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Research Stays

The MITOR Project supports research stays at POLITo and MIT for  graduate students,  post-docs and young faculty. In all cases, funding comes from the MITOR seed funds. Deadline: December 15, 2014.

For stays of one semester or more, when the participants are eligible for visiting status at MIT, the following guidelines and procedures apply.

Post Docs

Recently minted (max 2 years) POLITO PhD's who are involved in collaborations supported by the MITOR seed funds, have an MIT host and plan on being at MIT for at least one semester, are eligible to come to MIT as MITOR "Post doc Fellows". Grants are meant to help meeting additional travel and insurance expenses, and are subject to successful completion of MIT internal approval procedures and visa process. For more info, please go to

Ph.D. and Master Students

Only students who come for a minimum of one semester and a maximum of three, and who are hosted by an MIT professor participating in one of the funded MITOR seed projects, are eligible for the visiting student status. Visiting students have access to MIT facilities and the labs they are affiliated with, and can audit seminars and classes with instructors' permission. However, they cannot receive credit, or enroll in language classes, and are not eligible for a MIT degree. Unless otherwise arranged by their MIT host, POLITO students should time their stays to coincide with MIT semesters: from the beginning of February to the end of May for the Spring semester, and from the beginning of September to the third week of December for the Fall semester.

MITOR grants are meant to supplement the students’ sources of support and are conditional to completing MIT acceptance and Visa procedures. For more info, please go to the International Student Office site

Visiting Scholars

Researchers and Faculty who intend to spend a 3-6 month research period at MIT working on a long term collaboration between their lab at POLITO and their host MIT lab may be eligible for a Visiting Scholars status—Ph. D and publication record required. Definitions and procedures vary by hosting labs. For more information about the requirements and visa procedures please go to