Gaurav Mathur is a Research Scientist at the Haskins Laboratories. His research activities center around the morphology, phonology and phonetics of sign languages. He is presently investigating the implications of Articulatory Phonology for sign languages through a series of experiments on the visual perception of signs. He earned his Ph.D. in linguistics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2000. Publications include Verb Agreement as Alignment in Signed Languages (MIT Ph.D. diss., MITWPL); (with C. Rathmann) “Variability in Verbal Agreement Forms Across Four Signed Languages,” in Laboratory Phonology VIII: Varieties of Phonological Competence (Mouton); and (with C. Best) “A Psychophysical Effect in the Perception of Two Handshapes in American Sign Language,” in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.
Introduction to the Phonetics and Phonology of Sign Languages | LSA.142
with Christian Rathmann
TR 1:00-2:40
Three Week Course | First Session
Introduction to the Morphology and Syntax of Sign Languages | LSA.240
with Christian Rathmann
TR 10:10-11:50
Three Week Course | Second Session |