New * When available, links to related audio and video have been added alongside the publications below. Also see public appearances by John Deutch in the CSPAN Video Library.
Publications are listed in reverse chronological order; the most recent work appears first.
* Indicates new or updated entries as of October 2018.
Publication Number | Title (with Co-Authors). Publication. (Issue Date) | Download File |
* 124. | Advancing Enhanced Oil Recovery as a Sequestration Asset (with Sally M. Benson). Joule, Vol. 2, pp 1386–1389. (August 15, 2018) | Web | PDF |
* 123. | Is Innovation China's New Great Leap Forward? Issues in Science & Technology. pp 37–47. (Summer 2018) | Web | PDF |
* 122. | Research Opportunities for CO2 Utilization and Negative Emissions at the Gigatonne Scale (with Arun Majumdar). Joule, Vol. 2, pp 805–809. (May 16, 2018) | Web | PDF |
• | Related Media: Listen to the authors above discuss this work with MIT Energy Initiative Director of Research Francis O’Sullivan. Podcast: Negative carbon emissions. | Audio Podcast |
* 121. | The Deep State is a Distraction. (Part of "Symposium: Is There a Deep State?"). The National Interest pp 13–14. (March/April 2018) | Web | PDF |
* 120. | 3Q: On maintaining US leadership in technological innovation. (Interview with David L. Chandler) MIT News Office. (December 15, 2017) | Web | PDF |
* 119. | Maintaining America’s Lead in Creating and Applying New Technology (with Condoleezza Rice). Chapter 7 in The World Turned Upside Down: Maintaining American Leadership in a Dangerous Age (Burns N., Bitounis L., & Price J., Eds.) Washington, DC: Aspen Institute. pp 119–122. (2017) JSTOR, | Web | PDF |
* 118. | Decoupling Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions. Joule, Vol. 1, pp 3–5. (September 6, 2017) | Web | PDF |
* 117. | The Future of the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent. The National Interest. (April 4, 2017) | Web | PDF |
* 116. | Term Limits for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Ratification? The National Interest. (September 19, 2016) | Web | PDF |
* 115. | Comments on climage change uncertainty. In Future Surprises that Could Shock the World. The International Economy Magazine. p 27 (Summer 2016) | Web | PDF |
* 114. | The Revolution in Natural Gas. Chapter 9 in Perspectives on Complex Global Challenges: Education, Energy, Healthcare, Security and Resilience; (Paté-Cornell, E.; Rouse, W. B.; Vest, C. M., Eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc; pp 81–83. (2016) | Web | PDF |
* 113. | Energy Innovation Needs New Private-Sector Push: How we get more inventions, and sooner, to fight climate change. Commentary, Bloomberg Opinion. (February 11, 2016) | Web | PDF |
* 112. | Amplify the Oil Boom By Liberating U.S. Exports. Commentary, Wall Street Journal. (August 11, 2015) | Web | PDF |
* 111. | Obama vs. Bush: Public Protection and Perception. The Mark News. (March 24, 2015) | Web | PDF |
* 110. | The Global Revolution of Unconventional Oil: New Markets, New Governances, New Policies. The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) Series on Economy and Society; FEEM Press: Milano, Italy (2014). | Web | PDF |
* 111. | Obama's Second-Term Energy Policy Is Working. Commentary, Wall Street Journal. (August 14, 2014) | Web | PDF |
* 110. | What Are the Chances the United States Becomes Energy Independent? The International Economy Magazine pp 37–49. (Fall 2013) | Web | PDF |
* 109. | Challenges and Opportunities of Unconventional Oil and Gas Production. The President’s Distinguished Lecture Series, Stevens Institute of Technology. (October 30, 2013) | |
• | Related Media: Watch a video recording of the above lecture including slides. | Web | Video |
108. | A Duel in the Sun – The Solar Photovoltaics Technology Conflict Between China and the United States. (with Edward Steinfeld) Report for the MIT Future of Solar Energy Study. (April 2013) | Web | PDF |
107. | Made in America and everywhere else. (with Edward Steinfeld) Wall Street Journal, p 13 (March 13, 2013) | Web | PDF |
106. | Why Frack? The New York Review of Books. (April 26, 2012) | Web | PDF |
105. | The U.S. natural gas boom will transform the world. Wall Street Journal, p A13. (August 15, 2012) | Web | PDF |
104. | Grasping Opportunity: Why it is important and what should be done. Speech for the James Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, North American Resource Summit. (January 18, 2012) | Web | PDF |
103. | Improving the Safety & Environmental Performance of Hydraulic Fracturing. Reports of the Natural Gas Subcommittee of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, John Deutch, chair. Interim report (August 18, 2011) and Final report (November 18, 2011) | Web | PDFs: Interim | Final |
102. | The crisis in energy policy. Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA. (September 2011) | Purchase book |
101. | Shale Gas: Can we safely tap a huge resource? The Washington Post. (August 18, 2011) | Web | PDF |
100. | An Energy Technology Corporation Will Improve the Federal Government’s Efforts to Accelerate Energy Innovation. The Hamilton Project, Discussion Paper 2011–5. (May 2011) | Web | PDF |
99. | After Fukushima Daiichi, What’s nuclear energy’s future? The International Economy, p 45. (Spring 2011) | Web | PDF |
98. | The good news about gas. Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, p 82. (January/February 2011) | Web | PDF |
97. | The United States: The making of national security policy. Remarks at the Institute of National Security Studies, Tel Aviv University. (January 31, 2011) In Memorandum No. 110: The Making of National Security Policy: Security Challenges of the 21st Century – Conference Proceedings INSS. (November 2011) | PDFs: Remarks | Full Memorandum |
96. | The Natural Gas Revolution. Wall Street Journal. (July 16, 2010) | Web | PDF |
95. | Oil and Gas Energy Security Issues. Working paper for the Resources for the Future / National Energy Policy Institute study: Towards a new national energy policy: assessing the options. (June 2010) | Web | PDF |
94. | Oil lessons from the 1970s (with J. Bennett Johnston and Dan Yergin). The International Economy. (Fall 2009) | |
93. | Reassessing U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy (with Harold Brown). White Paper, undated. | |
92. | A New Strategy to Spur Energy Innovation (with Peter Ogden and John Podesta). Issues in Science and Technology (January 9, 2008) | Web | PDF |
91. | The Nuclear Disarmament Fantasy (with Harold Brown). Wall Street Journal. (November 19, 2007) | Web | PDF |
90. | Comments on Two Energy Security Issues. For the 13th European Forum Berlin BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt: Cooperative Energy Security – Challenges for European Politics and Business. (November 16 – 18, 2007) | |
89. | A Future for Fossil Fuel (with Ernest Moniz). Wall Street Journal. (March 15, 2007) | Web | PDF |
88. | Priority Energy Security Issues. In Energy Security and Climate Change. A Report to the Trilateral Commission, Brussels Belgium. (March 2007) | PDF | Related Book |
87. | The Future of Coal (with Ernest Moniz, et al). An Interdisciplinary MIT Study. (March 2007). Available from | Select from available PDF files |
86. | China’s Energy Challenge. (with Peter Ogden and John Podesta). In China's March for the 21st Century: A Report of the Aspen Strategy Group, edited by Kurt M. Campbell and Willow Darsie, pp.53–60. (January 2007) | Web | PDF |
85. | Oil Addiction Weakens the U.S. (with James R. Schlesinger). Newsweek. (December 20, 2006) | |
84. | Aye, Spy. New York Times. (November 15, 2006) | Web | PDF |
83. | National Security Consequences of U.S. Oil Dependence (co-chair with James R. Schlesinger). Report of an Independent Task Force of the Council on Foreign Relations. (October 2006) | Web | PDF |
82. | Energy, Climate and Security Concerns of the Future. Speech for XVI Malente Symposium: Energy, Climate, and Future Welfare – Changing Global Dynamics. (October 8, 2006) | Web | PDFs: Speech | Notes |
81. | The Nuclear Option (with Ernest J. Moniz). Scientific American, 295, 76. (September 2006) | Web (Preview) | PDF |
80. | Biomass Movement. Wall Street Journal. (May 10, 2006) | Web | PDF |
79. | A Plan for Nuclear Waste (with Ernest J. Moniz). Washington Post, A17. (January 30, 2006) | Web | PDF |
78. | Energy Security. MIT Center for Energy and Environment Policy Research Annual Meeting. (November 17, 2005) | |
77. | Exiting Iraq. The 2005 Harvard Phi Beta Kappa Oration. Harvard Magazine, 32. (September–October 2005) | Web | PDF |
76. | Time to Pull Out. And Not Just from Iraq. New York Times, Op Ed, A19. (July 15, 2005) | Web | PDF |
75. | What Should the Government Do to Encourage
Technical Change in the Energy Sector? MIT
Joint Program on Science and Policy of Global Change,
Report #120. (May 2005) – Other published versions of this title: |
Web | PDF |
• | InChemical Technology. MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR) Reprint Series Number 203 (February 2007) | Web | PDF |
• | MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR) Working Papers #WP-2005-009 (March 2005) | Web | PDF |
74. | Meeting the Bioterrorism Challenge Testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Subcommittee on Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness. (May 11, 2005) | PDFs: Testimony | Hearing |
73. | Research Worth Fighting For (with William J. Perry). New York Times, Op Ed, A29. (April 13, 2005) | Web | PDF |
72. | A Nuclear Posture for Today. Foreign Affairs, 84, 49. (January/February 2005) | Web | PDF |
71. | Nuclear Material Loopholes (with Ernest Moniz). Letter to Science magazine. Science, 306, 1890. (December 2004) | |
70. | Making the World Safe for Nuclear Energy (with Arnold Kanter, Ernest Moniz, and Daniel Poneman). Survival, 46, 65. (Winter 2004–2005) | |
69. | Future United States Energy Security Concerns. MIT Joint Program on Science and Policy of Global Change, Report #115. (September 2004) | Web | PDF |
68. | Hybrid Cars Now, Fuel Cell Car Later (with Nurettin Demirdover). Science, 305, 974. (August 2004) | |
67. | Improving Weapons of Mass Destruction Intelligence (with Arnold Kanter). Paper for the Aspen Strategy Group. (August 2004) | Web | PDF |
66. | Building Capability from the Technical Revolution That Has Happened (with John P. White). Report of the Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs 2003 Defense Transformation Conference. Strategic Study Institute of the Army War College. (June 2004) | Web | PDF |
65. | Making Technology Work: Applications in Energy and Environment (with Richard K. Lester). Cambridge University Press. (November 10, 2003) | Locate | Buy book |
64. | Strengthening U.S. Intelligence. Statement Before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the U.S. (October 14, 2003) | Web | PDF |
63. | Nuclear Power Can Work (with Ernest Moniz). New York Times, A25. (August 14, 2003) | |
62. | U.S. Intelligence Collection in Iraq. Statement before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (July 24, 2003) | |
61. | The Future of Nuclear Power (with Ernest Moniz, et al). An Interdisciplinary MIT Study (July 2003). ISBN 0-615-12420-8. Available from | Select from available PDF files |
60. | Security and Energy: Short-Term Implications of a Long-Term View. In Thinking the Unthinkable. Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani, Editor. The XIII Repsol-YPF Harvard Seminar Series, J.F. Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge MA. (May 2003) | PDFs: Article | Full Publication |
59. | Security Transformation. Report of the Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs 2001 Defense Transformation Conference. Strategic Study Institute of the Army War College. (March 2003) | Web | PDF |
58. | The Smart Approach to Intelligence, Washington Post, A17. (September 9, 2002) | |
57. | Smarter Intelligence (with J. H. Smith). Foreign Policy, 128, 4714. (2002) | |
56. | Consolidation of the U.S. Defense Industrial Base. Acquisition Review Quarterly, 137 (Fall 2001). | |
55. | Strengthening the National Security Interagency Process (with Arnold Kanter and Brent Scowcroft and with the assistance of Chris Hornbarger). Chapter 10 in Keeping the Edge: Managing Defense for the Future. Ashton B. Carter and John P. White, Eds. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2001) | Web | PDF |
54. | An Agenda for Mr. Rumsfeld. The Washington Post, A23. (January 1, 2001) | |
53. | National Missile Defense: Is There Another Way? (with Harold Brown & J.P. White). Foreign Policy, 119, 9-100. (2000) | |
52. | Saving NATO's Foundation (with Arnold Kanter & Brent Scowcroft). Foreign Affairs, 54. (Nov/Dec 1999) | |
51. | Test Ban Treaty: Let's Wait a While (with Henry Kissinger & Brent Scowcroft). The Washington Post, A33. (October 6, 1999) | Web | PDF |
50. | Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Report of the Commission to Assess the Organization of the Federal Government to Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. J.M. Deutch, Chairman. Washington D.C. (July 14, 1999). | |
49. | Catastrophic Terrorism (with Ash Carter & Philip Zelikow). Foreign Affairs, 77, 80–94. (Nov/Dec 1998) | |
48. | Missile Defenses: Looking Beyond the Political Litmus Test (with B. Scowcroft and A. Kanter). The Forum for International Policy, Issue Brief, Number 18–24. (October 27, 1998) | |
47. | When to Strike Back. The New York Times, A15. (August 22, 1998) | Web | PDF |
46. | Move Close to China, Not Far, for Security (with William Perry & Ash Carter). USA Today, 17A. (June 11, 1998) | Archived |
45. | How Best to Oust Hussein? The New York Times, Section 4, A17. (February 22, 1998) | Web | PDF |
44. | Coming to Terms on Global Warming. The Washington Post, A27. (October 13, 1997) | |
43. | Terrorism. Foreign Policy Magazine, 108, Think Again section, 10. (Fall 1997) | |
42. | Secrecy: Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Chairman; John M. Deutch, Member. Washington, DC: S. Doc 105-2 ISBN 0-16-05421190. (1997) | |
41. | The C.I.A. at 50. The Boston Globe, A23. (September 18, 1997) | Web (Preview) |
40. | The C.I.A. Turns 50 (with former C.I.A. Directors). Wall Street Journal. (September 17, 1997) | |
39. | A Time to Open Up the C.I.A. The New York Times, Section 4, 17. (May 18, 1997) | |
38. | No Nukes? Not Yet (with Ashton B. Carter). The Wall Street Journal, Op Ed (March 4, 1997) | |
37. | End the Chemical Weapons Business (with Brent Scowcroft). The Washington Post, A21. (February 11, 1997) | |
36. | Moving Beyond Ames. The Washington Post, C7. (November 5, 1995) | |
35. | The CIA and Bosnia. Reply to Charles Lane and Thomas Shanke. The New York Review of Books, 43, 64. (1996) | |
* 34. | When Bullets Meet the Bytes. Los Angeles Times, Metro B7. (March 30, 1995) | |
33. | Military Readiness; Don't Measure Defense Only By the Money Spent. The Phoenix Gazette, B9. (December 29, 1994) | |
32. | Reforming the Pentagon: an Inside Job. Technology Review, 97/3, p 31. (April 1994) | |
31. | In Military Readiness, Money Isn't Everything. The Washington Post, A19. (December 22, 1994) | |
30. | A Problem the Pentagon Will Solve. The Washington Post, A17. (June 21, 1994) | |
29. | Conversion at the NSF. Technology Review, 96, p 62. (1993) | |
28. | Toward Improved U.S.-Japanese Relations (with K. Dam, J. S. Nye, et al). The Washington Quarterly, 16, 29. (1993) | |
27. | A Supercollision of Interests. Technology Review, 95/8, p 66. (Nov-Dec 1992). | |
* 26. | The New Nuclear Threat. Foreign Affairs, 71, 120–134. (Fall 1992). | |
25. | Cool Thoughts on Global Warming. Technology Review, 95/4, p 73. (May-Jun 1992). | |
24. | Priming the High Technology Pump (with Harold Brown & Paul MacAvoy). The Washington Post, A27. (April 9, 1992). | |
23. | Nuclear Weapons in the New World Order. Technology Review, 95/2, p 68. (Feb-Mar 1992) | |
22. | The United States Edge Over Japan. Technology Review, 94/8, p 73. (Nov-Dec 1991) | |
21. | A Scientific Method for Money; We Need Smarter, Not Bigger, Spending for Tomorrow's Research. The Washington Post, C3. (October 6, 1991) | |
20. | Containing Weapons Proliferation. Technology Review, 94/6, p 73. (Aug-Sept 1991) | |
19. | The Foreign Policy of U.S. Universities. Science, 253, 5019. (August 2, 1991) | |
18. | Getting University-Industry Relations Right. Technology Review, 94/4, 65. (May-Jun 1991) | |
17. | Mismanaging Science. Technology Review, 94/2, 73. (Feb-Mar 1991) | |
16. | Scientists as Leaders. Issues in Sci. & Tech., 7, 30–31. (1991) | |
15. | Commercializing Technology – What Should DoD Learn from DOE? Prepared for the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. (January 1990) | |
14. | Lessons of the Baltimore Case. Issues of Sci. & Tech., 6, 20–21. (1989) | |
13. | The Decision to Modernize U.S. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. Science, 244, 1445–1450 (1989). A reply: 246, 195. (1989) | Web (Preview) |
* 12. | Verify But Survive (with Brent Scowcroft & R. James Woolsey). The Washington Post, A23. (June 14, 1988) | PDF: Text | PDF (14 x 8.5 in) |
* 11. | The Survivability Problem (with Brent Scowcroft & R. James Woolsey). The Washington Post, A32. (December 3, 1987) | PDF: Text | Page (17 x 11 in) |
* 10. | The Danger of the Zero Option, Instead Reduce INF Forces to 100 Warheads on Each Side (with Brent Scowcroft & R. James Woolsey). The Washington Post, A21. (March 31, 1987) | PDF: Text | Image (11 x 17 in) |
* 9. | Reagan's Latest Nuclear Strategy: Come and Get Us (with B. Scowcroft and R.J. Woolsey). The New Republic, Vol. 198, pp 16–19. (April 18, 1988) | |
8. | A Way Out of Reykjavik (with B. Scowcroft and R.J. Woolsey). The New York Times Magazine, 40. (January 25, 1987) | |
* 7. | A Small, Survivable, Mobile ICBM (with B. Scowcroft and R.J. Woolsey). The Washington Post, A23. (December 26, 1986) | PDF: Text | Image (11 x 17 in) |
* 6. | Nukes: Continue the Tests (with B. Scowcroft and R.J. Woolsey). The Washington Post, A23. (June 29, 1986) | PDF (11 x 17 in) |
* 5. | Midgetman: Keep It On Track (with B. Scowcroft and R.J. Woolsey). The Washington Post, A10. (April 1, 1986) | PDF (11 x 17 in) |
* 4. | The MX Report: A Break With the Past. The Washington Post, Op Ed. (April 12, 1983) | PDF: Text | Image (8.5 x 14 in) |
3. | Report of the President's Commission on Strategic Forces. Brent Scowcroft, Chairman; J.M. Deutch, Member. Washington, DC: The White House (1983) | Online book | PDF |
* 2. | Myth and Reality in Chemical Warfare. Book Review of Yellow Rain by S. Seagrave. Chemical and Engineering News 1982, 60, 24–25. (February 1, 1982) | |
* 1. | Assessment of Research Needs for Oil Recovery from Heavy Oil Sources and Tar Sands (with S.S. Penner, et al). Energy, 7, 567. (1982) | PDF (8.5 x 14 in) |