The MITOR Project is a collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Politecnico di Torino (POLITO). Founded a few years apart, the POLITO (1859) and MIT (1861) share a longstanding tradition of excellence in engineering and science and of close collaboration with industry. Both view international collaborations as integral to their scientific and educational mission. The MITOR project is meant to create new synergies and shared research interests and networks between these two institutions by jump-starting joint MIT-POLITO projects.
The MITOR Project is made possible by the generous support of the Compagnia di San Paolo, an institution with a long history of charitable activities in the fields of health, education and social welfare. Founded in 1563 in Turin, as a charitable lay brotherhood by seven citizens who decided their mission was to help the poor, the Compagnia di San Paolo became a Foundation in 1992 following the restructuring of the San Paolo Bank Group. After the privatization of the San Paolo Bank, the Compagnia di San Paolo no longer holds the controlling shares in the bank.
Launched in 2009, the MITOR Project awards more than $200,000 a year to MIT-POLITO research projects and exchanges in the areas of engineering, sciences, architecture and urban planning. Funding will focus on projects that set the grounds for sustainable, long term collaborations through student involvement on both sides, the use of innovative technologies and interdisciplinary approaches and promise of future funding.
The MITOR Project supports:
1.) new research activities to initiate and stabilize scientific collaboration(seed fund grants)
Awards vary between a minimum of US $ 5.000,00 and a maximum of US $ 20.000,00, and are meant to cover the initial phase of research collaboration, with other sources of support taking over at later stages.
The application deadline for the MITOR seed fund is September 21st 2015 and rolling afterward. Apply online.
Priority will be given to projects in:
-Life Sciences
-Smart Cities
-Smart Energy
Applications must be jointly presented by professors, associates and researchers of the Politecnico di Torino and by MIT faculty. Each team of applicants can submit only one proposal. Please make sure to specify the area in which you are applying. All materials need to be submitted online.
For further information on funded projects, please go to http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/mitor/recipients/faculty.html
To submit your application please refer to: http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/mitor/grants/seed.html
2.) internships for MIT students at Politecnico di Torino partner companies or departments
MITOR provides funds for short internship periods (2 to 3 months) for graduating MIT- MSc students (Master of Science) in laboratories, departments or partner companies of POLITO. If interested in interning at POLITO or hosting an intern please contact us or refer to http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/mitor/grants/internships.html
The MITOR project is directly managed by MIT. Should you require further general information, please contact: Serenella Sferza, Co-Director, MIT-Italy Program, ssferza@mit.edu
At the Politecnico di Torino, the International Relations Office (international.relations@polito.it; Tel.: 011 0908680/8686) is in charge of the MITOR Project and can be contacted anytime for further inforamtion.