MIT SAP Transport Request Process FAQs
Test Transport Request
What is a Test Transport
What is the Test Transport
When are transports suspended
to the Test (SF5) environment?
What transports can
be processed during tests?
Who should receive the
transport requests during tests?
What is the pending production
transport list and when is it processed?
Test Transport Request
What is a Test Transport Request?
During a test, transports are generated in the Development (SF2) or Staging (SF3) environments containing multiple corrections, support packages, and customization usually grouped by project or tasks destined for Production (PS1). These are imported to Test (SF5) and complied for updating Production (PS1).
What is the Test Transport Policy?
During a test, normal production transport processing is suspended. This suspension occurs prior to a test until Production is updated and validation occurs. Only critical transports are imported into Production until the suspension is lifted.
When are transports suspended to the Test (SF5) environment?
In order to stabilize the Test (SF5) environment, the normal transport process between Development and Test is suspended starting with the Test environment refresh until Production is updated.
What transports can be processed during tests?
On test days, transports related to the projects, changed functionality, or recorded test issues are allowed. The necessity of those transports is determined and approved by the Project Leader(s), Group Leaders and/or Quality Assurance.
Who should receive the transport requests during tests?
Developers submit the requests to the ist-quality mail list by 3:00 p.m. for that evening's import schedule. These are reviewed for import, and a transport request email including all requests and special instructions for the day is sent to R3-Chmgt. The pending production transport list is updated with these special transport requests.
What is the pending production transport list and when is it processed?
It is a compilation of transports imported into Test (SF5) used for major updates or releases to Production (PS1).