Test Acceptance Form Instructions
Form Purpose:
The signing of this document is the official acceptance of the project test's results. The individuals who sign this document agree that the pre-defined 'Success Criteria' stated in the relevant Test Plan has been achieved, and that no outstanding issues exist that require resolution prior to the acceptance of the specified test.
The QA team member assigned to the project prepares this document, i.e. enters the Test Objectives, Test Issue Metrics and Test Summary. This team member acquires the appropriate signatures and follows up on any acceptance concerns.
- Issue statistics for only this test event noted by severity rating.
- Note the brief description for any outstanding test issues with the severity Severe or High that pertain to this test event. Enter Issue Number, severity of the issue, name of person(s) responsible for resolving issue, and any comments that are needed.
- Success Criteria as listed in the referenced Test Plan(s). Indicate whether the Success Criteria were met (Yes/No).
- Responsible person(s) checks a test acceptance selection.
- Prepared By – Enter the name of the QA team member responsible for preparing this form
- Date – Enter the form”s preparation date
Documentation Storage
Hyperlink to the document's location in the appropriate field.
Store Test Plans on QA share in the appropriate business area directory folder
Store Test Cases on QA share in the appropriate business area directory folder
Store Test Reports in Finssyssrv/QA/QA & Test Reports/ appropriate