IDD Team Hyperlink Policy
From one MIT Enterprise Content System to another (including Help Pages)
- IDD will link from one content site to another no more than two directories down in a site. For instance, IDD will link to, but not to
- IDD will link from one content site to an MIT site with its own domain no more than one directory down ( but not
From one IDD-maintained Content System to a different IDD-maintained Content System
- IDD will hyperlink and maintain the links as deep as required within and between IDD-maintained content sites
From any MIT Enterprise web site to an outside site
- IDD will only link to the domain level ( but not
From a IDD-maintained content site to MIT applications:
- Directly to the start of all Administrative Computing enterprise applications
- Never to any DLC-maintained applications, even if they fit the description of an enterprise application
Note: Some of the example web sites listed in the IDD Policy exist while others were made up for explanation purposes.