The IMST programme takes cognisance
of the fact that a modern enterprise is a complex network comprising suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, retail stores and customers in which merchandise must be produced and distributed in a manner that minimises overall cost and provides services of standard. The research objective is therefore to propose models and efficient solution methodologies for a variety of frequently occurring supply chain management scenarios, using a broad set of mathematical approaches. Various manufacturing processes are also investigated and optimised, in particular reference to the context of global competitiveness.
Some of the Theme Projects undertaken by S.M. students, which are jointly supervised by staff of participating companies, MIT and Singapore SMA Fellows have been developed into full-scale research projects for more in-depth investigation. Currently, the research activities in Manufacturing Systems and Physics are gathering momentum and research initiatives in Manufacturing Physics include optoelectronics, manufacturing IT, micro-machining and fabrication, Augmented Reality Applications in Assembly, Micro and Nano-Patterning, Product Lifecycle Development analysis etc.
Currently, the IMST programme has 17 Ph.D. students. The research topics are relevant from both global and Singapore perspectives.