Exploring the World Through Light
Our Mission
The MIT-Laser Biomedical Research Center (George R. Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory) is engaged in research
in the field of modern optics and spectroscopy for the purpose of
furthering fundamental knowledge of atoms and molecules and pursuing
advanced engineering biomedical applications.
See the MIT Laser
Biomedical Research Center (LBRC) .
See the MIT Laser
Biomedical Research Center (LBRC) .
Centers and Facilities
The Laboratory houses the MIT Laser
Biomedical Research Center (LBRC), supported by the National
Institutes of Health.
The LBRC supports core and collaborative research and independent projects by outside investigators
from academia, government and industrial institutions and its facilities are open for biological and biomedicine research.
The MIT-Laser Biomedical Research Center (Spectroscopy Laboratory) sponsors workshops and seminars throughout
the academic year in various aspects of spectroscopy and laser applications
to biomedicine. Announcements for the seminars and workshops are
made via the website, newsletters and MIT
events calendar.
Founded in 1931 by Karl T. Compton and George R. Harrison, the Spectroscopy
Laboratory has a long, distinguished history in the field of spectroscopy.
Originally a world-recognized center for classical atomic spectroscopy
and later a leader in infrared and Raman spectroscopic techniques,
the Laboratory is continually pursuing new frontiers in spectroscopy
such as the development of spectroscopic techniques to diagnose