1991 Publications
Baraga, J. J., Feld, M. S., Rava, R. P. "Detection of Atherosclerosis
in Human Artery by Midinfrared Attenuated Total Reflectance."
Applied Spectroscopy 45, 709-710 (1991).
Baraga, J. J., Rava, R. P., Fitzmaurice, M., Tong, L. L., Taroni,
P., Kittrell, C., Feld, M. S. "Characterization of the Fluorescent
Morphological Structures in Human Arterial-Wall Using Ultraviolet-Excited
Microspectrofluorimetry." Atherosclerosis 88, 1-14 (1991).
Feld, M. S., Kramer, J. R. "Mutagenicity and the Xecl Excimer
Laser - a Relationship of Consequence." American Heart Journal
122, 1803-1805 (1991).
Izatt, J. A., Albagli, D., Britton, M., Jubas, J. M., Itzkan, I.,
Feld, M. S. "Wavelength Dependence of Pulsed Laser Ablation
of Calcified Tissue." Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
11, 238-249 (1991).
Mackin, J., Dasari, R. R., Holbrow, C. H., Hutton, J. T., Murnick,
D. E., Otteson, M., Quivers, W. W., Shimkaveg, G., Feld, M. S. "Sub-Doppler
Nuclear-Detection of Laser-Induced Orientation of Rb-85m."
Physical Review Letters 66, 1681-1684 (1991).
Rava, R. P., Baraga, J. J., Feld, M. S. "Near-Infrared Fourier-Transform
Raman-Spectroscopy of Human Artery." Spectrochimica Acta
Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 47, 509-512 (1991).
Richards-Kortum, R., Rava, R. P., Fitzmaurice, M., Kramer, J. R.,
Feld, M. S. "476 Nm Excited Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy
of Human Coronary-Arteries - Applications in Cardiology." American
Heart Journal 122, 1141-1150 (1991).
Richards-Kortum, R., Rava, R. P., Petras, R. E., Fitzmaurice, M.,
Sivak, M., Feld, M. S. "Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Colonic
Dysplasia." Photochemistry and Photobiology 53, 777-786
