Germanium Nanocrystal Growth and its Applications in Electronic Devices
Journal Publications
- Choi W. K., Chim W. K., Heng C. L., Teo L. W., Ho V., Ng V., Antoniadis D. A. & Fitzgerald E. A., “Observation of Memory Effect in Germanium Nanocrystals Embedded in an Amorphous Silicon Oxide Matrix of a Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Structure”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 80, No.11, pp. 2014 (2002).
- Teo L. W., Choi W. K., Chim W. K., Ho V., Moey C. H., Tay M. S., Heng C. L., Lei Y., Antoniadis D. A. & Fitzgerald E. A., “Size Control and Charge Storage Mechanism of Germanium Nanocrystals in a Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Structure”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 81, No. 19, pp. 3639-3641 (2002).
- Ho V., Tay M. S., Moey C. H., Teo L. W., Choi W. K., Chim W. K., Heng C. L. & Lei Y., “Electrical Characterization of a Trilayer Germanium Nanocrystal Memory Devices”, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 66, pp. 33-38 (2003).
- Heng C. L., Teo L. W., Ho V., Tay M. S., Lei Y., Choi W. K. & Chim W. K., “Effects of Rapid Thermal Annealing Time and Ambient Measurement Temperature on the Charge Storage Capability of a SiO2/Pure Ge/Rapid Thermal Oxide Memory Structure”, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 66, pp. 218-223 (2003).
- Kan E. W. H., Choi W. K., Leoy C. C., Chim W. K., Antoniadis D. A. & Fitzgerald E. A., “Effect of Annealing Profile on Defect Annihilation, Crystallinity and Size Distribution of Germanium Nanodots”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 83, No. 10, pp. 2058-2060 (2003).
- Ho V., Teo L. W., Choi W. K., Chim W. K., Tay M. S., Antoniadis D. A., Fitzgerald E. A., Du A. Y., Tung C. H., Liu R. & Wee A. T. S., “Effect of Germanium Concentration and Tunnel Oxide Thickness on Nanocrystal Formation and Charge Storage/Retention Characteristics of a Trilayer Memory Structure”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 83, No. 17, pp. 3558-3560 (2003).
- Kan E. W. H., Choi W. K., Chim W. K., Fitzgerald E. A. & Antoniadis D. A., “Origin of Charge Trapping in Germanium Nanocrystal Embedded SiO2 System: Role of Interfacial Traps?”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 95, No. 6, pp. 3148-3152 (2004).
- Kan E. W .H., Leoy C. C., Choi W. K., Chim W. K., Chow S. Y. Fitzgerald E. A. & Antoniadis D. A., “Crystallinity Study of Germanium Nanodots Synthesized via the Reduction of Si0.54Ge0.46 Oxides”, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 107-110 (2004).
- Ng T. H., Chim W. K., Choi W. K., Ho V., Teo L. W., Du A. Y. & Tung C. H., “Minimization of Germanium Penetration, Nanocrystal Formation, Charge Storage, and Retention in a Trilayer Memory Structure with Silicon Nitride/Hafnium Dioxide Stack as the Tunnel Dielectric”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 84, No. 22, pp. 4385-4387 (2004).
- Chen Z., Lei Y., Chew H. G., Teo L. W., Choi W. K. & Chim W. K., “Synthesis of Germanium Nanodots on Silicon using an Anodic Alumina Membrane Mask”, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 268, No. 3-4, pp. 560-563 (2004).
- Ng T. H., Ho V., Teo L. W., Tay M. S., Koh B. H., Chim W. K., Choi W. K., Du A. Y. & Tung C. H., “Fabrication and Characterization of a Trilayer Germanium Nanocrystal Memory Device with Hafnium Dioxide as the Tunnel Dielectric”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 462-463, pp. 46-50 (2004).
- Kan E. W. H., Chim W. K., Lee C. H., Choi W. K. & Ng T. H., “Clarifying the Origin of Near-Infrared Electroluminescence Peaks for Nanocrystalline Germanium in Metal-Insulator-Silicon Structures”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, No. 12, pp. 2349 2351(2004).