2004 Publications
"Fourier Phase Microscopy for Investigation of Biological Structure and Dynamics”, Popescu, G, Deflores, LP, Vaughan, JC, Badizadegan, K, Iwai, H, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 29 (21), 2503-2505 (2004). (pdf available)
“Intensities of Calcium Dipicolinate and Bacillus subtilis Spore Raman Spectra Excited with 244 nm Light”, Nelson, WH, Dasari, RR, Feld, MS, and Sperry, JF. Applied Spectroscopy 58 (12), 1408-1412 (2004). (pdf available)
"Non-Contact Measurement of Nerve Displacement During Action Potential with a Dual-Beam Low Coherence Interferometer", Fang-Yen, C, Chu, M, Seung, HS, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 29 (17), 2028-2030 (2004). (pdf available)
"Optical Fiber Probe for Biomedical Raman Spectroscopy", Motz, J, Hunter, M, Galindo, L, Gardecki, J, Kramer, J, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Applied Optics 43 (3), 542-554 (2004). (pdf available)
“Quantitative Phase Imaging Using Actively Stabilized Phase Shifting Low-Coherence Interferometry ”, Iwai, H, Fang-Yen, C, Popescu, G, Wax, A, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 29 (20), 2399-2401 (2004). (pdf available)
"Spectroscopic Diagnosis and Imaging of Invisible Pre-Cancer", Badizadegan, K, Backman, V, Boone, C, Crum, CP, Dasari, RR, Georgakoudi, I, Keefe, K, Munger, K, Shapshay, S, Sheets, E and Feld, MS. The Royal Society of Chemistry 2003 (Faraday Discuss.) 126, 265-279 (2004). (pdf available)
“The Combined Use of Fluorescence, Reflectance, and Light-Scattering for Evaluating Dysplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus”, Georgakoudi, I and Feld, MS. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America 14, 519-537 (2004).
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