Providing MIT SAP Test Issue Backup
Using a PC:
Email a screencapture
Mailing a screencapture
Using a Mac:
Email a screencapture
Mailing a screencapture
If you have any questions regarding these instructions feel free to contact the QA Analyst at x80235.
Emailing a Screen capture of an SAP issue - Using a PC
1) To take a screenshot of an SAP screen, press Alt + the Print Screen keys.
2) Open a blank Word document and choose Edit/Paste, or press Control + V. An image of the SAP screen will appear in the document. You can also use Visio, SnagIt, Paint or other graphic application packages instead of Word.
3) Type the number of the issue you entered in the Test Issue Tracking System on the page, either above or below the screen capture.
4) Save the file as a Word document with a name that references the same issue number from the Test Issue database; for example: Issue #179.doc.
5) Either email this document to or save it in the QA share folder on the network titled 'Test Issue Screenshots' where anyone can view it.
Mailing a screen capture of an SAP issue - Using a PC
1) To take a screenshot of an SAP screen, press Alt + the Print Screen keys.
2) Open a blank Word document and choose Edit/Paste, or press Control + V. An image of the SAP screen will appear in the document. You can also use Visio, SnagIt, Paint or other graphic application packages instead of Word.
3) Print the screen capture in Word. Please write the number of the issue you entered in the Test Issue Tracking System on the page you printed.
4) Or from the SAP screen: click on the Customize
Local Layout button on the far right of the standard toolbar
(or press Alt + F12) and in the menu that pops up select 'Hardcopy'.
A hardcopy of the SAP screen is immediately printed on your default SAP printer.
5) You can also print reports, forms, and other
output that further documents the issue you're reporting directly
from SAP gui using the Print button
on the Tool bar.
Send this paper backup via interoffice mail to: IST-Quality / W92-210. The ultimate destination of this paper backup is the QA file cabinet in Administrative Computing. The QA staff will make sure it gets routed to the right person.
Emailing a Screen capture of an SAP issue - Using a Mac
1) To take a screenshot of an SAP screen, press Command + Shift + 3 (to capture the entire screen) or Command + Shift + 4 (to specify a particular region). For other Mac screen print options go to:
2) Depending on how your Mac is set up, the image of the SAP screen will appear either on the Clipboard, hard drive or desktop (as a Picture file). Open a blank Word document and choose Edit/Paste or press Command + V to paste from the Clipboard - or do a search of 'Picture' to find the image on your hard drive. You can also use other graphic or screen capture packages such as ZMAC PIX instead of Word.
3) If possible, type the number of the issue you entered in the Test Issue Tracking System on the page either above or below the screen capture.
4) Save the file as a Word document with a name that references issue number from the Test Issue Tracking System; for example: Issue #179.doc. (Use the .doc extension so that PC users can also open the document)
5) Either email this document to or save it in the QA share folder on the network titled 'Test Issue Screenshots' where anyone can view it.
You will have to log onto the network via Appleshare to view the document which will be stored in the QA / Test Issue Screenshots folder on the network.
Mailing a screen capture of an SAP issue - Using a Mac
1) To take a screenshot of an SAP screen, press Command + Shift + 3. For other Mac screen print options go to:
2) Open a blank Word document and choose Edit/Paste or press Command + V. An image of the SAP screen will appear in the document. You can also use other graphic or screen capture packages instead of Word.
3) The Customize Local Layout button
mentioned in Step #3 for 'Emailing a Screen capture of an SAP issue
- Using a PC' is not available on the Mac.
4) You can print reports, forms, and other output
that further documents the issue you're reporting directly from
the SAP gui using the Print button
on the Tool bar.
Send this paper backup via interoffice mail to: IST-Quality / W92-210. The ultimate destination of this paper backup is the QA file cabinet in Administrative Computing. The QA staff will make sure it gets routed to the right person.