Refounding Scouts and Charging Katya's Line
What's necessary for charging the Nomarche line?
Some things we know about Hegemon
Some things we know about stat caps and
Some things we know about models for
charging the three bloodlines and about options for charging Katya's line in the
"charge in paralell, one political hegemon" scenario
Questions/concerns to consider
What should membership look like?
What infrastructure is needed? How to
build it?
Interactions of the three
Give the Scouts a service mission
Put Scouts in charge of the jumpgates (not currrently a function of
government, and we have the toy to make it happen). Possibly in
conjunction with putting them in charge of some other things. (Ciernan)
Could AIs support the Scouts or take
over some of their original mission? (Hippocrates)
Some thoughts from Katya.
Capsule summary of Scouts from Jim's day
Plan for refounding Scouts (in progress)
Jim and Katya's proposed plan
Mission statement
Structure (long term)
Logistics of refounding (and short-term structure)
- Recruit adults to run troops and kids to be in them Jim
and Katya are presently working on recruiting people to be
Scoutmasters/run troops locally, and to be planetary
coordinators/contact people. Since we don't have Manuals yet, this is
ground-laying work (found troops, do appropriate activities, some
informal merit badge info), with more official structure to come
later. (We're doing this on planets as we get to them.)
- Secure funding and financial infrastructure We're looking
into financial/legal help with a Foundation, so we can get donations
from philannthropists and have somewhere to keep them. (So far, this
has been looked into on New Light.)
- Get Katya associated with Scouting in the public eye
Sparky Cola is starting some Scout-themed ad campaigns, including both
Girl and Boy Scouts, and both Jim and Katya. (Mostly in Blue, through
Slatifant Beeges; Red version started up but less spiffy; ditto Crux,
but they're lower tech, so probably ad campaigns are less pervasive.)
- Production and distribution of Scout Manuals Jim is working
on a research project to construct Scout manuals; he expects help from
Geoffrey Oxford in producing them when that's possible. Jim has in
hand: a Scoutmaster manual, 2 Boy Scout manuals (one Jim's), 3 Girl
Scout manuals (Dylanna's + 2 constructed by her). In general, it's not
possible to read a manual unless it's keyed to you.
- Create the official organization and get people into it This
is dependant on having successfully formed proto-troops, finding
adults to coodinate at local & planetary levels, and having Manual
production up and running. It will also take funding,
logistics/administration, probably some legal hoop-jumping, and some
more decision-making about the philosophical stuff.
- Scout troops resident on Hippocrates
- Building-with-a-scout-symbol-flag?
- What about Dylanna?
How you can help
- Assist with Scout Manual research project (ask Jim for details;
it's mostly tech-y).
How will Katya-and-Scouts fit into the larger three-thrones
Current status of negotiations with Donella, Jayla, and
non-bloodline political leaders:
- Donella Melcamot
2781.199: We spoke with Donella about the jump gates. She was
concerned that the potential for opening gates would increase
Red/Blue tension. She is interested in opening the Nurl/Juice
gate. We also spoke to her about marrying Shaddam. She didn't like
that idea and refused.
2781.300: We spoke to Donella again about unification. She has been
considering ways to bring the other Linked Worlds into the Blue
Hegemony. However, she thinks that we do not want to hear plans
which do not involve her marrying Shaddam, and thus she did not tell
us about her plans. She would like assistance in bringing
other systems into the Blue Hegemony; she asked whether we could
assist in influencing Lord Stannis or the Architect.
- Jayla
Jayla says she will not disrupt any plans that we make. Jayla seems
less interested in having all three Hegemons work together on a
grand plan; Katya wonders if she thinks each line should make their
own plan. Jayla would like to devote half of her line's share of
the Brochoah fund into rebuilding Vircus. Katya isn't sure what
Jayla thinks, and thinks we should speak to her about it.
- Shaddam Marchant (and Viktor Marchant)
2781.249: We spoke with Shaddam about the jump gates. He was
particularly concerned with the Crux/Nonesuch jump gate, and had
several ideas regarding the politics of opening that gate. Katya
forgets what was said about the gates to Stannis Law and Tinara;
perhaps Hippocrates, Ciernan, or Ruehan remember? Katya also
doesn't remember if he said anything about the potential for opening
jump gates increasing the Red/Blue tension, as Donella suggested
that it would.
2781.249: We also spoke to Shaddam about marrying Donella. He
didn't like that idea. He wants to discuss various options to the
Plan with us, and we agreed. We will speak about this again later.
2781.343: Jim and Katya spoke to Viktor. He has a crazy "braid"
charging-the-lines plan which involves swapping the blood lines in
and out of two political thrones. He pointed out flaws in our
plans, and they pointed out flaws in his plan, and we both agreed
to think about it. Viktor is also worried about Red being swallowed
in a merger, and is more concerned about there being a Red-like
Hegemony than about there being just one Hegemony.
- Lord Stannis
2765.023: We spoke with Lord Stannis about opening the jump
gates in his system. He is not interested in opening the gate to
the Well. He will think about opening the gate to Tinara. We also
spoke to him about the unification of Red and Blue. He is not happy
with the idea, and thinks that it will be an impossible task to
- The Architect
We haven't spoken to the Architect about this since
the Flames.
- Outworlds leadership
Note: The Outworlds are not a single political unit.
2781.264: We spoke to the Crux Parliament about opening the
jumpgates. They (and Pierogi) chose to open the Crux/Pierogi gate;
they are thinking about opening the Crux/Nonesuch gate. We spoke to
members of Parliament and envoys from the other Outworlds
about urging Red and Blue to settle their differences.