Frequently Asked Questions
Budget Process and Guidelines:
- Q: What is the difference between a Base budget and a Non-base budget?
- Q: What are the guidelines for processing a JV versus a budget draft?
- Q: Who should I contact to create, modify or close a Cost Object?
Budget Submission:
- Q: Do I need to change EB rates for the new fiscal year when I submit my budget?
- Q: I am new and I am responsible for submitting the department budget. Who should I contact to get an authorization to submit my budget?
- Q: After I submitted my budget, I realized that I made an error. What should I do?
- Q: Is there a way to look at Base and Non-base budget numbers separately in SAP Summary Statements?
- Q: I cannot drill down to budget numbers in SAP Summary Statements to view the budget transactions behind the number. How could I get this information?
- Q: Who receives monthly budget authorizations? What are the distribution options?
- Q: Is there a way to view the current budget information online?
Budget Process and Guidelines:
Q: What is the difference between a Base budget and a Non-base budget?
A: A Base budget is a recurring budget for the department. By default, the department receives its Base budget every year. A Non-base budget is a non-recurring, one-time budget. Examples of Non-base budgets are a term-appointment position budget and a budget for a special project. Recurring Institute funded expenses such as RA tuition/SEIP and research telephone/network should also be budgeted as non-base because the amounts vary from year to year.
Q: What are the guidelines for processing a JV versus a budget draft?
A: Please see the Budget Changes page.
Q: Who should I contact to create, modify or close a Cost Object?
A: Please see the Cost Object Changes page.
Budget Submission:
Q: Do I need to change EB rates for the new fiscal year when I submit my budget?
A: No. Please use the current year's rates. New EB rates will be applied to your budget during Global Budgeting.
Q: I am new and I am responsible for submitting the department budget. Who should I contact to get an authorization to submit my budget?
A: Please contact the budget officer of your unit. Here is the list.
Q: After I submitted my budget, I realized that I made an error. What should I do?
A: Please contact your Budget Officer. He/she will reopen it
for you.
Q: Is there a way to look at Base and Non-base budget numbers separately in SAP Summary Statements?
A: Yes. Make a selection in the Budget Version field under Other Options in the Summary Statement menu.
- Budget Version 0 - Total Institute Budget
- Budget Version 1 - Base Budget
- Budget Version 2 - Non-base Budget
- Budget Version 3 - Carry Forward Budget
Q: I cannot drill down to budget numbers in SAP Summary Statements to view the budget transactions behind the number. How could I get this information?
A: Go to the NIMBUS Launcher page and launch the NIMBUS application. Select the BG/Cost Object and scroll to the bottom. You will see detailed budget transactions made during the current year.
Q: Who receives monthly budget authorizations? What are the distribution options?
A: Budget authorizations are sent to supervisors and addressees of Cost Objects that had budget changes during the month. By default, authorizations are sent by email as PDF attachments. Another option is to receive paper copies. If you don't want to receive authorizations at all or if you want to have your authorizations forwarded to someone else, please send your request to
Q: Is there a way to view the current budget information online?
A: Yes. Please launch the NIMBUS application to view your budget data. The data is updated on a real-time basis. FYI - budget numbers in SAP and the Data Warehouse are current as of the previous day.