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Information Design: Online Help


SAPweb and SAPweb Self Service contain extensive Help systems that explain how to use those web applications. The Help systems only contain information about how to use the applications; business logic and business process documentation is held on other Web sites, such as SAPR3, HR, CAO, etc. Normal practice is to put links to business process documentation in the "Related Topics" section of a help page.

Table of Contents Page

Every online help system should begin with a Table of Contents page. It contains the links to the help for each feature in the application. For example, the SAPweb Self Service TOC has links to the online help for Benefits Enrollment, Directory Info, and View Benefits. All the help for the entire application should be accessible from the TOC. The sections of the TOC are:

I. Getting Started

This section contains links to Frequently Asked Questions, Requirements, Contact Information, Icons, and any general information that would be helpful in using the application.

II. Online Help for Each Feature (Help Segment)

The online help for each feature such as Benefits Enrollment is called a "help segment."

A. The help segments are arranged in alphabetical order.

B. If possible, each help segment is organized in numbered steps that the user needs to follow in order to complete the entire procedure, such as enrolling in benefits.

C. Link the appropriate help file under each step, labelling the help file by its title.

III. Print All File

At the end of each help segment is a Print All file containing all the help for the application feature.

Figure 1: Table of Contents for SAPweb Self Service Help.

screen capture:  Help TOC

Common Page Elements

I. Navigate Feature

Every help page contains the navigation area located at the top of the page. It consists of (from left to right):

  • Title of the online help application such as SAPweb Self Service Help
  • Link to the online help Table of Contents
  • Link to Contact Information
  • Print
  • Close

II. Complete Title of Help Page

Below the navigation area, left-justified, is the full title of the help page. It consists of 1) the feature name (not the application name), 2) a colon, and 3) the title of the application page. An example is "Benefits Enrollment: Create a New Record for a Family Member." Directional arrows to the right of the title allow you to scroll backwards and forwards through all the help.

III. Body of Help Page

A. Application Title

At the top is the title of the application page such as "Create a New Record for a Family Member."

B. Important Information or Notes

Place important information directly below the application title so that the user reads it first. Try to place a note in the same location unless it applies to the button's function within the procedure. An example is: Note: If there is no alternate office record, the Create New button is displayed.

C. Description of Application Page

Describe briefly the function and use of the application page; i.e. what is this page used for?

D. Procedure

Next, write instructions the user needs to follow for completing the task. Use numbered steps. If the user needs to enter fields listed on the page, put them in a table. The table should be formatted with a border = 1 and cellpad = 3.

IV. Related Topics

After the body is a section called Related Topics. It contains all the links to supplementary pages either on the same or on an external web site. Users should be directed to the Related Topics section if you are referring them to another page for more information.

V. Footer

At the bottom of every help page is the footer. It contains the MIT copyright and year, centered below a horizontal line.

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