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Technology Development and Assessments

Seifkar, N. , X. Lu, M. Withers, R. Malina, R. Field, S. Barrett, and H. Herzog, “Biomass to Liquid Fuels Pathways:  A Techno-Economic Environmental Evaluation”, MIT Energy Initiative Report (2015). <PDF>

Cuellar, A.D., and H. Herzog, "A Path Forward for Low Carbon Power from Biomass," Energies, 8(3), 1701-1715, doi:10.3390/en8031701, (2015). <PDF> <Link to online journal article>

Eltayeb, A., M. Stern, H. Herzog and T.A. Hatton, "Energetics of electrochemically-mediated amine regeneration," Energy Procedia, Vol 63, pp 595-604, (2014). <PDF>

Stern, M., "Electrochemically-Mediated Amine Regeneration for Carbon Dioxide Separations," M.I.T. Ph.D. Dissertation, (2013). <PDF>

Botero, C., "The Phase Inversion-based Coal-CO2 Slurry (PHICCOS) Feeding System: Design, Coupled Multiscale Analysis, and Technoeconomic Assessment," M.I.T. Ph.D. Dissertation, (2013). <PDF>

Botero, C., R. Field, H. Herzog, A. Ghoniem, "The Phase Inversion-based Coal-CO2 Slurry (PHICCOS) Feeding System: Technoeconomic Assessment using Coupled Multiscale Analysis," International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol 18, pp 150-164, Oct (2013). Note: Subscription may be required to view article <Link to online journal article>

Botero, C., R.P. Field, H.J. Herzog and A.F. Ghoniem, “Coal-CO2 slurry feed for pressurized gasifiers: Slurry preparation system characterization and economics,” Energy Procedia, Vol 37, pp 2213-2223, Aug (2013). <PDF>

Stern, M. C., F. Simeon, H.J. Herzog, T. A. Hatton, "An Electrochemically-mediated Gas Separation Process for Carbon Abatement," Energy Procedia, Vol 37, pp 1172-1179, Aug (2013). <PDF>

Botero, C., R.P. Field, H.J. Herzog, A.F. Ghoniem, "On the Thermal and Kinetic Performance of a Coal-CO2 Slurry-fed Gasifier: Optimization of CO2 and H2O Flow using CO2 Skimming and Steam Injection," Proceedings of the 38th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, Clearwater, FL, June (2013). <PDF>

Stern, M.C., F. Simeon, H.J. Herzog, T. A. Hatton, "Post-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture using Electrochemically-Mediated Amine Regeneration", Energy & Environmental Science, vol 6(8), pp 2505 - 2517, June (2013). Note: Subscription may be required to view article <Link to online article>

Botero, C., R.P. Field, H.J. Herzog and A.F. Ghoniem, “Impact of finite-rate kinetics on carbon conversion in a single-stage entrained flow gasifer with coal-CO2 slurry feed,” Applied Energy Vol 104, pp 408–417, April (2013). Note: Subscription required to view article <Link to online journal article>

Stern, M. C., Electrochemically-mediated Amine Regeneration for CO2 Separations, presented at the ACS Spring Meeting: Energy and Fuels Division, New Orleans, LA, April (2013).

Szulczewski, M.L., "Storage Capacity and Injection Rate Estimates for CO2 Sequestration in Deep Saline Aquifers in the Conterminous United States," M.I.T. Ph.D. Dissertation, April (2013). <PDF>

Delgado, A. and H. Herzog, "A simple model to help understand water use at power plants," Working Paper, September (2012). <PDF>

Botero, C., R.D. Brasington, R.P. Field, H.J. Herzog and A.F. Ghoniem, “Performance of an IGCC Plant with Carbon Capture and Coal-CO2-Slurry Feed: Impact of Coal Rank, Slurry Loading, and Syngas Cooling Technology,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, July (2012). Note: Subscription required to view article <Link to online journal article>

Botero, C., R.P. Field, H.J. Herzog and A.F. Ghoniem, “Impact of finite-rate kinetics on carbon conversion in a single-stage entrained flow gasifer with coal-CO2 slurry feed,” presented at the Clearwater Clean Coal Conference, June (2012). <PDF>

Brasington, R.D., "Integration and operation of post-combustion capture system on coal-fired power," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, June (2012). <PDF>

Cuellar, A.D., "Plant Power: The Cost of Using Biomass for Power Generation and Potential for Decreased Greenhouse Gas Emissions," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, June (2012). <PDF>

Delgado Martin, A., "Water Footprint of Electric Power Generation: Modeling its use and analyzing options for a water-scarce future," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, June (2012). <PDF>

Szulczewski, M.L., C.W. MacMinn, H.J. Herzog, and R. Juanes, "Lifetime of Carbon Capture and Storage as a Climate-change Mitigation Technology," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol 109:14, pp 5185-5189, April (2012). <PDF> <MIT Press Release> <PNAS cover image>

Brasington, R. and H. Herzog, “Dynamic Response of Monoethanolamine (MEA) CO2 Capture Units,” presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, February (2012). <PDF>

House, K.Z., A.C. Baclig, M. Ranjan, E.A. van Nierop, J. Wilcox, H.J. Herzog, "Economic and Energetic Analysis of Capturing CO2 from Ambient Air," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol 108:51, pp 20428-20433, December (2011). <PDF> <MIT Press Release> <Letter to Editor>

Bashadi, S. and H. Herzog, "Using Auxiliary Gas Power for CCS Energy Needs in Retrofitted Coal Power Plants," Energy Procedia, Vol 4, pp 1828–1834, Feb (2011). <PDF>

Kothandaraman, A., L. Nord, O. Bolland, H.J. Herzog and G.J. McRae, "Comparison of Solvents for Post-combustion Capture of CO2 by Chemical Absorption," Energy Procedia, Vol 4, pp 1373-1380, Feb (2011). <PDF>

Nord, L.O., A. Kothandaraman, H. Herzog, G. McRae and O. Bolland, "A Modeling Software Linking Approach for the Analysis of an Integrated Reforming Combined Cycle with Hot Potassium Carbonate CO2 Capture," Energy Procedia, Vol 4, pp 741-748, Feb (2011). <PDF>

Kothandaraman, A., "Carbon Dioxide Capture by Chemical Absorption: A Solvent Comparison Study," M.I.T. Ph.D. Dissertation, June (2010). <PDF>

Ranjan, M., and H.J. Herzog, "Feasibility of Air Capture," Energy Procedia, Vol 4, pp 2869-2876, Feb (2011). <PDF>

Stern, M. C., F. Simeon, T. Hammer, H. Landes, H.J. Herzog, T.A. Hatton, Electrochemically Mediated Separation for Carbon Capture, Energy Procedia, Vol 4, pp 860-867, Feb (2011). <PDF>

Bashadi, S., "Using Auxiliary Gas Power for CCS Energy Needs in Retrofitted Coal Power Plants," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, June (2010). <PDF>

Ranjan, M., "Feasibility of Air Capture," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, June (2010). <PDF>

Shu, G., "Economics and Policies for Carbon Capture and Sequestration in the Western United States: A Marginal Cost Analysis of Potential Power Plant Deployment," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, January (2010). <PDF>

Herzog, H., J. Meldon, A. Hatton, "Advanced Post-Combustion CO2 Capture," Chapter within Coal without Carbon, An Investment Plan for Federal Action, prepared for the Clean Air Task Force under a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, September (2009). []

Raza, Y., "Uncertainty Analysis of Capacity Estimates and Leakage Potential for Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, May (2009). <PDF>

Herzog, H., J. Meldon, A. Hatton, "Advanced Post-Combustion CO2 Capture," prepared for the Clean Air Task Force under a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, April (2009). <PDF>

Herzog, H., "A Research Program for Promising Retrofit Technologies," prepared for the MIT Symposium on Retro-fitting of Coal-Fired Power Plants for Carbon Capture, March (2009). <PDF>

Herzog, H., "A Research Program for Promising Retrofit Technologies," prepared for the MIT Symposium on Retro-fitting of Coal-Fired Power Plants for Carbon Capture, March (2009). []

Kothandaraman, A., L. Nord, O. Bolland, H.J. Herzog and G.J. McRae, "Comparison of Solvents for Post-combustion Capture of CO2 by Chemical Absorption," Energy Procedia, Vol 4, pp 1373-1380, Feb (2011). <PDF>

Nord, L.O., A. Kothandaraman, H. Herzog, G. McRae and O. Bolland, "A Modeling Software Linking Approach for the Analysis of an Integrated Reforming Combined Cycle with Hot Potassium Carbonate CO2 Capture," Energy Procedia, Vol 4, pp 741-748, Feb (2011). <PDF>

Maurstad, O., H. Herzog, O. Bolland, J. Beér, "Impact of Coal Quality and Gasifier Technology on IGCC Performance,"  presented at the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, Norway, June (2006). <PDF>

Ide, T., S.J. Friedmann, H. Herzog, "CO2 Leakage through Existing Wells: Current Technology and Regulations," presented at the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, Norway, June (2006). <PDF>

Esber, G.S., "Carbon Dioxide Capture Technology for the Coal-Powered Electricity Industry: A Systematic Prioritization of Research Needs," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, (2006). <PDF>

Maurstad, O., "An Overview of Coal based Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Technology," MIT LFEE 2005-002 WP, September (2005). <PDF>

Herzog, H.J., "Carbon Sequestration via Mineral Carbonation: Overview and Assessment," March (2002). <PDF>

Caldeira, K., H. Herzog, and M. Wickett, "Predicting and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Ocean Carbon Sequestration by Direct Injection," presented at the First National Conference on Carbon Sequestration, Washington, DC, May 14-17 (2001). <PDF>

Herzog, H., K. Caldeira, and E. Adams, "Carbon Sequestration via Direct Injection," in Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences , eds. J.H. Steele, S.A. Thorpe, and K.K. Turekian, Vol. 1, pp 408 - 414, Academic Press, London, UK, September (2001). <PDF>

Herzog, H. and O. Falk-Pedersen, "The Kvaerner Membrane Contactor: Lessons from a Case Study in How to Reduce Capture Costs," Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-5), Cairns, Australia, D.J. Williams, R.A. Durie, P. McMullan, C.A.J. Paulson and A.Y. Smith (eds.), CSIRO, pp 121-132, (2001). <PDF>

Herzog, H., E. Adams, M. Akai, G. Alendal, L. Golmen, P. Haugan, S. Masuda, R. Matear, S. Masutani, T. Ohsumi, and C. S. Wong, "Update on the International Experiment on CO2 Ocean Sequestration," Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-5), Cairns, Australia, D.J. Williams, R.A. Durie, P. McMullan, C.A.J. Paulson and A.Y. Smith (eds.), CSIRO, pp 399-410, (2001). <PDF>

Herzog, H. J., "An Introduction to CO2 Separation and Capture Technologies," Energy Laboratory Working Paper, (1999). <PDF>