For budget changes, please email a budget change request to your Budget Officer. Use of the Budget Change Form below is optional.
Budget Changes
A unit's base budget represents the approved MIT support for on-going operations. The base budget normally includes salaries and wages, employee benefits and operating expenses for permanent faculty and staff. The base budget dos not include non-recurring items, research assistant salary or tuition, research-related telephone service and equipment, network fees billed by IS&T, SEIP, or academic programs supported by fund drafts.
If you are not sure whether a transfer should be processed as a draft transfer, a budget reallocation or a JV, please contact your Budget Officer or refer to Draft Transfers or Budget Reallocations.
NEW 8% EB Rate Information
New 8% EB Rate for Non Benefit Eligible Employees, Email - (PDF)
New Reduced EB Salary GLs, List - (PDF)
Off-Cycle Budget Requests (Administrative Departments)
Extenuating circumstances at times present themselves that require immediate attention. To request additional funds for the current fiscal year, fill out the Administrative Area Off-Cycle Budget Request for Funds Form and submit it to your Budget Officer.