1975 Publications
Feldman, B. J., Feld, M. S. "Equal Area Property of Narrow
Resonances Induced in Coupled Doppler-Broadened Systems by Intense
Laser Radiation." Physical Review A 12, 1013-1018 (1975).
Guerra, M. A., Ketabi, M., Sanchez, A., Feld, M. S., Javan, A.
"Water-Vapor Spectroscopy at 5 Mu- Using a Tunable Sfr Laser."
Journal of Chemical Physics 63, 1317-1319 (1975).
Keilmann, F., Sheffield, R. L., Leite, J. R. R., Feld, M. S., Javan,
A. "Optical-Pumping and Tunable Laser Spectroscopy of Nu2 Band
of D2o." Applied Physics Letters 26, 19-22 (1975).
Leonardi, C., Macgillivray, J. C., Liberman, S., Feld, M. S. "Possibility
of Spin-Phonon Superradiance in Paramagnetic Systems." Physical
Review B 11, 3298-3301 (1975).
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