Laser Biomedical Research Center (LBRC)
The Laser Biomedical Research Center was established in October
1985 as a National
Research Resource Center in laser biomedicine under support
of the Biomedical
Research Technology Program of the National
Institutes of Health. The LBRCs mission is to develop
the basic scientific understanding and new techniques required for
advancing the clinical applications of lasers and spectroscopy.
Researchers use the LBRC's resources to exploit laser-based spectroscopic
techniques for medical applications such as the spectral diagnosis
of disease, investigation of biophysical and biochemical properties
of cells and tissues and development of novel imaging techniques.
A unique feature of the LBRC is its ability to form strong clinical
collaborations with outside investigators in areas of common interest
that further the Center's mandated research objectives. For example,
ongoing clinical collaborations are using spectroscopic instruments
developed at the Center to diagnosis precancer in various organs.
As a National Research Resource Center, the LBRC makes available
its facilities, along with technical and scientific
support, to outside researchers for the purpose of pursuing independent
research projects in the area of laser biomedical applications.
The facilities are available on a time-shared basis, free-of-cost
policy to qualified scientists, engineers and physicians throughout
the United States. For additional information, please read the Guidelines
for Use of LBRC Facilities.