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Faculty seed funds

The MITOR Project promotes the two way circulation of researchers and ideas between MIT and POLITO in the fields of engineering, science, architecture, and urban studies. MITOR grants are meant to jump start new collaborations; after the exploratory phase, the PI's are expected to apply for outside funding. Funding will focus on projects that set the grounds for sustainable, long term collaborations through student involvement on both sides, the use of innovative technologies and promise of future funding.

The application deadline for the MITOR seed fund is September 21st 2015 and rolling afterward. Apply online.

Priority will be given to projects in:


-Life Sciences

-Smart Cities

-Smart Energy

Please indicate the appropriate area in the “field” box when submitting your application. However, we’ll figure out the appropriate one, even if the indication is missing.

Grant awards

The MITOR seed funds support three activities:

Typical awards will range between a minimum of $5,000, for faculty exploratory travel, to a maximum of $20,000, for projects that entail extensive research stays abroad for doctoral and postdoctoral students or young faculty.
High-quality proposals which are assessed as not fundable, may receive a travel grant amounting to $ 3000.

Selection Criteria

The MITOR project rewards proposals of scientific & lab excellence that set the grounds for sustainable, long term collaborations, and, in particular, new projects that.

Though the achievements of the PI's, researchers and students involved will be an important consideration, applications will also be assessed in terms of their potential for creating lasting exchanges between the participating labs.

Funding and deliverables

Application and selection procedure

Proposals must be submitted jointly by at least one MIT and at least one POLITO PI. Only tenure track faculty and research staff with PI privileges qualify as PI's. Awards are granted by members of the MIT Scientific Committee, after taking into consideration the assessment of their counterparts at POLITO.

The application deadline for the MITOR seed fund is September 21st 2015 and rolling afterward. Apply online.

To view a list of past grant recipients, please go to
For a list of FAQ ‘s please go to the FAQ’s page.

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