Notable Events
President William Clinton speaks at Sulzberger Middle School, 2000
WPLP cited as Model of Best Practice by "Imagining America," White
House Millennium Council 1999
Alexander Porshke, Minister for the Environment, Hamburg, Germany
tours Mill Creek Watershed and Aspen Farms, 1999
Thomas Ehrlich, Senior Scholar, Carnegie Foundation for the
Advancement of Teaching, visits SMS classroom 1999
Philadelphia School District officials visit SMS classroom, 1999
National Center for Community Education Training Workshop site
visit SMS, 2000
SMS teacher and students present Mill Creek Project and WPLP
website to Pennsylvania Legislature as part of Governor's 1998
Budget Speech SMS named "School of the Month" by Philadelphia
School District; Anne Spirn named Person of the Month, November
SMS students win 1997 Best Design, Philadelphia Region, Fifth
Annual National Engineers' Week Future City Competition, for
"Silver City" WPLP cited by National Housing Institute as model of
community-based planning
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WPLP cited by Clark University, Master's Program in GIS and
International Development as example of participatory methods and
GIS. WPLP website cited by European Environment Agency as among
"Best Environmental Resources Directories"
Links to WPLP website include: Council for Urban Economic
Development, Washington, DC; l'Universiti Catholique de Louvain,
Faculti de Droit, Siminaire de Recherches en Droit de
l'Environnement et de l'Urbanisme; Ordini degli Architetti di Roma
e Provincia; Philadelphia City Planning Commission; New York City
Garden Coalition; Institute for Cultural Landscape Studies, Harvard
University; Yahoo! Design Arts/Landscape Architecture.
WPLP website has been used in courses at University of Missouri
(urban ecosystems seminar); Oberlin College (environmental
history), Bowdoin College (history of environment and equity).
WPLP has been subject of senior honors theses at Middlebury
College and Stanford University.
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The Mill Creek Project at SMS, NBC Evening News, October
2, 1999.
The Mill Creek Project at SMS, 30-minute documentary aired daily
on Philadelphia School District Cable TV Station, November 1998
Wisconsin Public Radio, "The West Philadelphia Landscape Project
and the Language of Landscape," To the Best of Our
Knowledge, January 17, 1999
"The West Philadelphia Landscape Project," Free
Associations, on WHPK and WZRD Chicago, June 1999.
National Public Radio, "Buried Rivers," Radio Times,
August 9, 1999.
Public Radio International, "The Language of Landscape,"
Dialogue, November 29-December 5, 1999.
Listen to this program.
Michigan Public Radio, "The West Philadelphia Landscape Project,"
March 1998.
National Public Radio, "The West Philadelphia Landscape Plan,"
Living on Earth, 1993.
"The West Philadelphia Landscape Project," Bio-City 17
(November 1999), in Japanese.
"The Language of Landscape," Landscape Architecture (May
1999) featured WPLP.
"Landscape Organism: The West Philadelphia Landscape Project,"
Landscape Architecture, March 2000.
"Learning Gets Real With Service," by SMS teacher Glenn Campbell,
Philadelphia Daily News, May 7, 1998.
"GFS Junior Teaches Art of Making Webs," Chestnut Hill
Local, June 4, 1998.
"Dig These Gardens." Planning, July 1994.
"Surroundings: A Long-Buried Creek in West Philadelphia."
Philadelphia Sunday Inquirer. November 15, 1992.
"A Natural Legacy: Ian McHarg and His Followers,"
Planning, November 1991.
"The New Crop," The New York Times Magazine: Home Design,
October13, 1991.
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Boorse, Michael. "GFS Junior Teaches Art of Making Webs." Chestnut Hill Local, June 4, 1998.
Campbell, Glenn. "Learning Gets Real With Service." Philadelphia Daily News, May 7, 1998.
Public Radio International. "The Granite Garden." Dialogue, January16, 1995. 60 minutes.
- Knack, Ruth. "Dig These Gardens" Planning 60:7 (July 1994): 20-24.
- p.20 (754 Kb GIF)
- p.21 (575 Kb GIF)
- p.22 (602 Kb GIF)
- p.23 (423 Kb GIF)
- p.24 (318 Kb GIF)
National Public Radio. "The West Philadelphia Landscape Plan." Living on Earth, 1993.
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