Field Experience:
Get the Powerpoint for the Sarsi Field Experience
Final Panel:
Get the Keynote for the Final Panel
here or Powerpoint
Class Notes
Here's Sam's first Powerpoint presentation
Here's Sam's second Powerpoint presentation
Here's the GIS presentation from September 22nd.
Here are two fairly short, but very interesting articles (pdf's) on Brazil's agricultural growth from The Economist:
Brazil's agricultural miracle and The miracle of the cerrado
a list of books recommended by the librarians. Some are also on Sam's list.
General references:
Bassett, T.J. and Winter-Nelson, A. (2010) The Atlas of World Hunger, The University of Chicago Press
Malthus, T.R., (1798) An Essay on the Principle of Population: Edited and with an Introduction by Geoffrey Gilbert (2008); Oxford World Classics
Lappe, F.M., Collins, J., Rosset, P., (1998) WORLD HUNGER, Twelve Myths; Grove Press, New York
Tansey, G., Rajotte, T., (Editors) (2008) The Future of Food: A Guide to the International Negotiations and Rules on Intellectual, Property, Biodiversity and Food Security Earthscan, Quaker Development Research Centre
Schanbacher, William D., (2010) The Politics of Food: The Global Conflict Between Food Security and Food Sovereignty; Praeger Security International
Patel, R., (2009) Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System; Melville House Publishing
Pfeiffer, D. A. (2006) Oil, Food and the Coming Crisis in Agriculture, New Society Publishers
Runge, C.F., Senauer, B., Pardey, P.G., and Rosegrant, M.W. (2003) Ending Hunger in Our Lifetime, The Johns Hopkins University Press
Thurow, R., Kilman, S., (2009) Enough: Why the World's Poor Starve in an Age of Plenty; BBS Public Affairs, New York
Stuart, T., (2009) Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal; W. W. Norton & Company