Here you should find links to some of the available documentation
for the OLYMPUS experiment. The list is in descending chronological
order (i.e. most recent documents are at the top).
- Bachelor Thesis on Symmetric Möller flasher by Waaqas Rehman
- notes and discussion on Target Cell Heating from
the initial runs with the target cell in February, 2011.
Current version of Technical Design Report updated automatically
(ask Inti for username and password).
- OLYMPUS Technical
Design Report July, 2010.
- OLYMPUS Technical
Design Report 31 August, 2009.
- Report on
synchrotron radiation calculations by Axel Schmidt
Experiment - Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A603 (2009)
- Paper by Kivel and
Vanderhaeghen on Two-Photon Exchange ... QCD
- Proposal for
DESY PRC, 9 September, 2008
- An
Experiment to Definitively Determine the Contribution of Multiple
Photon Exchange in Elastic Lepton-Nucleon Scattering - Report
to External Referees appointed by DESY PRC. 19 June, 2007.
- An Experiment to Definitively Determine the Contribution of
Multi-Photon Exchange in Elastic Lepton-Nucleon Scattering - Letter of Intent, 5 December, 2006.
- On Future Prospects of
BLAST - Initial idea by M. Kohl, 28 Oct, 2006.
- BLAST Technical Design
Report - 8 August, 1997.