "On- and Off-Ramps of the Information SuperHighway", Journal of Organizational Computing, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1995, pp. 69-82. [SWP#3800-95; CISL WP#95-02].

39.   Integration Technology:  The Reinvention of the Linkage Between Information Systems and Computer Science”, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 13, 1995, pp. 373-380.

40.   Why Not One Big Database? Principles for Data Ownership” (with M. Van Alstyne and E. Brynjolfsson), Decision Support Systems, Vol. 15, December 1995, pp. 267-284. [SWP #3695, CISL #94-03]

41.   Conceptualizing Semantic Interoperability:  A Perspective from the Knowledge Level” (with J. Lee and M. Siegel), International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems [Special Issue of Formal Methods in Cooperative Information Systems], Vol. 5, No. 4, December 1996.

42.   Database in the Internet Age”, Database Programming & Design, Vol. 10, No. 1, January 1997, pp. 28-33.

43.   Context Interchange: New Features and Formalisms for the Intelligent Integration of Information” (with C.H. Goh, S. Bressan, M. Siegel), ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, July 1999. [SWP #3941, CISL #97-03;]

44.   Context Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in the Context Interchange System” (with S. Bressan, C. Goh, N. Levina, A. Shah, M. Siegel), Applied Intelligence: The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Neutral Networks, and Complex Problem-Solving Technologies, Vol. 12, No. 2, September 2000, pp. 165-179. [SWP #4133, CISL #00-04]

45.   Discovering and Reconciling Value Conflicts for Numerical Data Integration,” (with W. Fan, H. Lu, D. Cheung), Information Systems Journal, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 635-656, November 2001. [SWP #4153, CISL #00-09]

46.   DIRECT: A System for Mining Data Value Conversion Rules from Disparate Sources” (with W. Fan, H. Lu, and D.W. Cheung), Decision Support Systems, 2001. [SWP #xxx, CISL #xxx]

47.    “Seizing the Opportunity: Exploiting Web Aggregation” (with M. Siegel), MISQ Executive, Vol 1, No. 1, March 2002, pp. 35-46. [SWP #4351, CeB #144, CISL #01-13, ].

48.   DIRECT: A System for Mining Data Value Conversion Rules from Disparate Sources” (with W. Fan, H. Lu, and D.W. Cheung), Decision Support Systems, 2002, pp. 19-39. [SWP #4411-01, CISL #2001-11,].

49.    “Parallel (on the fly) Reading of an Entire Database Copy” (with S. Bhalla), International Journal of Computer Research: Special Issue on Practical Applications of Parallel Computing, Vol 10, No. 4, 2001, also in Practical Parallel Computing, (Editors: Marcin Paprzycki, Luciano Tarricone, Laurence Tianrou Yang), Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 1-59033-127-3, pp. 149-163, 2002 [SWP #4385-01, CISL #2001-15, ].

50.   Discovering and Reconciling Value Conflicts for Numerical Data Integration,” (with W. Fan, H. Lu, D. Cheung), Information Systems Journal, Vol 26, No 8, pp. 635-656, November 2001 [SWP #4153, CISL #2000-09,].

51.   Asynchronous Reading of Consistent Copy of a Large Database” (with S. Bhalla), Advances in Computation: Theory and Practice, Vol. 12 (Practical Applications of Parallel Computing – 2002), (ISBN 1-59033-532-5), 2002 [SWP #4152, CISL # 2000-08].

52.   Asynchronous Backup and Initialization of a Database Server for Replicated Database Systems” (with S. Bhalla), Journal of Supercomputing (Kluwer Academic Publishers), Vol. 27, No 1 (Jan. 2004), pp. 69-89. [SWP #4416-03, CISL #2002-02, ].

53.   Exemplifying Business Opportunities for Improving Data Quality through Corporate Household Research,” (with R. Wang, K. Chettayar, F. Dravis, J. Funk, R. Katz-Haas, C. Lee, Y. Lee, X. Xian, S. Bhansali), Advances in Management Information Systems (AMIS) Monograph Series, Special Volume on Information Quality [SWP #xxx, CISL #yyy, ].

54.   The Design and Implementation of a Corporate Householding Knowledge Processor to Improve Data Quality,” (with R.Wang and X. Xian), Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 20, No. 3, Winter 2003-04, pp  41-69 [SWP # 4439-03, CISL 2003-06,].

55.   Assuring Information Quality,” (with D. Ballow and R. Wang), Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 20, No. 3, Winter 2003-04, pp. 9-11.

56.   Asynchronous Backup and Initialization of a Database Server for Replicated Database Systems”, (with S. Bhalla), Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 27, No 1, January 2004, pp. 69-89 (published by Kluwer Academic Publishers). [SWP #4416-03, CISL #2002-02,  ].

57.   Exemplifying Business Opportunities for Improving Data Quality through Corporate Household Research”, (with R. Wang, K. Chettayar, F. Dravis, J. Funk, R. Katz-Haas, C. Lee, Y. Lee, X. Xian, S. Bhansali), Advances in Management Information Systems (AMIS) Monograph Series, Special Volume on Information Quality. [SWP #4481-04, CISL 2004-03, CeB 198, .]

58.   The Design and Implementation of a Corporate Householding Knowledge Processor to Improve Data Quality”, (with R.Wang and X. Xian), Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 20, No. 3, Winter 2003-04, pp  41-69. [SWP # 4439-03, CISL 2003-06,  ].

59.   Assuring Information Quality”, (with D. Ballow and R. Wang), Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 20, No. 3, Winter 2003-04, pp. 9-11. [CISL 2003-09].          

60.   Global e-Readiness - For What? Readiness for e-Banking,” (with V. Maugis,  N. Choucri,  M. Siegel, S. Gillett,  F. Haghseta,  H. Zhu and  M. Best), Journal of Information Technology for Development - Special Issue on e-Banking [SWP #4487-04, CISL 2004-04, ].

61.   Exemplifying Business Opportunities for Improving Data Quality through Corporate Household Research”, (with R. Wang, K. Chettayar, F. Dravis, J. Funk, R. Katz-Haas, C. Lee, Y. Lee, X. Xian, S. Bhansali), Information Quality: Advances in Management Information Systems (AMIS) Series, pp. 181-196, 2005. [SWP #4481-04, CISL 2004-03, CeB 198,  ].      

62.   Global e-Readiness - For What? Readiness for e-Banking,” (with V. Maugis,  N. Choucri,  M. Siegel, S. Gillett,  F. Haghseta,  H. Zhu and  M. Best), Journal of Information Technology for Development - Special Issue on “The Use of Information Technology to Transform the Banking Sector in Developing Nations,” Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 313-342, Fall 2005. [SWP #4487-04, CISL 2004-04,   ].

63.   A case study of Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) integration using the COIN mediation technology” (with Sajindra Jayasena and Stéphane Bressan), Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce (JIBC), vol. 10, no. 2, Summer 2005 [SWP # 4557-05, CISL 2005-07,  ]

64.   Improving Data Quality Through Effective Use of Data Semantics” (with Hongwei Zhu), Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE) [SWP # 4558-05, CISL 2005-08,  ]

65.   Contextual Alignment of Ontologies in the eCoin Semantic Interoperability Framework”, (with A. Firat and B. Grosof), Information Technology and Management Journal, Springer US. [SWP # 4567-06; CISL 2006-01,  ]

66.   “Improving Data Quality Through Effective Use of Data Semantics” (with Hongwei Zhu), Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Vol. 59, 2006, pp. 460-476. [SWP # 4558-05, CISL 2005-08, ]

67.    Improving National and Homeland Security through Context Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Technologies”, (with N. Choucri and M. Siegel), in Emergent Information Technologies and Enabling Policies for Counter Terrorism, ISBN: 0-471-77615-7, Editors: Robert L. Popp and John Yen, IEEE Press/Wiley, June 2006, pp. 139-164, [SWP # 4600-06, CISL 2006-03, ].

68.    Querying Web-Sources within a Data Federation”, (with Lynn Wu, Aykut Firat, Tarik Alatovic), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milwaukee, Minnesota, December 2006, [SWP #4624-06, CISL 2006-09,]

69.   Contextual Alignment of Ontologies in the eCoin Semantic Interoperability Framework”, (with A. Firat and B. Grosof), Information Technology and Management Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, Springer US, March 2007, pp. 47-63. [SWP # 4567-06; CISL 2006-01, ]

70.    The House of Security: Stakeholder Perceptions of Security Assessment and Importance,” (with Wee Horng Ang, Vicki Deng, Yang Lee, Dinsha Mistree, Michael Siegel, Diane Strong, Richard Wang), FSTC Innovator: The Journal for Financial Services Technology Leaders, Vol, 1, No. 1, July 2007, pp. 19-24, [SWP 4662-07, CISL 2007-06,]

71.   Hongwei Zhu and Stuart Madnick, “Scalable Interoperability Through the Use of COIN Lightweight Ontology,” M. Collard (Ed.): ODBIS 2005/2006, LNCS 4623, published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 37–50. [CISL 2007-13]

72.   Hongwei Zhu, Stuart Madnick, and Michael Siegel, "Enabling Global Price Comparison with Semantic Integration of Web Data," International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB), January 2008, pp. 319-341. [SWP 4673-07, ESD 2008-03, CISL 2007-12,]

73.   Aykut Firat, Lynn Wu, and Stuart Madnick, “General Strategy for Query Web Sources in a Data Federation Environment”, Journal of Database Management, Vol. 20, No. 2, April-June 2009, pp 1-18.

74.   Hongwei Zhu, Stuart Madnick, and Michael Siegel, “An Economic Analysis of Policies for the Protection and Reuse of Noncopyrightable Database Contents,” Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 25, No. 1, Summer 2008, pp. 199–232.  [SWP # 4571-05, CISL 2005-12 / 2008-08, ]

75.   Nathan A. Minami and Stuart E. Madnick, “Dynamic Analysis of Combat Vehicle Accidents,” System Dynamics Review, Vol. 24, No. 3, Fall 2008.  [CISL 2008-06]

76.   C. Goh, S. Bressan, S. Madnick and M. Siegel, “Context Interchange: New Features and Formalisms for the Intelligent Integration of Information,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems, (17:3), July 1999, pp. 270-293, reprinted in Major Currents in Information Systems, Volume III - Design Science Theories and Research Practices, published by Sage Publications Ltd, October 2008.

77.   Nathan A. Minami and Stuart Madnick, “Dynamic Analysis of Combat Vehicle Accidents,” System Dynamics Review, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009, pp. 79–100 [CISL 2008-06]

78.   Aykut Firat, Lynn Wu, and Stuart Madnick, “General Strategy for Query Web Sources in a Data Federation Environment,Journal of Database Management, Vol. 20, No. 2, April-June 2009, pp 1-18.

79.   Stuart Madnick, Richard Wang, Yang Lee, and Hongwei Zhu, “Overview and Framework for Data and Information Quality Research,” ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, Vol. 1, No. 1, Article 2, June 2009, pp. 2-1 to 2-22.

80.   Hongwei Zhu and Stuart Madnick, “Finding New Uses for Information: On the Web Innovative Reuses of Information Yields Opportunities – and Legal Questions,” Sloan Management Review (SMR), Vol. 50, No. 4, Summer 2009, pp. 18-21; Excerpts appeared as:  Hongwei Zhu and Stuart Madnick, “Turning data into opportunity: How can you make the most of all the data on the Web?” National Post, July 3, 2009 []

81.   Hongwei Zhu and Stuart Madnick, “One Size does not Fit All: Legal Protection for Non-Copyrightable Data,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 52, No. 9, September 2009, pp. 123-128.[CISL 2007-04] 

82.   Wei Lee Woon and Stuart E. Madnick, “Asymmetric Information Distances for Automated Taxonomy Construction,” Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), Vol. 21, No. 1, October 2009, pp. 91 - 111 [SWP # 4712-08, CISL 2008-05]

83.   Hongwei Zhu and Stuart Madnick, “Reconciliation of Temporal Semantic Heterogeneity in Evolving Information Systems,” La revue d'Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information  (ISI) - Special  Issue on Information System Evolution, Vol. 14, No. 6/2009, November 2009, pp. 57-72  [SWP # 4715-08, CISL 2008-11, ]

84.   Xitong Li, Yushun Fan, Stuart Madnick and Quan Z. Sheng, “A Pattern-Based Approach to Protocol Mediation for Web Services Composition,” Information and Software Technology, Vol. 52, Issue 3, March 2010, pp. 304–323. [SWP #4716-08, CISL 2008-10, ]

85.   Hongwei Zhu and Stuart E. Madnick, “Legal Challenges and Strategies for Comparison Shopping and Data Reuse,” Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 11, No 3, August 2010, Page 231-239.

86.   Gordon Davis, Paul Gray, Stuart Madnick, Jay Nunamaker, Ralph Sprague, and Andrew Whinston, “Ideas for the Future of the IS Field,” ACM Transactions on Management, Information Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, December 2010, pp. 2:1-2:15. [ ]

87.   Wei Lee Woon, Hatem Zeineldin, Stuart Madnick, “Bibliometric Analysis of Distributed Generation,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, online version published 23 September 2010, pp. 1-13; printed version: Vol. 78, Issue 3, March 2011, pp. 408-420. [SWP # 4730-09, CISL 2009-03, ]

88.   Wei Lee Woon and Stuart Madnick, “Semantic Distances for Technology Landscape Visualization,” Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, published online: October 2011.

89.   Chandler Velu, Stuart Madnick, and Marshall Van Alstyne, “Centralizing Data Management with Considerations of Uncertainty and Information-based Flexibility,” Journal on Management Information Systems (JMIS), Winter 2013-14, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 183-217.

90.   Nazli Choucri, Stuart Madnick, Jeremy Ferwerda, “Institutional Foundations for Cyber Security: Current Responses and New Challenges,” Journal of Information Technology for Development, October 2013, pp. 1-26.

91.   Xitong Li, Stuart Madnick, Hongwei Zhu, “A Context-Based Approach to Reconciling Data Interpretation Conflicts in Web Services Composition,” ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Volume 13, Issue 1, November 2013, pp. 1:1-1:27.

92.   Yang Lee, Stuart Madnick, Richard Yang, Forea Yang, Hongyun Zhang, “A Cubic Framework for the Chief Data Officer: Succeeding in a World of Big Data,” MISQ Executive, March 2014, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1-13.

93.   Jeff Alstott, Stuart Madnick, Chandler Velu, “Homophily and the Speed of Social Mobilization: the Effect of Acquired and Ascribed Traits,” PLoS ONE, published by Public Library of Science, April 2014, Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 1-9.



1.      "Multi-Processor Software Lockout", Proceedings of the 1968 ACM National Conference, August 1968, pp. 19-24 [].

2.      "Design Strategies for File Systems: A Working Model", File Organization - Selected Papers from FILE-68, IFIP Administrative Data Processing Group, 1969, pp. 117-136 [].

3.      Analysis of Modern File Systems,” Proceedings of Datafair 69 (British Computer Society), Manchester, England, August 1969 [].

4.      "A Modular Approach to File System Design" (with J.W. Alsop), Proceedings of the 1969 Spring Joint Computer Conference, Vol. 34, May 1969.

5.      "Development of a Computer-Based Sensor System", Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, January 1970.

6.      "Design and Construction of a Pedogogical Microprogrammable Computer", Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Workshop on Microprogramming (Buffalo, NY), October 1970.

7.      "What is Microprogramming?", Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Conference, September 1971.

8.      "Program Parallelism Based upon Computation Schemata" (with H.D. Toong), Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Cybernetics, Association Internationale de Cybernetique, Namur (Belgique), 1972.

9.      "Application and Analysis of the Virtual Machine Approach to Information System Security and Isolation" (with J.J. Donovan), Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Virtual Computer Systems, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, March 1973 [].

10.   "Virtual Information in Data Base Systems" (with H. Schutzman and J. Folinus), SIGFIDET, Vol. 6, No. 3, May 1974 [].

11.   "Design of a General Hierarchical Storage System", Proceedings of the International Convention and Exposition of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, April 1975.

12.   "INFOPLEX -- Hierarchical Decomposition of a Large Information Management System Using a Microprocessor Complex", Proceedings AFIPS 1975 National Computer Conference, Vol. 44, May 1975.

13.   "An Application of a Generalized Management Information System to Energy Policy and Decision Making: The User's View" (with J.J. Donovan, L.M. Gutentag, and G.N. Smith), Proceedings AFIPS 1975 National Computer Conference, Vol. 44, May 1975.

14.   "Comments on the Past, Present, and Future of Information Systems Research Activities", Proceedings of a Symposium on Technological Innovation, April 1976.

15.   "Database Machine Architecture in the Context of Information Technology Evolution" (with D.K. Hsiao), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, October 1977.

16.   "Privacy and Security of Data Communications and Databases" (with D.K. Hsiao and D.S. Kerr), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 1978.

17.   "Operating Systems Security: Current Research" (with D.K. Hsiao and K.S. Kerr), Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference, November 1978.

18.   "The INFOPLEX Database Computer: Concepts and Directions", Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Conference, February 1979.

19.   "Recent Research Results on the INFOPLEX Intelligent Memory System Project", Proceedings of the International Congress on Applied Systems Research and Cybernetics, December 1980.

20.   "A Study of the Multi-Cache Consistency Problems in Multi-Processor Computer Systems" (with T. Abdel-Hamid), Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Processing, June 1981.

21.   "A Graph-Partitioning Method of Decomposing Complex Software Design Problems into Manageable Subproblems" (with T. Wong and J. Lattin), Proceedings of the 14th Interface Symposium Between Computer Science and Statistics, July 1982.

22.   "A Model of Software Project Management Dynamics" (with T. Abdel-Hamid), Proceedings of the IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, November 1982.

23.   "The Dynamics of Software Project Scheduling" (with T. Abdel-Hamid), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, December 1982.

24.   "Hierarchical Database Decomposition - A Technique for Database Concurrency Control" (with M. Hsu), Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, March 1983, pp. 182-191 [].

25.   "An Integrative Approach to Modeling the Software Management Process: A Basis for Identifying Problems and Evaluating Tools and Techniques" (with T. Abdel-Hamid), Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Software Engineering Technology Transfer, April 1983.

26.   "A Graph-Decomposition Method Based on the Density-Contour Clustering Model" (with M.A. Wong and J.M. Lattin), Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on the Interface, Springer-Verlag, 1984.

27.   "Modeling Multiprocessor Computer Systems with Unbalanced Flows" (with Y.R. Wang), Proceedings of the Advanced Database Symposium, August 1986, pp. 28-34 [].

28.   "A Conceptual Model for Integrated Autonomous Processing: An International Bank's Experience with Large Databases” (with W. Frank, Y. Wang), Proceeding of the International Conference on Information Systems, December 1987.  [SWP # 1866-87; CISR No. 173]

29.   "Key Concerns of Executives Making IS Decisions" (with Y.R. Wang), Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,  Vol. IV: Applications, January 1988, pp. 254-260  [SWP # 1861-87;]

30.   "Integrating Disparate Databases for Composite Answers" (with Y.R. Wang), Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. II: Software, January 1988, pp. 583-592.  [SWP # 1936-87; CISR No. 171;]

31.   "A Framework of Composite Information Systems for Strategic Advantage" (with Y. Wang), Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. III: Decision Support and Knowledge Based Systems, January 1988, pp. 35-43.  [SWP # 1937-87; CISR No. 172;]

32.   "Inter-Database Instance Identification in Composite Information Systems" (with Y.R. Wang and D.C. Horton), Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 1989, pp. 677-684. [SWP # 2029-88;]

33.   "Future Artificial Intelligence Requirements for Intelligent Database Systems" (with M.L. Brodie, D. Bobrow, V. Lesser, D. Tsichritzis, and C. Hewitt), Proceedings of the Expert Database Systems, April 1988.

34.   "A Temporal and Spatial Locality Theory for Characterizing Very Large Data Bases" (with A. Moulton), Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 1989, pp. 612-620. [SWP # 1864-87;]

35.   "An Integrative System Dynamics Perspective of Software Project Management:  Examples of Project Estimation and Scheduling Experiments" (with T. Abdel-Hamid) Proceedings of the 1989 Society for Computer Simulation Western Multi-Conference. [SWP # 1871-87; CISR No. 152]

36.   "The Inter-Database Instance Identification Problem in Integrating Autonomous Systems" (with Y.R. Wang) Proceedings of the Fifth International Data Engineering Conference (Los Angeles, CA), February 1989, pp. 46-55 [].

37.   "CISL: Composing Answers from Disparate Information Systems" (with R. Wang et. al.), Proceedings of the 1989 NSF Workshop on Heterogeneous Databases (Evanston, IL), December 1989.  [SWP # 3091-89-MS; CISR No. 202; IFSRC No. 118-89]

38.   "Schema Integration Using Metadata" (with M. Siegel), Proceedings of the 1989 NSF Workshop on Heterogeneous Databases (Evanston, IL), December 1989.  [SWP # 3092-89-MS; IFSRC No. 119-89]

39.   "A Polygen Model for Heterogeneous Database Systems: The Source Tagging Perspective" (with R. Wang), Proceedings of the VLDB Conference (Brisbane, Australia), August 1990, pp. 519-538.  [SWP # 3119-90-MSA]

40.   "Beyond the Globalization of Information Technology:  The Life of an Organization and the Role of Information Technology" (with Y.W. Lee and Y.R. Wang), Proceedings of the American Management Conference (Orlando, FL), August 1990. [Received JITM/AM Conference Best Paper Award].

41.   A  Source  Tagging  Theory  for  Heterogeneous  Database  Systems” (with  R.  Wang), Proceedings  of  the  ICIS  Conference  (Copenhagen, Denmark), December  1990.  [Sloan  Working  Paper  WP#  MSA-3119-90]

42.   A Polygen Model for Developing Heterogeneous Database Systems with Source Tagging Capabilities” (with R. Wang), Proceedings of the ICIS Conference (Copenhagen, Denmark), December 1990.  [SWP # MSA-3119-90]

43.   Logical Connectivity:  Applications, Requirements, and an Architecture” (with Y.R. Wang), Proceedings of the 1991 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Kauai, Hawaii), January 1991, pp. 142-153. [SWP# 2061-88; CISR No. 183].

44.   A Metadata Approach to Resolving Semantic Conflicts” (with M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Interrnational Conference on Very Large Data Bases, (Barcelona, Spain), September 1991, pp.133-145. [SWP# 3251-91-MSA].

45.   Composite  Information  Systems:  Technologies  for  Resolving  Semantic  Heterogenities” (with  M.  Siegel  and  A.  Gupta),  Proceedings  of  the  Workshop  on  Information  Technology  and  Systems  (Cambridge, Mass.),  December  1991.

46.   The Information Technology Legacy and Future Directions at MIT,” Proceedings of the 1992 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciemces,  January 1992, pp. 625-629 []

47.   Integrating  Territories:  Information  Systems  Integration  and  Territorial  Rationality”  (with  Y.W.  Lee),  Proceedings  of  the  ACM  SIGCPR  Conference  (Cincinnati, Ohio),  April  1992, pp. 221-231 [].

48.    “Ownership Principles for Distributed Database Design” (with M. Van Alstyne and Erik Brynjolfsson), Proceedings of the Workshop of Information Technology and Systems.  (Dallas, TX), December 13-16, 1992.

49.   Data Quality Requirements Analysis and Modeling in Data Engineerring” (with R.Y. Wang and H.B. Kon), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (Vienna, Austria), April 19-23, 1993, pp. 670-677 [].

50.   The Voice of the Customer: Innovative and Useful Research Directions”, Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Dublin, Ireland, August 1993, pp. 701-704.

51.   Context Interchange: Overcoming the Challenges of Llarge-Scale Interoperable Database Systems in a Dynamic Environment,” (with Cheng Hian Goh, Michael D. Siegel,) Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '94), November 1994, pp. 337-346 [].

52.   "The Context Interchange Network Prototype" (with Adil Daruwala, Cheng Goh, Scott Hofmeister, Karim Hussein, and Michael Siegel), Proceedings of the Sixth IFIP TC-2 Working Conference on Data Semantics (DS-6),  May 1995. [Sloan WP#3797; CISL WP#95-01;  IFSRC WP#308-95].

53.   "From VLDB to VMLDB (Very MANY Large Data Bases):  Dealing with Large-Scale Semantic Heterogeneity", Proceedings of the 21st VLDB Conference (Zurich, Switzerland), September 1995, pp. 11-16 [Sloan WP#3847, CISL WP#95-03].

54.   "Good Answers from Bad Data: A Data Management Strategy" (with H. Kon and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the 1995 Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, December 1995.

55.   Are We Moving Toward an Information SuperHighway or a Tower of Babel?  The Challenge of Large-Scale Semantic Heterogeneity”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, February 1996, pp. 2-8 [also reprinted in 21st  (a Web ‘Zine at, Vol. 1, No. 6, April 1996, pp. Speed 1-10. [SWP #3888, CISL #96-01;]

56.   The Context Interchange Approach to Large Scale Data Integration: Benefits and Challenges” (with J. Lee and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering, August 1996.

57.   Resolving Context Heterogeneity: Applying Insights from Semantics and Ontology” (with J. Lee), Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technology & Systems, December 1996.

58.   The Context Mediator Prototype” (with S. Bressan, C. Goh, K. Fynn, M. Jakobisiak, K. Hussein, H. Kon, T. Lee, T. Pena, J. Qu, A. Shum, and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the ACM Conference on the Management of Data (SIGMOD ’97), February 1997, pp. 525-527 [SWP #3490, CISL #97-02;].

59.   Overview of a Prolog Implementation of the COntext INterchange Mediator” (with S. Bressan, K. Fynn, C. Goh, T. Pena, and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical Applications of Prolog, London, England, April 1997. [SWP #3980, CISL #97-13]

60.   A Procedure for Mediation of Queries to Sources in Disparate Context” (with S. Bressan, C.H. Goh, T. Lee, and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the International Logic Programming Symposium, October 1997. [SWP #3964, CISL #97-09]

61.   Incorporating Generalized Quantifiers into Description Logic for Representing Data Source Contents” (with S.Y. Tu), Proceedings of the IFIP 2.6 Conference on Database Semantics, October 1997; also in Data Mining and Reverse Engineering: Searching for Semantics, Chapman & Hall, 1998. [SWP #3998, CISL #98-01]

62.   Discovering and Reconciling Semantic Conflicts: A Data Mining Perspective” (with H. Lu, W. Fan, C.H. Goh, D.W. Cheung), Proceedings of the IFIP 2.6 Conference on Database Semantics, October 1997; also in Data Mining and Reverse Engineering: Searching for Semantics, Chapman & Hall, 1998. [SWP #3957, CISL #97-04]

63.   A. Moulton, S. Bressan, S. Madnick, and M. Siegel, “An Active Conceptual Model for Fixed Income Securities Analysis for Multiple Financial Institutions,” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER’98), Singapore, November 1998, pp. 407-420.  [SWP #4023, CISL #98-04].

64.   Context Interchange on Wall Street” (with A. Moulton and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS’98), September 1998, pp. 271-279 [].

65.   Source Attribution for Querying Against Semi-Structure Documents” (with T. Lee and S. Bressan), Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM’98), Washington, DC, November 6, 1998, pp. 33-39. [SWP #4042, CISL #99-01]

66.   Metadata Jones and the Tower of Babel: The Challenge of Large-Scale Heterogeneity,” Proceedings of the IEEE Meta-data Conference, April 1999 [SWP #4069, CISL #99-04] (also at

67.   e-Commerce Bargain-Hunting with an unBun Model” (with R. Yahalom), Proceedings of the International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS’99), September 1999, pp. 186-196. [SWP #4067, CISL #99-02;]

68.   Information Integration with Attribution Support for Corporate Profiles” (with T. Lee, M. Chams, R. Nado, and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, November 1999, pp. 423-429 [SWP #4098, CISL #99-05;].

69.   The Caméléon Web Wrapper Engine” (with A. Firat and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the VLDB2000 Workshop on Technologies for E-Services, September 14-15, 2000. [SWP #4128, CISL #00-03]

70.   The Caméléon Approach to the Interoperability of Web Sources and Traditional Relational Databases,” Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, December 2000.

71.   Information Aggregation – a Value-Added E-Service”, (with H. Zhu and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technology, Policy, and Innovation – Theme: “Critical Infrastructures”, Delft, the Netherlands, June 26-29, 2001.[SWP #4165, CISL #01-02]

72.   Cross-Organizational Data Quality and Semantic Integrity: Learning and Reasoning about Data Semantics with Context Interchange Mediation” (with A. Moulton and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Americans Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS, Boston), August 2001 [SWP #4167, CISL #01-04].

73.   Corporate Household Data: Research Directions” (with X. Chen, J. Funk, and R. Wang), Proceedings of the Americans Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS, boston), August 2001. [SWP #4166, CISL WP #01-03, TDQM WP#2001-08]

74.   Knowledge Representation Architecture for Context Interchange Mediation: Fixed Income Securities Investment Examples” (with A. Moulton, M. Siegel), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Electronic Business Hubs: XML, Metadata, Ontologies, and Business Knowledge on the Web (WEBH; Munich, Germany), published by IEEE (ISBN 0-7695-1230-5, ISSN 1529-4188), September 2001, pp. 50-54. [SWP #4169, CISL #01-05]

75.   The Misguided Silver Bullet: What XML will and will NOT do to help Information Integration,” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS2001; Linz, Austria), published by Osterreichische Computer Gesellschaft (ISBM 3-85403-157-2), September 2001, pp. 61-72. [SWP #xxx, CISL #01-08]

76.   Improving the Quality of Corporate Household Data: Current Practices and Research Directions” (with R. Wang, F. Dravis, and X. Chen), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Quality (IQ2001, Cambridge), November 2001, pp. 92-104.[SWP #xxx, CISL #xxx]

77.   Discovering and Reconciling Value Conflicts for Numerical Data Integration,” (with W. Fan, H. Lu, D. Cheung), Information Systems Journal, Vol 26, No 8, pp. 635-656, November 2001 [SWP #4153, CISL #2000-09, ].

78.   Cross-Organizational Data Quality and Semantic Integrity: Learning and Reasoning about Data Semantics with Context Interchange Mediation” (with A. Moulton and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Americans Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS, Boston), August 2001 [SWP #4167:4183-01, CeB #108, CISL #2001-04, ].

79.   Corporate Household Data: Research Directions” (with X. Chen, J. Funk, and R. Wang), Proceedings of the Americans Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS, Boston), August 2001 [SWP #4166, CeB #107, CISL WP #2001-03, TDQM WP#2001-08].

80.   Knowledge Representation Architecture for Context Interchange Mediation: Fixed Income Securities Investment Examples” (with A. Moulton, M. Siegel), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Electronic Business Hubs: XML, Metadata, Ontologies, and Business Knowledge on the Web (WEBH; Munich, Germany), published by IEEE (ISBN 0-7695-1230-5, ISSN 1529-4188), September 2001, pp. 50-54 [SWP #4169:4184-01, CeB #109, CISL #2001-05,;].

81.   The Misguided Silver Bullet: What XML will and will NOT do to help Information Integration,” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS2001; Linz, Austria), published by Osterreichische Computer Gesellschaft (ISBN 3-85403-157-2), September 2001, pp. 61-72 [SWP #4185-01, CeB #111, CISL #2001-08, ].

82.   Improving the Quality of Corporate Household Data: Current Practices and Research Directions” (with R. Wang, F. Dravis, and X. Chen), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Quality (IQ2001, Cambridge), November 2001, pp. 92-104 [SWP #4398-01, CISL #2001-10,].

83.   Data Integration using Web Services” (with M. Hansen and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Data Integration over the Web (DIWeb'02, Toronto, Canada), May 2002 [SWP #4406-02, CISL #2002-14, ], also published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2590, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003 [ISBN 3-540-00736-9], pp. 165-182.

84.   Process Aggregation using Web Services” (with M. Hansen and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Workshop on Web Services, e-Business, and the Semantic Web: Foundations, Models, Architecture, Engineering and Applications, (WseBT’02, Toronto, Canada), May 2002 [SWP #4395-02, CISL #2002-05, ], also to be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, New York.

85.   Semantic Interoperability in the Securities Industry: Context Interchange Mediation of Semantic Differences in Enumerated Data Types” (With A. Moulton and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Electronic Business Hubs:  XML, Metadata, Ontologies, and Business Knowledge on the Web (WEBH2002), Aix En Provence, France, September 6, 2002, pp. 883-888. [SWP #3309-02, CISL #2002-10,;].

86.   E-Aggregation: The Present and Future of Online Financial Services in Asia-Pacific” (with H. Fujii, T. Okano, and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS-2002), Tokyo, Japan, September 3-4, 2002 [SWP #4405-02, CISL #2002-06, ].

87.   The Interplay of Web Aggregation and Regulations” (with H. Zhu and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the  IASTED International Conference on Law and Technology (LAWTECH 2002), Cambridge, MA, November 6-8, 2002 [SWP #4397-02, CISL #2002-17, ].

88.   A Framework for Corporate Householding” (with R. Wang and W. Zhang), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ), Cambridge, November 8-10, 2002, pp. 36-46 [SWP #4294-02, CISL #2002-13, ]

89.   Context Interchange Mediation for Semantic Interoperability and Dynamic Integration of Autonomous Information Sources in the Fixed Income Securities Industry” (with A. Moulton and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), Barcelona, Spain, December 14-15, 2002, pp.61-66 [SWP #4404-02, CISL #2002-20, ].

90.   Financial Information Integration In the Presence of Equational Ontological Conflicts” (with A. Firat, and B. Grosof), Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), Barcelona, Spain, December 14-15, 2002, pp. 211-216 [BEST PAPER AWARD] [SWP #4408-02, CISL #2002-16, ].

91.   Global Comparison Aggregation Services” (with H. Zhu), Proceedings of the First Workshop on eBusiness (Web2002) [ISBN 957-01-2874-7], Barcelona, Spain, December 14-15, 2002, pp. 73-84 [SWP #4410-02, CISL #2002-19, ].

92.   Knowledge Integration to Overcome Ontological Heterogeneity: Challenges from Financial Information Systems” (with A. Firat, and B. Grosof), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Barcelona, Spain, December 15-18, 2002, pp. 183-194 [SWP #4382-02, CISL #2002-11, ].

93.   Semantic Interoperability in the Fixed Income Securities Industry: A Knowledge Representation Architecture for Dynamic Integration of Web-Based Information” (with A. Moulton and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, January 6 - 9, 2003 [SWP #4409-02, CISL #2002-18,; ] [Nominated for Best Paper Award]

94.    “An Information Product Approach for Total Information Awareness” (with R. Wang, T. Allen, W. Harris), Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 8-15, 2003 [SWP #4407-02, CISL #2002-15, ].

95.   Oh, So That is What you Meant!  The Interplay of  Data Quality and Data Semantics,” Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER’03), Chicago, October 2003; in Conceptual Modeling – ER 2003, (ISBN 3-540-20299-4,  Springer-Verlag at, 2003, pp. 3-13 [SWP #4420-03, CISL 2003-04, ].

96.   COntext Interchange  System Demonstration,” (with A. Moulton, A. Firat, M. B. Kaleem, P. Lee, M. Siegel, and H. Zhu), Proceeding of the Semantic Integration Workshop, Sanibel Island, Florida, October 20, 2003.

97.   Information and Knowledge Sharing – Successes and Failures,” (with W. Chu, C. Knoblock, S, Ram), Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 2003, in ISBN 0-88986-396-2, Acta Press, Anaheim, CA, pp. 3-5.

98.   Information Integration for Counter Terrorism Activities: The Requirement for Context Mediation,” (with N. Chourci, A. Moulton, M. Siegel, and H. Zhu), Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 6-13, 2004 [SWP #xxx, CISL #yyy].

99.   Improving UccNet-Compliant B2B Supply Chain Applications Using a Context Interchange Framework”, (with S. Tu and L. Wu), Proceedings on International Workshop on Business and Information (BAI2004), Taipei, Taiwan, March 26-27, 2004 [SWP # 4478-04, CISL 2004-01, CeB 199, ].

100.     Effective Data Integration in the Presence of Temporal Semantic Conflicts,” (with H. Zhu and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Tatihou, Normandie, France, July 1-3, 2004, pp. 109-114 (published by IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA; ISBN 0-7695-2155-X). [SWP #4480-04, CISL 2004-02, CeB 201,; ].

101.     Financial Information Mediation: A case study of standards integration for Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment using the COIN mediation technology,” (with Sajindra Jayasena1 and Stéphane Bressan), Proceedings of the VLDB Workshop on Technologies for E-Services (TES-04), Toronto, Canada, August 30 - September 1, 2004 ; also published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3324, M.–C. Shan et al (Eds.), pp.152-169, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2005  [SWP #4495-04, CISL 2004-12, Center for eBusiness Working Paper #208, ].

102.     Context Mediation in the Semantic Web: Handling OWL Ontology and Data Disparity through Context Interchange,” (with Philip Tan and Kian-Lee Tan), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases (SWDB), Toronto, Canada, 30 August - 3 September 2004; also published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3372, C. Bussler et al (Eds.), pp.140-154, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2005 [SWP #4496-04, CISL 2004-13, Center for eBusiness Working Paper #209, ].

103.      “Representation and Reasoning about Changing Semantics in Heterogeneous Data Sources,” (with Hongwei Zhu and Michael D. Siegel), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases (SWDB), Toronto, Canada, 30 August - 3 September 2004; also published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3372, C. Bussler et al (Eds.), pp.127-139, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2005  [SWP #4497-04, CISL 2004-14, Center for eBusiness Working Paper #210, ].

104.     Reasoning about Temporal Context using Ontology and Abductive Constraint Logic Programming” (with H. Zhu and M. Siegel), Proceedings of the Workshop on Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning (PPSWR 2004) at the 20th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), St Malo, France, September 6-10, 2004, pp. 90-101 (published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3208, ISBN 3-540-22961-1) [SWP #4498-04, CISL 2004-15,Center for eBusiness Working Paper #211, ].       

105.     Context Interchange as a Scalable Solution to Interoperating Amongst Heterogeneous Dynamic Services” (with H. Zhu), Proceedings of the Third Workshop on eBusiness (Web2004) [ISBN 957-01-9161-9 (paper); 957-01-9162-7 (CD)], Washington, DC, December 11, 2004, pp. 150-161 [SWP #4514-04, CISL 2004-16, Center for eBusiness Working Paper #213, ]

106.     Contextual Alignment of Ontologies for Semantic Interoperability” (with A. Firat and B. Grosof), Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), Washington, DC, December 11-12, 2004, pp. 200-205 [SWP #4515-04, CISL 2004-17, Center for eBusiness Working Paper #214, ], Nominated for Best Paper Award.

107.     Towards Ontological Context Mediation for Semantic Web Database Integration:  Translating COIN Ontologies into OWL” (with S. Bhansali and B. Grosof), Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2004), Nov. 2004.  Short poster paper.

108.     Financial Information Mediation: A case study of standards integration for Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment using the COIN mediation technology,” (with Sajindra Jayasena1 and Stéphane Bressan), Proceedings of the VLDB Workshop on Technologies for E-Services (TES-04), Toronto, Canada, August 30 - September 1, 2004 ; also published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3324, M.–C. Shan et al (Eds.), pp.152-169, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2005  [SWP #4495-04, CISL 2004-12, Center for eBusiness Working Paper #208, ].

109.     Context Mediation in the Semantic Web: Handling OWL Ontology and Data Disparity through Context Interchange,” (with Philip Tan and Kian-Lee Tan), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases (SWDB), Toronto, Canada, 30 August - 3 September 2004; also published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3372, C. Bussler et al (Eds.), pp.140-154, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2005 [SWP #4496-04, CISL 2004-13, Center for eBusiness Working Paper #209, ].

110.     Representation and Reasoning about Changing Semantics in Heterogeneous Data Sources,” (with Hongwei Zhu and Michael D. Siegel), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases (SWDB), Toronto, Canada, 30 August - 3 September 2004; also published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3372, C. Bussler et al (Eds.), pp.127-139, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2005  [SWP #4497-04, CISL 2004-14, Center for eBusiness Working Paper #210, ].

111.     Linkage Between Pre- and Post- Conflict: Exploiting Information Integration & System Dynamics” (with N. Choucri, A. Moulton, M. D. Siegel, H. Zhu), Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 5-12, 2005 [SWP # 4521-05, CISL 2005-01, Center for eBusiness Working Paper #215, ].       

112.     Research Initiative to Understand and Model State Stability: Exploiting System Dynamics” (with N. Choucri, M. D. Siegel), Proceedings  of the 2005 International System Dynamics Conference (Scientific Program), Boston, Massachusetts, July 17 - 21, 2005 [SWP # 4539-05, CISL 2005-02, ESD 2005-01, ].

113.     Information Aggregation using the Caméléon# Web Wrapper” (with Aykut Firat, Nor Adnan Yahaya, Choo Wai Kuan, and Stéphane Bressan), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web 2005),” Copenhagen, Denmark, August 23 - August 26, 2005, also published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3590, K. Bauknecht et al (Eds.), pp.76-86, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2005   [SWP # 4562-05, CISL 2005-06, ].

114.     Multi-dimensional Ontology Views via Contexts in the ECOIN Semantic Interoperability Framework” (with A. Firat and F. Manola), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies: Theory, Practice, and Applications, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 9, 2005 [SWP # 4543-05, CISL 2005-05, ESD 2005-02, ].

115.   Understanding & Modeling State Stability: Exploiting System Dynamics” (with N. Choucri, C. Electris, D. Goldsmith, D. Mistree,  J. B. Morrison, M. Siegel,  M. Sweitzer-Hamilton), Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 5-12, 2006 [SWP # 4574-06, CISL 2006-02, ].

117.    “Structured Contexts with Lightweight Ontology”, (with Hongwei Zhu), Proceedings of the International AAAI Workshop on Modeling and Retrieval of Context (MRC2006), Boston, July 16-17, 2006 [SWP #4620-06, CISL 2006-05,]

118.   House of Security: Locale, Roles and Resources for Ensuring Information Security", (with W. Ang, Y. Lee, D. Mistree, M. Siegel, D. Strong, R. Wang, and C. Yao) Proceedings of the Twelfth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Acapulco, Mexico August 4-6 2006, [SWP #4623-06, CISL 2006-08,].

119.    “Reutilization and Legal Protection of Non-Copyrightable Database Contents”, (with Hongwei Zhu), Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Law and Technology (LawTech 2006), Cambridge, Mass., October 9–11, 2006, [SWP #4622-06, CISL 2006-07,]

120.   A Lightweight Ontology Approach to Scalable Interoperability”, (with Hongwei Zhu), Proceedings of VLDB Workshop on Ontologies-based techniques for DataBases and Information Systems (ODBIS 2006), Seoul, Korea, September 11, 2006, pp. 45-54, [SWP #4621-06, CISL 2006-06,]; also to appear in LNCS 4623, Springer Computer Science, 2007.

121.   Using System Dynamics to Model and Better Understand State Stability,” (with Nazli Choucri, Daniel Goldsmith, Dinsha Mistree, J. Bradley Morrison, Michael Siegel), Proceedings of the International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, July 2007,  [SWP #4461-07, CISL 2007-03, ]

122.   Using Semantic Web Tools for Context Interchange,” (with Mihai Lupu), Proceedings of the Joint ODBIS & SWDB Workshop on Semantic Web, Ontologies, Databases and Information Systems, Vienna, Austria, September 2007. [SWP 4668-07, CISL 2007-07,]

123.   Understanding Complexity: Dynamic Analysis of Combat Vehicle Accidents,” (with Maj. Nathan A. Minami), Proceedings of the Conference on Managing & Engineering in Complex Situations, October 2007, Norfolk, VA  [SWP 4669-07, ESD 2008-06, CISL 2007-08,]

124.   Evaluating and Aggregating Data Believability across Quality Sub-Dimensions and Data Lineage,” (with Nicolas Pratt), Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), Montreal, Canada, December 2007, pp. 169-174. [SWP 4670-07, ESD 2008-05, CISL 2007-09,]

125.   Semantic Integration Approach to Efficient Business Data Supply Chain: Integration Approach to Interoperable XBRL,” (with Hongwei Zhu), Proceedings of the Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2007), Montreal Canada, December 2007. [SWP 4671-07, ESD 2008-02, CISL 2007-10,]

126.   Nicolas Pratt and Stuart Madnick, “Measuring Data Believability: A Provenance Approach,” Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, January 2008. [SWP 4672-07, ESD 2008-04, CISL 2007-11,]

127.   Mihai Lupu and Stuart Madnick, "Implementing the COntext INterchange (COIN) Approach Through Use of Semantic Web Tools", V. Christophides et al. (Eds.), LNCS Extended Proceedings of SWDB-OODBIS Workshop, LNCS 5005, published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pages 77-98. [SWP # 4717-08, CISL 2008-09, ]

128.   Nathan A. Minami, Stuart Madnick, and Donna Rhodes, “A Systems Approach to Risk Management,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management Conference, 12‐15 November 2008. [CISL 2008-18]

129.   Xitong Li, Yushun Fan, Stuart Madnick, Quan Z. Sheng, “Reconciling Protocol Mismatches of Web Services by Using Mediators,” Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, Paris, France, December 2008. [SWP # 4728-09, CISL 2008-17, ]

130.   Thomas Gannon, Stuart Madnick, Allen Moulton, Marwan Sabbouh, Michael Siegel, Hongwei Zhu, “Framework for the Analysis of the Adaptability, Extensibility, and Scalability of Semantic Information Integration and the Context Mediation Approach,” Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kona, Hawaii, January 2009. [SWP # 4729-09, CISL 2009-02, ]

131.   Georgeta Vidican, Wei Lee Woon, Stuart Madnick, “Measuring Innovation Using Bibliometric Techniques: The Case of Solar Photovoltaic Industry,” Proceedings of the Advancing the Study of Innovation and Globalization in Organizations (ASIGO) Conference, Nurnberg, Germany, May 29-30, 2009. [SWP # 4733-09, CISL 2009-05, ]

132.   Xitong Li, Stuart Madnick, Hongwei Zhu, and Yushun Fan, “An Approach to Composing Web Services with Context Heterogeneity,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services, July 2009, pp. 695-702.

133.   Xitong Li, Stuart Madnick, Hongwei Zhu, and Yushun Fan, “Improving Data Quality for Web Services Composition,” Proceedings of the VLDB Quality in Databases (QDB) Workshop, Lyon, France, August 2009, pp. 1-7.

134.   Andreas Henschel, Wei Lee Woon, Thomas Wachter, and Stuart Madnick, “Comparison of Generality Based Algorithm Variants for Automatic Taxonomy Generation,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations’09), Al Ain, UAE, December 2009. [SWP             #4758-09, CISL 2009-12, ]

135.   Wei Lee Woon, Andreas Henschel, and Stuart Madnick, “A Framework for Technology Forecasting and Visualization,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations’09), Al Ain, UAE, December 2009. [SWP            #4757-09, CISL 2009-11, ]

136.   Xitong Li, Stuart Madnick, Hongwei Zhu, and Yushun Fan, “Reconciling Semantic Heterogeneity in Web Services Composition,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Phoenix, Arizona, December 2009. [SWP # 4755-09, CISL 2009-08, ]

137.   Stuart Madnick, Xitong Li, and Nazli Choucri, “Experiences and Challenges with using CERT Data to Analyze International Cyber Security,” Proceedings of the AIS SIGSEC Workshop on Information Security & Privacy (WISP 2009), Phoenix, Arizona, December 2009, pp. 6-16. [SWP #4759-09, CISL 2009-13, ]

138.   Xitong Li, Stuart Madnick, Hongwei Zhu, “Improving the Data Quality of Web Services Composition,” Proceedings of the Workshop on Quality Information in Organizations and Society (sponsored by sigIQ, the AIS Special Interest Group on Information Quality), Shanghai, China, December 3, 2011.

139.   Xiaoqing Zheng, Xitong Li, and Stuart Madnick, “SPARQL Query Mediation for Data Integration,” Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Shanghai, China, December 3-4, 2011.

140.   Xitong Li and Stuart Madnick, “Understanding Organizational Traps in Implementing Service-Oriented Architecture,” JAIS Theory Development Workshop (associated with ICIS2011), Shanghai, China, December 3, 2011.

141.   Stuart Madnick, Nazli Choucri, Xitong Li, Jeremy Ferwerda, “Comparative Analysis of Cybersecurity Metrics to Develop New Hypotheses, “Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Security & Privacy (WISP)”(Jointly hosted by AIS SIGSEC and IFIP TC11.1), Shanghai, China, December 3-4, 2011.

142.   Xitong Li and Stuart Madnick, “The Dynamics of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Implementation,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Systems and Management in Asia Pacific (ISMAP),  Xi’an, China, December 8-10, 2011.    

143.   Xiaoqing Zheng, Stuart Madnick, Xitong Li, “SPARQL Query Mediation over RDF Data Sources with Disparate Contexts,” Proceedings of Linked Daat on the Web (LDOW2012), Lyon, France, April 16, 2012, 11pp.

144.   Travis Trammell, Stuart Madnick, Allen Moulton, “Effect of Funding Fluctuations on Government Funded Software Development,”International Research Workshop on IT Project Management (IRWITPM), December 15, 2012, Orlando, FL, 16pp.  

145.   Stuart Madnick, Nazli Choucri, Steven Camiña, Wei Lee Woon, “Towards Better Understanding Cybersecurity: or Are ‘Cyberspace’ and ‘Cyber Space’ the Same?” Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Security & Privacy (WISP), (Jointly hosted by AIS SIGSEC and IFIP TC11.1), December 15, 2012, Orlando, FL, 2pp.

146.   Firas Glaiel, Allen Moulton, Stuart Madnick, “Agile Project Dynamics: A System Dynamics Investigation of Agile Software Development Models,” 31st International Conference of the Systems Dynamics Society, Cambridge, MA,  July 21-25, 2013, 29pp.

147.   Travis Trammell, Stuart Madnick, Allen Moulton, “Using System Dynamics to Analyze the Effect of Funding Fluctuations on Software Development,” American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) International Annual Conference (IAC 2013), Minneapolis, MN, October 2-5, 2013, 11pp. Winner: Merritt Williamson Award for Best Annual Conference Paper.

148.   James Houghton, Michael Siegel, Anton Wirsch, Allen Moulton, Stuart Madnick, Daniel Goldsmith, “A Survey of Methods for Data Inclusion in System Dynamics Models: Methods, Tools, and Applications,” Proceedings of the International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Delft, Netherlands, July 20-24, 2014.



1.      "MIS -- Problems Plus a Solution", Computer Forum Report, Vol. 1, No. 4, July 1969.

2.      Project Supervisor of nine of twelve papers (co-author of two papers) in Data Security and Data Processing, (Vol. 4, Study Results: MIT), published by IBM (Form Number 6320-1374), June 1974.

3.      Data Quality in Internet Time, Space, and Communities” (panel session) (with Yang W. Lee, Paul L. Bowen, James D. Funk, Matthias Jarke,, Yair Wand), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS '00), December 2000, pp. 713-716.

4.       “Cross-Organizational Data Quality and Semantic Integrity: Learning and Reasoning about Data Semantics with Context Mediation,” (with A. Moulton and M. Siegel), MIT Center for eBusiness Research Briefs, Volume III, January 2004.

5.      Improving Data Quality through Effective Use of Data Semantics,” Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) Annual Symposium, Singapore, January 2004.

6.      Cross-Organizational Data Quality and Semantic Integrity: Learning and Reasoning About Data Semantics with Context Mediation”, (with A. Moulton and M. Siegel), MIT Center for eBusiness Research Briefs, Volume III, January 2004.

7.      Improving Data Quality through Effective Use of Data Semantics”, Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) Annual Symposium, Singapore, January 2004.

8.      Reasoning about Temporal Context using Ontology and Abductive Constraint Logic Programming”, (with H. Zhu, M. D. Siegel), Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) Annual Symposium, Singapore, January 2005.

9.      Context Interchange as a Scalable Solution to Interoperating Amongst Heterogeneous Dynamic Services”, (with H. Zhu), Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) Annual Symposium, Singapore, January 2005.    

10.   Financial Information Mediation:  A Case Study of Standards Integration for Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment Using the COIN Mediation Technology”, (with S. K. B. Jayasena and S. Bressan), Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) Annual Symposium, Singapore, January 2005.    

11.   Addressing the Challenges of Aggregational and Temporal Ontological Heterogeneity”, Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) Annual Symposium, Singapore, January 2006. [SWP # 4570-05; CISL 2005-11,  ]



Note: Working papers distributed through the National Technical Information System (NTIS) can be obtained by writing to: NTIS, 5282 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, Virginia 22161.  This includes the Knowledge-Based Integrated Information Systems Engineering (KBIISE) Project Series (8 volumes), printed by MIT for the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Department of Transportation.


1.      "SPL/I: A String Processing Language", IBM Cambridge Scientific Center Report 36.006, June 1966.

2.      "String Processing Techniques on the IBM System/360: Techniques and Examples", IBM Cambridge Scientific Center Report 36.Y05, June 1966.

3.      "CMS/360 SNOBOL User's Manual", IBM Cambridge Scientific Center Report, November 1967.

4.      "Design Strategies for File Systems", MIT Project MAC Report MAC-TR-78 (NTIS No. AD-714-269, 106 pp.), October 1970.

5.      "On the Design of BORAM Devices for Paging Systems", Internal Project MAC Memorandum, February 1972.

6.      "Recent Technical Advances in the Computer Industry and Their Future Impact", [SWP # 645-73], February 1973.

7.      "An Approach to Information System Isolation and Security in a Shared Facility" (with J.J. Donovan), [SWP # 648-73], March 1973.

8.      "Storage Hierarchy Systems", MIT Project MAC Report MAC-TR-107 (NTIS No. AD-760-001, 155 pp.), April 1973.

9.      "A Survey of Navy Tactical Computer Applications and Executives" (with D. Punj and J.D. DeTreville), FOS Report 101-D and CISR Report 19, (NTIS No. AD-A021-074, 320 pp.), October 1975.

10.   "Operating Systems Interface" (with L. Goodman and J. Donovan), FOS Technical Report 7, (58 pp.), September 1976.

11.   "Modules and Levels Report" (with J. DeTreville and J. Donovan), FOS Technical Report 8, (80 pp.), September 1976.

12.   "Sample Implementation Specifications for an FOS Member" (with J. DeTreville, L. Goodman, M. Tersoff, and J. Donovan), FOS Technical Report 10, (541 pp.), May 1976.

13.   "Family of Operating Systems: Test Case Report" (with R. Russel and J. Donovan), FOS Technical Report 12, (74 pp.), September 1976.

14.   "Automated Synchronous Scheduler Generator" (with P. Chen and J. Donovan), FOS Technical Report 14, (40 pp.), February 1977.

15.   "Computer Program Performance Specification" (with M. Wilens and J. Donovan), FOS technical Report 15, (29 pp.), September 1976.

16.   "Computer Program Design Specifications" (with L. Goodman and J. Donovan), FOS Technical Report 16, (41 pp.), September 1976.

17.   "Concepts and Facilities" (with R. Goldberg and J. Donovan), FOS Technical Report 22, (275 pp.), February 1976.

18.   "A Systematic Approach to the Design of Complex Systems: Application to DBMS Design and Evaluation" (with R. Andreu), CISR Report 32, and SWP #. 920-77, March 1977.

19.   "Set Decomposition: Cluster Analysis and Graph Decomposition Techniques" (with R. Andreu), SDM Technical Report 1, (NTIS No. AD-A044-769, 82 pp.), September 1977.

20.   "Solving Decomposition Problems: Alternative Techniques and Description of Supporting Tools" (with R. Andreu), SDM Technical Report 2, (NTIS No. AD-A048-759, 48 pp.), September 1977.

21.   "An Exercise in Software Architectural Design: From Requirements to Design Problem Structure" (with R. Andreu), SDM Technical Report 3, (NTIS No. AD-A048-765, 121 pp.), November 1977.

22.   "Completing the Requirements Set as a Means Towards Better Design Frameworks: A Follow-up Exercise in Software Architectural Design" (with R. Andreu), SDM Technical Report 4, (NTIS No. AD-A049-782, 80 pp.), December 1977.

23.   "Use of Virtual Machines for Development of Decision Support Systems: Strategies for Interfacing Virtual Machines" (with C. Lam), DSS Technical Report 1, March 1978.

24.   "Strategies for Interfacing Virtual Machines: A Case Study" (with C. Lam), DSS Technical Report 2, March 1978.

25.   "Composite Information Systems: A New Concept in Information Systems" (with C. Lam), DSS Technical Report 3 and SWP # 993-78, May 1978.

26.   "A Systematic Approach to Designing Complex Systems: Application to Software Operating Systems" (with T. Holden), SDM Technical Report 5, (NTIS No. AD-A055-481, 314 pp.), May 1978.

27.   "An Approach to Constructing Functional Requirement Statements for System Architectural Design" (with S.L. Huff), SDM Technical Report 6, (NTIS No. AD-A057-802, 87 pp.), June 1978.

28.   "Preliminary Investigations of a SPO Decision Support System" (with C. Lam), DSS Technical Report 4, July 1978.

29.   "COMPDATA: A Generalized High-Level Data Language System - Preliminary Investigations" (with C. Lam), DSS Technical Report 5, July 1978.

30.   "An Extended Model for a Systematic Approach to the Design of Complex Systems" (with S.L. Huff), SDM Technical Report 7, (NTIS No. AD-A058-565, 63 pp.), July 1978.

31.   "INFOPLEX Data Base Computer Architecture Concepts and Directions" (with C. Lam), INFOPLEX Technical Report 1, August 1978.

32.   "Software Architecture and Semantics of Requirements" (with S.L. Huff), Working Paper, November 1978.

33.   "Properties of Storage Hierarchy Systems with Multiple Page Sizes and Redundant Data" (with C. Lam), INFOPLEX Technical Report 2, December 1978.

34.   "Final Report on the Use of Virtual Machines in the Development of Decision Support Systems" (with T.K. Abdel-Hamid and C. Lam), DSS Technical Report 6, January 1979.

35.   "Decomposition of Weighted Graphs Using the Interchange Partitioning Algorithm" (with S. Huff), SDM Technical Report 8, (NTIS No. AD-A069-549, 88 pp.), March 1979.

36.   "Use of Virtual Machines in the Development of Decision Support Systems" (with C. Lam and T.K. Abdel-Hamid), DSS Technical Report No. 7, May 1979.

37.   "Analysis Techniques for Use with the Extended SDM Model" (with S. Huff), SDM Technical Report 9, (NTIS No.AD-A071-647, 123 pp.), May 1979.

38.   "A Normative Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Systematic Design Methodology" (with S. Huff), SDM Technical Report 10, (NTIS No. AD-A072-355, 72 pp.), May 1979.

39.   "The Intelligent Memory System Architecture Research Directions" (with C. Lam), IMS Technical Report 1, (NTIS No. AD-A073-485, 36 pp.), June 1979.

40.   "The IMS Data Storage Hierarchy: DSH-1" (with C. Lam), IMS Technical Report 2, (NTIS No. AD-A073-375, 36 pp.), June 1979.

41.   "The IMS Data Storage Hierarchy: DSH-11" (with C. Lam), IMS Technical Report 3, (NTIS No. AD-A073-376, 43 pp.), June 1979.

42.   "Simulation Studies of the DSH-11 Data Storage Hierarchy" (with C. Lam), IMS Technical Report 4, (NTIS No. AD-A074-503, 128 pp.), June 1979.

43.   "Data Storage Hierarchy Systems for Data Base Computers" (with C. Lam), INFOPLEX Technical Report 3, August 1979.

44.   "Architectural Design of a New MIT Budgeting System: An Application of the Systematic Design Methodology" (with S. Huff), SDM Technical Report 11, (NTIS No. AD-A071-748, 150 pp.).

45.   "A Systematic Methodology for Designing the Architecture of Complex Software Systems" (with S. Huff), SDM Technical Report 12, (NTIS No. AD-A074-911, 604 pp.), September 1979.

46.   "Understanding the Computer (Little Man Computer)", 1979, (Spanish Translation, 1981; French Translation, 1985).

47.   "A Systematic Approach to Complex Systems Design: An Application to Printed Circuit Board Test System Design" (with P. Tung), SDM Technical Report 13, (NTIS No. AD-A090-707, 191 pp.), February 1980.

48.   "A Graph Decomposition Technique Based on a High-Density Clustering Model on Graphs" (with T. Wong), SDM Technical Report 14, (NTIS No. AD-A090-348, 34 pp.), July 1980.

49.   "Implementation and Evaluation of a Graph Partitioning Technique Based on a High-Density Clustering Model" (with J. Lattin), SDM Technical Report 15, (NTIS No. AD-A099-221, 61 pp.).

50.   "A Preliminary Architectural Design for the Functional Hierarchy of the INFOPLEX Database Computer" (with M. Hsu), IMS Technical Report 5, (NTIS No. AD-A102-924, 181 pp.), November 1980.

51.   "A Study of the Multicache Consistency Problem in Multiprocessor Computer Systems" (with T.K. Abdel-Hamid), IMS Technical Report 6, (23 pp.).

52.   "Examining the Interlocking Structure of the Corporate Network: An Application of a High-Density Clustering Model on a Graph" (with J. Lattin), SDM Technical Report 16, (NTIS No. AD-A105-832, 55 pp.), September 1981.

53.   "INFOSAM: A Sample Database Management System" (with B. Blumberg), IMS Technical Report 7, (NTIS No. AD-A116-593, 331 pp.), December 1981.

54.   "SHELL: A Simulator for the Software Test Vehicle of the INFOPLEX Database Computer" (with T. To), IMS Technical Report 8, (NTIS No. AD-A116-592, 161 pp.), January 1982.

55.   "FSTV: The Software Test Vehicle for the Functional Hierarchy of the INFOPLEX Database Computer" (with M. Hsu), IMS Technical Report 9, (NTIS No. AD-A116-591, 270 pp.), January 1982.

56.   "Virtual Information Facility of the INFOPLEX Software Test Vehicle (Part I)" (with J. Lee), IMS Technical Report 10, (NTIS No. AD-A116-503, 180 pp.), May 1982.

57.   "Virtual Information Facility of the INFOPLEX Software Test Vehicle (Part II)" (with P. Lu), IMS Technical Report 11, (NTIS No. AD-A116-502, 144 pp.), May 1982.

58.   "Hierarchical Database Decomposition: A Technique for Database Concurrency Control" (with M. Hsu), IMS Technical Report 12, (NTIS No. AD-A134-356, 61 pp.), December 1982.

59.   "Performance Evaluation of the INFOPLEX Database Computer Using Operational Analysis" (with Y. Wang), IMS Technical Report 13, (NTIS No. AD-A137-301, 68 pp.), April 1981.

60.   "Queuing Network Systems with Unbalanced Flows and Their Applications to Performance Evaluation of Highly Parallel Distributed Information Systems" (with Y. Wang), IMS Technical Report 14, (NTIS No. AD-A158-052, 36 pp.), August 1984.

61.   "Performance Evaluation of Distributed Systems with Unbalanced Flows: An Analysis of the INFOPLEX Data Storage Hierarchy" (with Y. Wang), IMS Technical Report 15, (NTIS No. AD-A150-528, 267 pp.), July 1984.

62.   "The Hierarchical Database Decomposition Approach to Database Concurrency Control" (with M. Hsu), IMS Technical Report 16, (NTIS No. AD-A150-612, 287 pp.), December 1984.

63.   "IMS Design -- Alternatives, Analysis, and Strategies" (with M. Abraham), IMS Technical Report 17, (NTIS No. AD-A163505, 55 pp.), December 1985.

64.   "Hardware Feasibility of INFOPLEX Design Strategy" (with H. Toong and A. Gupta), IMS Technical Report 18, (NTIS No. AD-A163506, 33 pp.), March 1985.

65.   "Design of a Data Storage Hierarchy: DSH-III -- Software and Hardware" (with M. Abraham), IMS Technical Report 19, (NTIS No. AD-A166287, 122 pp.), March 1986.

66.   "Concurrent Operations in Extendible Hashing" (with M. Hsu and W. Yang), IMS Technical Report 20, (NTIS No. AD-A177974, 7 pp.), February 1987.

67.   "Time Slice Manipulation in Information Hierarchy" (with M. Hsu), IMS Technical Report 21, (NTIS No. AD-A177949, 11 pp.), February 1987.

68.   "Modeling Multiprocessor Computer Systems with Unbalanced Flows" (with Y. Wang), IMS Technical Report 22, (NTIS No. AD-A177967, 7 pp.), February 1987.

69.   "Modeling the INFOPLEX Database Computer" (with Y. Wang), IMS Technical Report 23, (8 pp.), February 1987.

70.   Knowledge-Based Integrated Information Systems Engineering: Highlights and Bibliography (editor, with A. Gupta), KBIISE Vol. 1, (NTIS No. A195-850, 200 pp.), 1987.

71.   Knowledge-Based Integrated Information Systems Development Methodologies Plan (editor, with A. Gupta), KBIISE Vol. 2, (NTIS No. A195-851, 342 pp.), 1987.

72.   Integrating Distributed Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Databases: Prototypes (editor, with A. Gupta), KBIISE Vol. 3, and (NTIS No. A195-852, 218 pp.), 1987.

73.   Object-Oriented Approach to Integrating Database Semantics (editor, with A. Gupta), KBIISE Vol. 4, (NTIS No. A195-853, 296 pp.), 1987.

74.   Integrating Images, Applications, and Communications Networks (editor, with A. Gupta), KBIISE Vol. 5, (NTIS No. A195-854, 342 pp.), 1987.

75.   Strategic, Organizational, and Standardization Aspects of Integrated Information Systems (editor, with A. Gupta), KBIISE Vol. 6, (NTIS No. A195-855, 256 pp.), 1987.

76.   Integrating Information Systems in a Major Decentralized International Corporation (editor, with A. Gupta), KBIISE Vol. 7, and (NTIS No. A195-856, 283 pp.), 1987.

77.   Technical Opinions Regarding Knowledge-Based Integrated Information Systems Engineering (editor, with A. Gupta), KBIISE Vol. 8, (NTIS No. A195-857, 350 pp.), 1987.

78.   Connectivity among Information Systems” (editor, with Y. R. Wang), CIS Vol. I (Release 3), Published by MIT Sloan School CISL Project, December 1988, 143 pp.

79.   "An Architectural Comparison of Contemporary Approaches and Products for Integrating Heterogeneous Information Systems" (with A. Gupta, C. Poulsen, and T. Wingfield) [SWP # 3084-89 and IFSRC No. 110-89], November 1989.

80.   "A Polygen Data Model for Data Source Tagging in Composite Information Systems" (with R. Wang) [SWP # 3100-89-MSA; IFSRC No. 120-89], December 1989.

81.   An  Accounting  Model-Based  Approach  to  Semantic  Reconciliation  in  Heterogeneous  Database  Systems”  (with  R.  Wang).

82.   Laboratory for Information Globalization and Harmonization Technologies: A New Research Initiative”, (with N. Choucri, M. Siegel, F. Haghseta, A. Moulton, H. Zhu), November 2001 [SWP #4350, CeB #142, CISL #2001-12, ].

83.   Corporate Household Knowledge Processing: Challenges, Concepts,  and Solution Approaches”, (with R. Wang), August 2001, [SWP #4222-01, CISL #2001-09, TDQM #2001-10, ].

84.   LIGHTS: Laboratory for Information Globalization and Harmonization Technologies and Studies”, (with N. Choucri, M. Siegel, R. Wang), February 2003 [SWP #4443-03, CISL #2003-08, ].

85.   Improving National and Homeland Security through a proposed Laboratory for Information Globalization and Harmonization Technologies (LIGHT)”, (with N. Choucri, M. Siegel, R. Wang), February 2004 [SWP # 4488-04, CISL 2004-05, ]

86.   Semantic Information Integration in the Large: The Adaptability, Extensibility, and Scalability of Context Mediation Approach”, (with T. Gannon, A. Moulton, M. Siegel, M. Sabbouh, H. Zhu).

87.   Reconciling Semantic Heterogeneity using Symbolic Solving Techniques with Abductive and Constraint Logic Programming”, (with A. Firat, B. Grosof, F. Manola, M. Siegel).

88.   Policy for the Protection and Reuse of Database Contents”, (with H. Zhu, M. Siegel).

89.   To Standardize Enterprise Data – or Not?  An Economic Analysis of the Value of Flexibility in Information Control and Standardization”, (with C. K. Velu, M. W. Van Alstyne).

90.   House of Security: Stakeholder Perceptions of Security Assessment and Importance,” (with Wee Horng ANG, Yang LEE, Dinsha MISTREE, Michael SIEGEL, Diane STRONG, Richard WANG)

91.   Semantic Information Integration in the Large: The Adaptability, Extensibility, and Scalability of Context Mediation Approach”, (with T. Gannon, A. Moulton, M. Siegel, M. Sabbouh, H. Zhu), May 2005 [SWP # 4541-05, CISL 2005-04, ]

92.   Reconciling Semantic Heterogeneity using Symbolic Solving Techniques with Abductive and Constraint Logic Programming”, (with A. Firat, B. Grosof, F. Manola, M. Siegel).

93.   Context Mediation Demonstration of Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Integration” (with A. Moulton and M. Siegel), May 2005. [SWP # 4540-05; CISL 2005-03, ]

94.   “Reducing Combat Vehicle Accidents via Improved Organizational Processes” (with Nathan A. Minami), 2007 [SWP # 4650-07, ESD WP-2007-20, CISL 2007-02,]

95.   To Standardize Enterprise Data – or Not?  An Economic Analysis of the Value of Flexibility in Information Control and Standardization”, (with C. K. Velu, M. W. Van Alstyne), submitted to MIS Quarterly. [SWP # 4566-05; CISL 2005-10,  ]

96.   Policy for the Protection and Reuse of Database Contents”, (with H. Zhu, M. Siegel), submitted to the Journal of Management Information Systems  [SWP # 4571-05, CISL 2005-12, ]

97.   John Lyneis and Stuart Madnick, “Preventing Accidents and Building a Culture of Safety: Insights from a Simulation Model,” February 2008 [SWP # 4710-08, CISL 2008-03]

98.    A.K. Firat, S.E. Madnick and W.L. Woon, “Technological Forecasting - a Review,” [CISL 2008-15, ]

99.   A.K. Firat, S.E. Madnick and W.L. Woon, “Comparison of Approaches for Gathering Data from the Web for Technology Trend Analysis,” [SWP # 4727-09, CISL 2008-14, ]

100.   B. Ziegler, W.L. Woon and S.E. Madnick, “Latent Semantic Analysis Applied to Tech Mining,” September 2008 [SWP # 4726-09, CISL 2008-12, ]

101.   Blaine Ziegler, Ayse Kaya Firat, Clare Li, Stuart Madnick, Wei Lee Woon, “Preliminary Report on Early Growth Technology Analysis,” April 2009. [CISL 2009-04]

102.   Aykut Firat, Stuart Madnick, Michael Siegel, Benjamin Grosof and Frank Manola. “Reconciling Equational Heterogeneity within a Data Federation,” April 2009. [SWP #4753-09, 2009-06]

103.   Stuart Madnick, Nazli Choucri, Steven Camina, Erik Fogg, Xitong Li, Fan Wei, “Explorations in Cyber International Relations (ECIR) - Data Dashboard Report #1: CERT Data Sources and Prototype Dashboard System,” August 2009. [SWP #4754-09, CISL 2009-07]



1.      Basic Systems and Applications Programming (with J.J. Donovan), published by McGraw-Hill/Edutronics, 1982, 21 broadcast quality edited videotapes totaling 24 hours in length plus 300 pages of student study guide and supplemental notes.

2.      Information Issues and Technologies for Management (with J.J. Donovan), published by McGraw-Hill/Edutronics, 1982, 13 broadcast quality edited videotapes totaling 18 hours in length, plus 300 pp. of student study guide and supplemental notes.

3.      Knoware: How to Succeed in Computers Without Really Trying (with J.J. Donovan), published by Knoware Learning Systems, Inc., 1983, 3 diskettes for IBM PC and Apple-II computers (named "Best Product of the Month" by Personal Software magazine, March 1984).

4.      Knowonder (with J.J. Donovan), published by Knoware Learning Systems, Inc., 1985, 3 diskettes for IBM PC and Apple-II computers.




1.      "Querying Heterogeneous Data Sources Distributed Over a Network Using Context Interchange" (with M. Siegel), U.S. Patent 5,953,716, September 14, 1999 (filed May 30, 1996, Application No. 08/657,750).

2.      "Data Extraction from World Wide Web Pages" (with M. Siegel), U.S. Patent 5,913,214, June 15, 1999 (filed August 8, 1996, Application No. 08/698,166).

3.      "Querying and Retrieving Semi-Structured Data from Heterogeneous Data Sources by Translating Structured Queries" (with M. Siegel), U.S. Patent 6,282,537, Aug. 28, 2001 (filed April 6, 1999, Application No. 09/286,852).



Complete drafts of the following text books exist and have been used in Sloan School subjects 15.564, 15.565, and 15.65s and elsewhere.

1.      Information Systems Technology (with J.J. Donovan), 714 pp.

2.      Basic Systems Programming (with J.J. Donovan), 495 pp.

3.      Information Processing Systems (with J.J. Donovan), 260 pp.



Complete drafts of the following papers exist.  Some editing and revisions are still in progress.


1.      To Standardize Enterprise Data – or Not?  An Economic Analysis of the Value of Flexibility in Information Control and Standardization”, (with C. K. Velu, M. W. Van Alstyne), submitted to Information Systems Research Journal. [SWP # 4566-05; CISL 2005-10, ]

2.      Policy for the Protection and Reuse of Database Contents”, (with H. Zhu, M. Siegel). Submitted to Information Systems Research Journal. [SWP # 4571-05, CISL 2005-12, ]

3.      Xitong Li, Stuart Madnick, Hongwei Zhu, “A Context-based Approach to Reconciling Data Interpretation Conflicts in Web Services Composition,” planned for submission to Information Systems Research (ISR).

4.      Jeremy Ferwerda, Nazli Choucri, Stuart Madnick, “Institutional Foundations for Cyber Security: Current Responses and New Challenges,” submitted to Journal of Information Technology and Politics, in 2nd round review.

5.      Chandler Velu, Stuart Madnick, and Marshall Van Alstyne, “To Standardize Data within the Enterprise - or Not?  An Economic Analysis with Managerial Implications and Policy Prescriptions,” (revised version) submitted to the Journal on Management Information Systems (JMIS), in 2nd round review.