![CPE Flagship Research](images/title-AMM-and-NS-flagship-research.jpg)
A snapshot from AMM&NS FRP: Deposition polystyrene spheres on template with square array of holes formed by interference lithography. Inset shows 50% occupied array in the banded region. Dark lines indicate closepacked regions.
FRP Title: Nanotechnology on a Silicon Platform
Duration: July 2005 - June 2013
Principal Co-Investigators:
Prof Choi Wee Kiong (NUS), Prof Chua Soo Jin (NUS/IMRE), Prof Yoon Soon Fatt (NTU), Prof Pey Kin Leong (NTU), Assoc Prof Thong Thiam Leong, John (NUS), Assoc Prof Wong Chee Cheong (NTU), Assoc Prof Zhang Qing (NTU), Dr Liu Xiaogang (NUS)
Prof Carl V Thompson, Prof Eugene A Fitzgerald, Prof Dimitri A Antoniadis, Assoc Prof Nicola Marzari, Prof Caroline A Ross, Assoc Prof Francesco Stellacci and Assoc Prof Karl K Berggren
Research Objectives and Progress:
The AMM&NS FRP is built on the vision of opportunities for continued enhancement for the CMOS platform, as well as for new multifunctionality with the advancement in nanotechnology and nanomaterials. This combination will enable fabrication of multifunctional micro-and nanosystems that could lead to exponential increase in performance, while exponentially decrease the costs with a much wider continuum in terms of applications.
The project continues to progress along the following thrusts: Nanolithography and Templated Self-Assembly and Synthesis, Assembly and Devices for Nanodots, Nanowires and Nanotubes. The accomplishments of this project for the current year include:
- Development of a number of new techniques for fabrication of periodic and aperiodic nanoparticle catalyst arrays
- Development of techniques for producing new multi-component colloidal photonic crystals
- Manufacturing Systems and Technology (MST)
- Demonstration of use of these techniques to grow ordered homogeneous and heterogeneous semiconductor nanowire arrays
A wide array of nanomaterial synthesis and assembly approaches for fabrication of photonic, energy-storage and sensing devices in CMOS-compatible processes that can be used to build multifuctionality on a CMOS-platform have been developed through this research.
Collaborating Research Institutes or Companies:
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Micron Technologies, National Institute of Standards and Technologies, IBM Almaden