Web Deployment Check List
Critical Criteria
Prerequisites for Deployment
Other Web Servers
Post Deployment Follow-Up
This document provides a check list of tasks that need to be performed when deploying an application or content system to the web.
The list is sequentially ordered; each deployment component listed should be migrated before subsequent components. This sequence ensures that back-end components required for proper functionality are present in the destination environment prior to front-end, user-interface components.
Section "Prerequsities for Deployment" provides a brief summary of R/3 components that may be part of a web deployment. This section is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all R/3 components that may be required, but rather should serve as a reminder of possible back-end requirements. The R/3 Administration team remains responsible for conducting R/3 transports and for maintaing transport process and procedures.
The standing schedule for deployment of web components will follow a schedule to be jointly established by the IDD and R/3 Administration teams.
- Migrations from development > test will be conducted twice daily at 9:30am and 3:30pm.
- Migrations from test > production will be conducted Thursday evenings between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. When applicable, migrations to production will be closely coordinated with R/3 Administration's migration of R/3 transports.
I. Critical Criteria
___ | Does the transport address at least one of the following critical circumstances?
II. Prerequisites for Deployment
___ | Have the required R/3 transports migrated? |
___ | Have the required R/3 authorization transports migrated? |
___ | Have function modules that need to be released for the internet been released via SMW0? |
___ | Have the required report variants migrated? |
___ | Have the required feeds and other components been executed in the destination environment? |
III. Web Deployment Components
a. Internet Transaction Server (ITS)
___ | Have the Prerequisites for Deployment been met? |
___ | Are there internet service files, template or mime folders that need to migrate? |
___ | Are there ITS library template or mime folders that need to migrate? |
If yes:
For SF2its > SF5its migrations:
___ | Application was unit tested in SF2. |
___ | A request was sent to web-tech@mit.edu detailing
the list of files to be migrated. Responsible party: Analyst Programmer or Information Designer |
For SF5its > PS1its migrations:
___ | Application was QA tested in SF5. |
___ | A request was sent to an authorized production requestor
detailing the list of files to be migrated. Responsible party: Analyst Programmer |
It is not the responsibility of the production requestor to compile a file list from prior SF2its > SF5its migration requests. An SF5its > PS1its migration request must include an explicit list of files to be moved.
The production requestor reserves the right to delay a migration to PS1its in order to request clarification and/or finer detail in the list of files to be moved if (s)he deems this necessary.
Authorized Requestors:
View the list of authorized requestors for SF2its > SF5its and SF5its > PS1its migrations.
File list format example:
- Service Files:
/usr/sap/its/6.20/{SAP INSTANCE}/services/{SERVICE}.srvc
- Template Folders:
/usr/sap/its/6.20/{SAP INSTANCE}/templates/{SERVICE}/
- Mimes:
b. Other Web Servers
___ | Have the Prerequisites for Deployment been met? |
___ | Are there files that need to migrate to culebra? |
___ | Are there files that need to migrate to other athena lockers, i.e., informit or IST? |
___ | Are there external web sites that need to update links into the site? |
If yes:
For development > test migrations:
___ | Application was unit tested in the development environment. |
___ | A request was sent to web-tech@mit.edu detailing
the list of files to be migrated. Responsible party: Analyst Programmer or Information Designer |
For test > production migrations:
___ | Application was QA tested in the test environment. |
___ | A request was sent to an authorized production requestor
detailing the list of files to be migrated. Responsible party: Analyst Programmer |
It is not the responsibility of the production requestor to compile a file list from prior devlopment > test migration requests. A test > production migration request must include an explicit list of files to be moved.
The production requestor reserves the right to delay a migration to production in order to request clarification and/or finer detail in the list of files to be moved if (s)he deems this necessary.
Authorized Requestors:
View the list of authorized requestors for development > test and test > production migrations.
File list format example:
c. Athena
___ | Have the Prerequisites for Deployment been met? |
___ | Have the ITS and/or Other Web Server components migrated? |
___ | Are there gateway files that need to migrate? |
___ | Are there help documentation files that need to migrate? |
___ | Are there graphics files that need to migrate? |
If yes:
For SF2 > SF5 migrations:
___ | Application was unit tested in SF2. |
___ | A request was sent to web-tech@mit.edu detailing
the list of files to be migrated. Responsible party: Analyst Programmer or Information Designer |
For SF5 > PS1 migrations:
___ | Application was QA tested in SF5. |
___ | A request was sent to an authorized production requestor
detailing the list of files to be migrated. Responsible party: Analyst Programmer |
It is not the responsibility of the production requestor to compile a file list from prior SF2> SF5 migration requests. An SF5> PS1 migration request must include an explicit list of files to be moved.
The production requestor reserves the right to delay a migration to PS1 in order to request clarification and/or finer detail in the list of files to be moved if (s)he deems this necessary.
Authorized Requestors:
View the list of authorized requestors for SF2 > SF5 and SF5 > PS1 migrations.
File list format example:
IV. Post Deployment Follow-Up
The parties that perform the actual production migration are responsible for synchronizing the SF6 (educational) and SF7 (training) environments with production automatically after a production deployment. If migration to SF8 (prototype) is needed, it is the responsibility of the Analyst Programmer to make this additional request by emailing the appropriate authorized production requestor, detailing the list of files to be migrated.
After the production release and synchronization in SF6 (educational) and SF7 (training), all components noted should be tested in the following environments to verify a successful migration:
___ | Production environment |
___ | Educational environment |
___ | Training environment |
___ | Prototype environment |
___ |
Other environment Responsible party: Analyst Programmer |