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MIT SAP Test Issue Severity Codes

These severity codes are used in the MIT SAP Test Issue Database to define and prioritize the entered issues.

Severity Code


1 - Severe An emergency condition that causes the user's system to fail or causes data to be lost or destroyed. There is no workaround to these problems. A key feature needed by many users is not in the system.

  • The problem is likely to result in an error that will cost the user a large amount of wasted time or money and is so significant that the ongoing viability of business practices can be damaged.
  • Critical data is lost often because users are expected to "know" to save their data or do something that is complex to preserve the data.
  • An obvious competitive feature is missing, or the user expects something reasonable, but the feature isn't there.
2 - High A serious condition that impairs the operation, or continued operation, of one or more system functions and cannot be easily circumvented or avoided.

  • The way to work around the problem is very hard to explain or hard to remember. The problem is likely to result in many support calls.
  • A loss that would cause management concern about short or long term impact on the business.
  • Missing feedback for critical operations
3 - Medium A non-critical, limited problem (no data lost or system failure). It does not hinder operation and can be temporarily circumvented or avoided. The problem causes users moderate confusion or irritation.

  • Incorrect or no error messages (this could be High or even a showstopper in some cases if a bad error message results in lost data)
  • Incorrect data are generated (this could be a high or a showstopper bug if it causes the user to make a bad decision that has significant implications for the user or company)
  • Noticeable performance inefficiencies (this can be a high if the performance is bad enough).
4 - Low Non-critical problems or general questions about the system. There are minor inconsistencies that cause hesitation or small aesthetic issues like labels and fields that are not aligned properly.

  • Typos (this could be a higher priority if they are in key places like menus or splash screens)
  • A menu item does not use the recommended access character
  • Small cosmetic problems or future enhancements.

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