Joseph S. Perkell is a Senior Research Scientist in the Speech Communication Group, Research Laboratory of Electronics and the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at M.I.T. He is also a member of the affiliated faculty of the Harvard/MIT Graduate Program in Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology, and is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems at Boston University . He received his D.M.D. from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine in 1967 and his Ph.D. in Speech Communication from M.I.T. in 1974. His research focuses on the motor control of speech production, including influences of biomechanical and anatomical constraints, the role of hearing and relations between production and perception. Representative publications include (with F.H. Guenther, H. Lane, M. L. Matthies, P. Perrier, J. Vick, R. Wilhelms-Tricarico and M. Zandipour) “A theory of speech motor control and supporting data from speakers with normal hearing and with profound hearing loss,” in Journal of Phonetics; “Properties of the tongue help to define vowel categories: Hypotheses based on physiologically oriented modeling,” in Journal of Phonetics; (with M. Zandipour, M. L. Matthies, and H. Lane) “Economy of effort in different speaking conditions. I. A preliminary study of intersubject differences and modeling issues,” in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; and (with W. Numa, J. Vick, H. Lane, T. Balkany, and J. Gould) “Language-specific, hearing-related changes in vowel spaces: A preliminary study of English-and Spanish-speaking cochlear implant users,” in Ear and Hearing.
Speech Articulation | LSA.219
with Frank H. Guenther
TR 1:00-2:40
Three Week Course | Second Session