We are deeply thankful to these partners & sponsors for supporting this very special celebration.
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, keepers of the Smoot Tradition
MIT Class of 1962, classmates of Ollie Smoot '62
MIT Club of Boston, largest of the 92 MIT alumni clubs
![MIT Alumni Association](mitaa-logo.jpg)
MIT Alumni Association
The Charles River Conservancy
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
![Bovis Lend Lease](bovis.jpg)
Bovis Lend Lease
![S&F Concrete Contractors Inc.](sf-concrete.jpg)
S&F Concrete Contractors Inc.
![MIT Hobby Shop](hobby-shop.jpg)
MIT Hobby Shop
MIT Division of Student Life—Residential Life & Campus Activities Complex
And also to these organizations
City of Cambridge
MIT Office of Community and Government Relations
MIT Alumni Association
MIT Facilities
MIT Hobby Shop
MIT Museum
MIT News Of?ce
MIT Student Activities Of?ce
MIT Interfraternity Council
MIT Panhellenic Association
Debbie Douglas, MIT Museum, and Dayan Paez ‘08
for their work on the Smoot Stick
Ilan Moyer ‘09 and Melissa Rothstein G
for their work on the Smoot Plaque
Chris Fematt ‘08
for designing the Smoot Logo