For a complete list of Cohen lab
publications, please contact Candy Weaver (
Hohnloser S, Ikeda T, Cohen R. Evidence regarding
clinical use of microvolt T-wave alternans. Heart Rhythm.
Barley ME, Choppy KJ, Galea AM, Armoundas AA, Rosbury
TS, Hirschman GB, Cohen RJ. Validation of a novel catheter
guiding method for the ablative therapy of ventricular
tachycardia in a phantom model IEEE Trans Biomed Eng.
expected 2009.
Barley ME, Armoundas AA, Cohen RJ. A Method for Guiding
Ablation Catheters to Arrhythmogenic Sites using Body
Surface Electrocardiographic Signals IEEE Trans Biomed
Eng. expected 2009.
Cohen RJ, Barley ME. Method and apparatus for the guided
ablative therapy of fast ventricular arrhythmia US patent
US 2007/0219452 A1. September, 2007.
Xiao X, Mukkamala R, Cohen RJ. A weighted-principal
component regression method for the identification of
physiologic systems. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions
on 2006;53(8):1521 - 1530
Mukkamala R, Reisner AT, Hojman HM, Mark RG, Cohen
RJ. Continuous Cardiac Output Monitoring by Peripheral
Blood Pressure Waveform Analysis. IEEE Transactions
on Bio-medical Engineering. 2006;VOL. 53,(NO. 3):459-467.
Kaufman ES, Bloomfield DM, Steinman RC, Namerow PB,
Costantini O, Cohen RJ, Bigger JT, Jr. "Indeterminate"
microvolt T-wave alternans tests predict high risk of
death or sustained ventricular arrhythmias in patients
with left ventricular dysfunction. Journal of the American
College of Cardiology. 2006;48(7):1399-1404.
Grenon SM, Xiao X, Hurwitz S, Sheynberg N, Kim C, Seely
EW, Cohen RJ, Williams GH. Why is orthostatic tolerance
lower in women than in men? Renal and cardiovascular
responses to simulated microgravity and the role of
midodrine. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2006;54(4):180-190.
Barley ME, Armoundas AA, Choppy KJ, Galea AM, Hirschman
GB, Cohen RJ. Demonstration of novel cathhheter guiding
method for te ablative therapy of bentricula tachycardia.
Computers in Cardiology. 2006(33):613-616.
Xiao X, Grenon SM, Kim C, Sheynberg N, Hurwitz S, Williams
GH, Cohen RJ. Bed rest effects on human calf hemodynamics
and orthostatic intolerance: a model-based analysis.
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 2005;76(11):1037-1045.
Grenon SM, Xiao X, Hurwitz S, Ramsdell CD, Sheynberg
N, Kim C, Williams GH, Cohen RJ. Simulated microgravity
induces microvolt T wave alternans. Annals of Noninvasive
Electrocardiology. 2005;10(3):363-370.
Grenon SM, Hurwitz S, Xiao X, Sheynberg N, Ramsdell
CD, Kim C, Cohen RJ, Williams GH. Readaptation from
simulated microgravity as a stimulus for improved orthostatic
tolerance: role of the renal, cardioendocrine, and cardiovascular
systems. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2005;53(2):82-91.
Armoundas AA, Hohnloser SH, Ikeda T, Cohen RJ. Can microvolt
T-wave alternans testing reduce unnecessary defibrillator
implantation? Nature Clinical Practice: Cardiovascular
Medicine. 2005;2(10):522-528. |