The 2005 LSA Institute offers a series of six-week courses; two series of three-week courses (June 27 – July 15 and July 18 – August 5) and three courses with non-standard days and times.
Courses with Non-Standard Days and Times
Problems and Prospects of the Minimalist Program| LSA.242: Noam Chomsky
Speech Processing and Language Acquisition: Focus on the First Year of Life | LSA.143: Jacques Mehler
Statistical Learning and Human Language Acquisition | LSA.125: Elissa Newport
Six Week Courses
Comparative Syntax | LSA.300:
Richard Kayne
Field Methods | LSA.301:
Mary Laughren, David Nash, Jane Simpson
Introduction to Anatolian | LSA.302:
H. Craig Melchert
Introduction to Computational Linguistics | LSA.303:
Regina Barzilay, Dan Jurafsky
Introduction to Historical Linguistics | LSA.304: Mark Hale
Introduction to Laboratory Phonology | LSA.305:
Mary E. Beckman, Jennifer Hay
Introduction to Morphology | LSA.306:
Jonathan Bobaljik, Glyne L. Piggott
Introduction to Neurolinguistics | LSA.307:
Alec Marantz
Introduction to Phonetics | LSA.308: John Kingston, Aditi Lahiri
Introduction to Sociolinguistics | LSA.314: Penelope Eckert, Norma Mendoza-Denton
Introduction to Syntax | LSA.309: Norvin Richards
Introductory Phonology | LSA.310: Sharon Inkelas, Jonathan Barnes
Pragmatics in Linguistic Theory | LSA.311: Kai von Fintel
Semantics: an Introduction | LSA.312: Gennaro Chierchia
Sentence Comprehension | LSA.313: Edward Gibson
Three Week Courses | Session 1
Acoustic Phonetics and Distinctive Features | LSA.141: Kenneth Stevens
Advances in Minimalist Syntax | LSA.100: Cedric Boeckx, Norbert Hornstein
Analogy and Paradigm Uniformity | LSA.101: Andrew Garrett
Case, Agreement and the Nature of Syntactic Categories | LSA.102: David Pesetsky, Esther Torrego
Chinese Historical Syntax | LSA.103: Tsu-Lin Mei, Alain Peyraube
Commonsense Knowledge and Lexical Semantics | LSA.104: Jerry Hobbs
Constructions in Context | LSA.105: Adele Goldberg
Dialectology: Aggregate Dialectal Variation | LSA.107: John Nerbonne
Early (morpho-)syntactic development in first language acquisition | LSA.126: Nina Hyams
Explaining Phonological Universals | LSA.108: Janet Pierrehumbert, Paul Smolensky
From Gene to Language: Linguistic Diversity and Brain Plasticity | LSA.109: Ovid J. L. Tzeng
Historical Phonology | LSA.110: Paul Kiparsky
HPSG | LSA.111: Ivan A. Sag, Thomas Wasow, Emily M. Bender
Inductive Learning of Rules and Constraints | LSA.112: Adam Albright, Josh Tenenbaum
Introduction to Optimality Theory | LSA.113: John J. McCarthy
Introduction to the Phonetics and Phonology of Sign Languages | LSA.142: Gaurav Mathur, Christian Rathmann
Irish and the Theory of Syntax | LSA.114: James McCloskey
Language Universals and Grammatical Theory: From Generalizations to Explanation | LSA.116: Maria Polinsky
Language Universals from a Computational Perspective | LSA.117: Edward Stabler
Lexical Development | LSA.118: Susan Carey
Phonetics in Phonology | LSA.140: Edward Flemming, Donca Steriade
Problems in Proto-Indo-European Morphology: The Verb | LSA.119: Jay Jasanoff
Research Methodologies in Computational Linguistics | LSA.138: Michael Collins, Stuart Shieber
Reconstructions of Old Chinese and Proto-Sino-Tibetan | LSA.120: Hwang-cherng Gong
Second Language Acquisition | LSA.122: Suzanne Flynn, Gita Martohardjono
Semantic Prominence and Argument Realization | LSA.123: Beth Levin
Six Problems in Phonology and Their Solution | LSA.124: Morris Halle
Syntactic Categories: Formal and Functionalist Approaches | LSA.127: Mark Baker, William Croft
Syntactic Change | LSA.139: Anthony Kroch
The Ecology of Language Evolution | LSA.106: Salikoko S. Mufwene
The Projection of DP Structure | LSA.128: Richard K. Larson
The Semantics and Pragmatics of Focus | LSA.129: David Beaver
The Syntax and Semantic of Aspect | LSA.130: Rajesh Bhatt, Roumyana Pancheva
The Syntax of Agreement | LSA.131: Mark Baker
The Syntax of Edges | LSA.132: Enoch Aboh
The Syntax of Events | LSA.133: Hagit Borer
The Varieties of Reference to Events | LSA.134: Barry Schein
Topics in Austronesian Syntax | LSA.135: Sandra Chung
Topics in Chinese Syntax: the interfaces | LSA.136: Lisa L.-S. Cheng, Yen-hui Audrey Li
Topics in the Semantics of Degree and Amount | LSA.121: Roger Schwarzschild
Voice and Case in Mayan | LSA.137: Judith Aissen
Three Week Courses | Session 2
Acoustic Phonetics | LSA.200:
Keith Johnson
Acquiring Phonological Representations
in the Mental Lexicon | LSA.220: Paula
Advanced Seminar: Alternatives in
Semantics | LSA.201: Angelika
Clause Typing: From Syntax to Discourse
Semantics | LSA.203: Paul
Portner, Raffaella Zanuttini
Comparative Slavic Linguistics
| LSA.204: Michael S. Flier
"Creolization" is acquisition
| LSA.223: Michel Degraff
Dialectology: Feature-Based Analysis
| LSA.205: William A.
Kretzschmar, Jr.
Direct Compositionality: Binding
and Ellipsis | LSA.228: Irene
Heim, Pauline Jacobson Explaining
Syntactic Universals | LSA.206: Martin
Finite-State Methods in Natural
Language Processing | LSA.207: Lauri
How to Evade Moving Violations
| LSA.208: Howard Lasnik
Introduction to the Morphology and
Syntax of Sign Languages | LSA.240: Gaurav
Mathur, Christian Rathmann
Japanese Syntax | LSA.209: Yuji
Linguistics K through 12 | LSA.210:
Maya Honda, Wayne
Loanword Phonology | LSA.211:
Michael Kenstowicz
Morphology and Lexical Semantics
| LSA.212: Rochelle Lieber
Neurosyntax | LSA.213: Yosef
Optimality Theory | LSA.238:
Alan Prince
Pragmatics | LSA.214: Bob
Scalar Implicatures and the Organization
of Grammar | LSA.236: Danny
Semantic Development in First Language
Acquisition | LSA.226: Stephen
Seminar in Major Recent Topics in
the Development of Syntax and Semantics | LSA.215: Kenneth
Seminar in the Theory of the Acquisition
of Inflection and Clause Structure | LSA.216: Luigi
Rizzi, Kenneth Wexler
Sentence Production: Making Syntax
of Sense | LSA.217: Kathryn
Sound Change in Progress | LSA.218:
William Labov
Speech Articulation | LSA.219:
Frank H. Guenther, Joseph
S. Perkell
Storage and Computation in the Mental
Lexicon: An exemplar-based approach | LSA.221: Harald
Syntactic Analyticity: the Other
End of the Parameter | LSA.222: C.-T.
James Huang, Mamoru Saito,
Andrew Simpson
Syntactic Patterns and Variation
in African American English | LSA.224: Lisa
The Internal Syntax of DPs |
LSA.225: Guglielmo Cinque
The Nature of Lexical Representations
| LSA.241: Keith Johnson,
Aditi Lahiri
The Syntax of Pre-Modern Japanese
| LSA.239: Akira Watanabe,
John Whitman
The Theta System | LSA.229:
Tanya Reinhart
The Time Course of Language Change:
A Corpus-based Perspective | LSA.237: Anthony
To Move or not to Move: What are
the Questions? | LSA.230: Robert
Levine, David Pesetsky,
Ivan A. Sag
Topics in Indo-European Nominal
Morphology | LSA.231:
Alan J. Nussbaum
Topics in Prosodic Morphology
| LSA.202: Junko
Ito, Armin Mester
Topics in the Morpho-syntax of Ditransitives
| LSA.232: Shigeru Miyagawa
Topics in the Syntax and Semantics
of Salish | LSA.233: Henry
Davis, Lisa Matthewson
Tree Adjoining Grammar in Grammatical
Theory | LSA.234: Robert
Why NLP Needs Linguistics: a case
study | LSA.235: Annie
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