Journal Papers

  1. Y. Liu, C. Zhang, D. M. DeSantis, D. Hu, T. Meissner, J. Notaros, and J. Klamkin, "High-Resolution Arrayed Waveguide Grating-Assisted Passive Optical Phased Array for 2D Beam Steering," under review.
  2. S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, E. R. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, P. T. Callahan, G. N. West, D. Kharas, T. Mahony, C. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, I. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Systems for Polarization-Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions," under review. [arXiv]
  3. E. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, Z. Li, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, M. E. Kim, A. D. Leu, P. Callahan, T. Mahony, G. N. West, C. Sorace-Agaskar, D. Kharas, R. McConnell, C. D. Bruzewicz, I. L. Chuang, J. Notaros, and J. Chiaverini, "Sub-Doppler cooling of a trapped ion in a phase-stable polarization gradient," under review. [arXiv]
  4. A. Garcia Coleto, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Packaging Considerations and Evaluation Techniques for Integrated Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators," under review.
  5. M. Notaros, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, J. Notaros, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Holographic Display for Augmented Reality," under review.
  6. A. Garcia Coleto, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Visible-Light Uniform and Unidirectional Grating-Based Antennas for Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," Optics Express 32(26), 46447-46466 (2024). [Optics InfoBase]
  7. D. M. DeSantis, M. R. Torres, A. Garcia Coleto, B. M. Mazur, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Spiral Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Tunable Near-Field-Focusing Emission," Optics Express 32(25), 44567-44580 (2024). [Optics InfoBase]
  8. T. Sneh, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, K. Kikkeri, J. Voldman, and J. Notaros, "Optical Tweezing of Microparticles and Cells Using Silicon-Photonics-Based Optical Phased Arrays," Nature Communications 15, 8493 (2024). [Nature] (Selected News Coverage: [MIT News])
  9. D. M. DeSantis, B. M. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Multi-beam solid-state LiDAR using star-coupler-based optical phased arrays," Optics Express 32(21), 36656-36673 (2024). [Optics InfoBase]
  10. S. Park, M. Notaros, A. Mohanty, D. Kim, J. Notaros, and S. Mouradian, "Technologies for Modulation of Visible Light and their Applications," Progress in Quantum Electronics 97, 100534 (2024). [Elsevier] (Invited Review Paper)
  11. S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Silicon-Photonics-Enabled Chip-Based 3D Printer," Light: Science & Applications 13, 132 (2024). [Nature] (Top Downloaded Paper) (Selected News Coverage: [MIT News])
  12. M. Notaros, T. Dyer, A. Garcia Coleto, A. Hattori, K. Fealey, S. Kruger, and J. Notaros, "Mechanically-Flexible Wafer-Scale Integrated-Photonics Fabrication Platform," Scientific Reports 14, 10623 (2024). [Nature]
  13. A. Hattori*, T. Sneh*, M. Notaros, S. Corsetti, P. T. Callahan, D. Kharas, T. Mahony, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Visible-Light Polarization Rotators and Splitters for Atomic Quantum Systems," Optics Letters 49(7), 1794-1797 (2024). (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase]
  14. M. Notaros, A. Garcia Coleto, M. Raval, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Liquid-Crystal-Based Variable-Tap Devices for Visible-Light Amplitude Modulation," Optics Letters 49(4), 1041-1044 (2024). [Optics InfoBase]
  15. L. Neim, A. Yovanovich, J. Bartholomew, V. Deenadayalan, M. Ciminelli, T. Palone, M. van Niekerk, M. Song, A. Nauriyal, J. Notaros, S. Serna Otálvaro, J. Cardenas, T. Brown, A. M. Agarwal, S. Saini, and S. F. Preble, "Hands-On Photonic Education (HOPE) Kits: Empowering the Integrated Photonics Workforce through Practical Training," Applied Optics 62(31), H24-H32 (2023). [Optics InfoBase] (Editor's Pick)
  16. M. Notaros, D. DeSantis, M. Raval, and J. Notaros, "Liquid-Crystal-Based Visible-Light Integrated Optical Phased Arrays and Application to Underwater Communications," Optics Letters 48(20), 5269-5272 (2023). [Optics InfoBase]
  17. M. de Cea, Z. Li, M. Notaros, J. Notaros, and R. J. Ram, "Single-Mode Waveguide-Coupled Light Emitting Diodes in Unmodified Silicon Photonics Fabrication Processes," APL Photonics 8(8), 081301 (2023). [AIP Publishing]
  18. Z. Zhang, M. Notaros, Z. Gao, U. Chakraborty, J. Notaros, and D. S. Boning, "Impact of Process Variations on Splitter-Tree-Based Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," Optics Express 31(8), 12912–12921 (2023). [Optics InfoBase]
  19. M. Notaros, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, J. Notaros, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Phase Modulators," Optics Express 30(8), 13790-13801 (2022). [Optics InfoBase]
  20. U. Chakraborty, J. Carolan, G. Clark, D. Bunandar, G. Gilbert, J. Notaros, M. R. Watts, and D. R. Englund, "Cryogenic operation of silicon-photonics modulators based on the DC Kerr effect," Optica 7(10), 1385-1390 (2020). [Optics InfoBase]
  21. N. Li, M. Xin, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, N. Singh, J. Notaros, E. Timurdogan, Purnawirman, J. D. B. Bradley, and M. R. Watts, "A Silicon Photonic Data Link with a Monolithic Erbium-Doped Laser," Scientific Reports 10, 1114 (2020). [Nature]
  22. M. Xin*, N. Li*, N. Singh, A. Ruocco, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, J. Notaros, D. Vermeulen, E. Ippen, M. R. Watts, and F. Kaertner, "Optical frequency synthesizer with an integrated erbium tunable laser," Light: Science & Applications 8, 122 (2019). (*Equal Contributors) [Nature]
  23. J. Notaros*, N. Li*, C. V. Poulton, Z. Su, M. J. Byrd, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. M. Fahrenkopf, and M. R. Watts, "CMOS-Compatible Optical Phased Array Powered by a Monolithically-Integrated Erbium Laser," Journal of Lightwave Technology 37(24), 5982-5987 (2019). (*Equal Contributors) [IEEEXplore]
  24. T. Kim*, P. Bhargava*, C. V. Poulton*, J. Notaros, A. Yaacobi, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. Fahrenkopf, S. Kruger, T. Ngai, Y. Timalsina, M. R. Watts, and V. Stojanovic, "A Single-Chip Optical Phased Array in a Wafer-Scale Silicon Photonics / CMOS 3D-Integration Platform," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 54(11), 3061-3074 (2019). (*Equal Contributors) [IEEEXplore] (Invited Paper)
  25. J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Near-field-focusing integrated optical phased arrays," Journal of Lightwave Technology 36(24), 5912-5920 (2018). [IEEEXplore]
  26. N. Li, D. Vermeulen, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, M. Xin, N. Singh, A. Ruocco, J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, and M. R. Watts, "Monolithically integrated erbium-doped tunable laser on a CMOS-compatible silicon photonics platform," Optics Express 26(13), 16200-16211 (2018). [Optics InfoBase]
  27. A. H. Atabaki*, S. Moazeni*, F. Pavanello*, H. Gevorgyan, J. Notaros, L. Alloatti, M. T. Wade, C. Sun, S. A. Kruger, H. Meng, K. A. Qubaisi, I. Wang, B. Zhang, A. Khilo, C. V. Baiocco, M. A. Popovic, V. M. Stojanovic, and R. J. Ram, "Integrating photonics with silicon nanoelectronics for the next generation of systems on a chip," Nature 556, 349-354 (2018). (*Equal Contributors) [Nature] (Selected News Coverage: [Nature News] [MIT News] [BU News])
  28. J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated optical phased arrays for quasi-Bessel-beam generation," Optics Letters 42(17), 3510-3513 (2017). [Optics InfoBase]
  29. J. Notaros, J. Mower, M. Heuck, C. Lupo, N. C. Harris, G. R. Steinbrecher, D. Bunandar, T. Baehr-Jones, M. Hochberg, S. Lloyd, and D. Englund, "Programmable dispersion on a photonic integrated circuit for classical and quantum applications," Optics Express 25(18), 21275-21285 (2017). [Optics InfoBase]
  30. J. Notaros and M. A. Popovic, "Finite-Difference Complex-Wavevector Band Structure Solver for Analysis and Design of Periodic Radiative Microphotonic Structures," Optics Letters 40(6), 1053-1056 (2015). [Optics InfoBase]

Conference Papers

  1. S. M. Corsetti, A. Hattori, E. R. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, P. T. Callahan, G. N. West, D. Kharas, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, I. L. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Polarization-Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2025), paper 2.16. [MIT MTL]
  2. A. Garcia Coleto, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Visible-Light Grating-Based Antennas for Augmented-Reality Displays,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2025), paper 3.14. [MIT MTL]
  3. H. Crawford-Eng, A. Garcia Coleto, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Optical Phased Arrays with Visible-Spectrum-Spanning Emission,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2025), paper 3.22. [MIT MTL]
  4. D. M. DeSantis, B. M. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Multi-Beam Optical-Phased-Array-Based Solid-State LiDAR Sensors,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2025), paper 3.16. [MIT MTL]
  5. B. M. Mazur, D. M. DeSantis, A. Garcia Coleto, and J. Notaros, “Reduced-Crosstalk Optical Antennas for Wide-Field-of-View Optical Phased Arrays for Solid-State LiDAR Sensors,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2025), paper 3.18. [MIT MTL]
  6. S. M. Corsetti, A. Hattori, E. R. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, P. T. Callahan, G. N. West, D. Kharas, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, I. L. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Polarization-Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions,” in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2025), paper 3.1.
  7. E. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, Z. Li, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, M. E. Kim, A. D. Leu, P. Callahan, T. Mahony, G. N. West, C. Sorace-Agaskar, D. Kharas, R. McConnell, C. D. Bruzewicz, I. L. Chuang, J. Notaros, and J. Chiaverini, “Sub-Doppler cooling of a trapped ion in a phase-stable polarization gradient,” in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2025), paper 1.4.
  8. F. W. Knollmann, E. R. Clements, S. M. Corsetti, A. D. Leu, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, D. Kharas, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, I. L. Chuang, J. Notaros, and J. Chiaverini, "Collecting fluorescence from a trapped ion using trap-integrated photonics," in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2025), paper 3.10.
  9. C. Sorace-Agaskar, C. Bruzewicz, P. Callahan, C. Heidelberger, D. Kharas, W. Loh, T. Mahony, R. Maxson, R. McConnell, A. Medeiros, R. Morgan, A. Sumant, M. Schuldt, R. Swint, K. Cahoy, J. Notaros, J. Chiaverini, and P. Juodawlkis, "Near-Ultraviolet to Midwave Infrared Devices for Quantum Sensing and Information Processing," in Proceedings of Advanced Photonics Congress (APC) (OSA, 2024), paper NoTh3B.1. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
  10. J. Notaros, "Integrated optical phased arrays for augmented reality, biophotonics, 3D printing, and beyond," in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics in Switching & Computing (PSC) (IEEE, 2024). (Invited Talk)
  11. J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Solid-State LiDAR and Beyond," in Proceedings of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium (IEEE, 2024), paper WSR-5. [IEEE] (Invited Workshop Talk)
  12. E. Clements, F. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. Callahan, D. Kharas, G. West, T. Mahony, C. Bruzewicz, M. Kim, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Notaros, I. Chuang, and J. Chiaverini, “Integrated photonics for photon mediated entanglement generation and sub-Doppler cooling,” in Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (APS, 2024), paper K00.00138. [APS]
  13. Y. Liu, C. Zhang, D. DeSantis, D. Hu, T. Meissner, A. Garcia Coleto, B. Mazur, J. Notaros, and J. Klamkin, “High-Resolution Arrayed-Waveguide-Grating-Assisted Passive Integrated Optical Phased Array for 2-D Beam Steering,” in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2024), paper STu4N.1. [Optics InfoBase] (Highlighted Talk)
  14. J. Notaros, "Silicon photonics for LiDAR sensors, AR displays, trapped-ion systems, and beyond," in Proceedings of SPIE Defense & Commercial Sensing (DCS) (SPIE, 2024), paper 13028-50. [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
  15. J. Notaros, "Integrated optical phased arrays for augmented reality, biophotonics, 3D printing, and beyond," in Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe (SPIE, 2024), paper 13004-18. [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
  16. J. Notaros, "Integrated optical phased arrays: augmented reality, biophotonics, 3D printing, and beyond," in Proceedings of SPIE Photonics West (SPIE, 2024), paper 12890-45. [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
  17. S. Corsetti*, A. Hattori*, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, F. Knollmann, E. R. Clements, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2024), paper 7.03. (*Equal Contributors) [MIT MTL]
  18. A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators for Augmented-Reality Displays,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2024), paper 7.02. (*Equal Contributors) [MIT MTL]
  19. D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Solid-State OPA-Based LiDAR,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2024), paper 7.04. [MIT MTL]
  20. B. Mazur*, D. M. DeSantis*, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Beam-Steering Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2024), paper 7.09. (*Equal Contributors) [MIT MTL]
  21. M. R. Torres, S. Corsetti, D. M. DeSantis, A. Garcia Coleto, B. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Optical Grating-Based Antennas for LiDAR,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2024), paper 7.11. [MIT MTL]
  22. S. Corsetti*, A. Hattori*, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, F. Knollmann, E. R. Clements, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems,” in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2024). (*Equal Contributors)
  23. E. R. Clements, F. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, M. E. Kim, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Notaros, I. L. Chuang, and J. Chiaverini, “Integrated photonics for trapped-ion state detection and photon mediated entanglement generation,” in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2024). (Best Poster Award)
  24. A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators: Packaging Processes and Evaluation Techniques," in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (IEEE, 2023), paper WE1.3. (*Equal Contributors) [IEEE Xplore]
  25. T. Sneh, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, K. Kikkeri, J. Voldman, and J. Notaros, "Optical Tweezing of Microspheres and Cells Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (IEEE, 2023), paper TuE2.2. [IEEE Xplore]
  26. D. M. DeSantis*, M. Notaros*, M. R. Torres, and J. Notaros, "Underwater Wireless Optical Communications Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (IEEE, 2023), paper MB4.5. (*Equal Contributors) [IEEE Xplore]
  27. J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: AR Displays, 3D Printing, Biophotonics, and Beyond," in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (IEEE, 2023), paper WD1.1. [IEEE Xplore] (Invited Talk)
  28. J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: AR Displays, Biophotonics, 3D Printing, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2023), paper FM6D.7. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
  29. S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, R. Swint, M. Notaros, G. N. West, T. Sneh, F. Knollmann, P. T. Callahan, T. Mahony, E. R. Clements, D. Kharas, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Polarization-Diverse Grating Emitters for Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science (FiO, LS) (OSA, 2023), paper JTu7A.3. [Optics InfoBase] (Postdeadline Talk)
  30. J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, AR Displays, Biophotonics, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Photonics North (PN) (OSA, 2023). [IEEE Xplore] (Invited Talk)
  31. Z. Zhang, M. Notaros, Z. Gao, U. Chakraborty, J. Notaros, and D. Boning, "Impact of Spatial Variations on Splitter-Tree-Based Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2023), paper W2A.35. [Optics InfoBase]
  32. J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Augmented Reality and Beyond," in Proceedings of IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) (IEEE, 2023), paper F4.04. (Invited Forum Talk)
  33. J. Notaros, "Integrated optical phased arrays: augmented reality, LiDAR, and beyond," in Proceedings of Photonics West (SPIE, 2023), paper 12438-64. [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
  34. Z. Zhang, M. Notaros, Z. Gao, U. Chakraborty, J. Notaros, and D. S. Boning, "Impact of Spatial Variations on Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2023), paper 7.6. [MIT MTL]
  35. M. Notaros, T. Dyer, A. Hattori, K. Fealey, S. Kruger, and J. Notaros, "Flexible Wafer-Scale Silicon-Photonics Fabrication Platform," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2023), paper 7.9. [MIT MTL]
  36. S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2023), paper 7.10. [MIT MTL]
  37. D. DeSantis*, M. Notaros*, and J. Notaros, "Underwater Free-Space Optical Communications Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2023), paper 7.11. (*Equal Contributors) [MIT MTL]
  38. A. Hattori*, S. Corsetti*, T. Sneh, M. Notaros, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, C. D. Bruzewicz, F. Knollmann, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2023), paper 8.8. (*Equal Contributors) [MIT MTL]
  39. S. Corsetti*, A. Hattori*, T. Sneh, M. Notaros, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, C. D. Bruzewicz, F. Knollmann, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems," in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2023), paper 3.6. (*Equal Contributors) (Best Pitch Award)
  40. A. Hattori*, T. Sneh*, M. Notaros, S. Corsetti, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Visible-Light Polarization-Control Devices for Atomic Quantum Technologies," in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2023), paper 4.4. (*Equal Contributors) (Best Poster Award)
  41. S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing," in MIT GW6 Research Summit (MIT, 2022). (Best Presentation Award)
  42. M. Notaros, T. Dyer, A. Hattori, K. Fealey, S. Kruger, and J. Notaros, "Flexible Silicon-Photonics Wafers and Chips," in MIT GW6 Research Summit (MIT, 2022).
  43. A. Hattori*, S. Corsetti*, T. Sneh, M. Notaros, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, C. D. Bruzewicz, F. Knollmann, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Architectures for Polarization-Gradient and EIT Cooling of Trapped Ions," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2022), paper FM4B.3. (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase] (Best Paper Award Finalist)
  44. M. Notaros, T. Dyer, A. Hattori, K. Fealey, S. Kruger, and J. Notaros, "Flexible Wafer-Scale Silicon-Photonics Fabrication Platform," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2022), paper FW1E.3. [Optics InfoBase] (Best Paper Award Finalist)
  45. T. Sneh*, A. Hattori*, M. Notaros, S. Corsetti, and J. Notaros, "Design of Integrated Visible-Light Polarization Rotators and Splitters," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2022), paper JTu5A.48. (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase]
  46. J. Hu, J. Michon, M. Shalaginov, G. Micale, J. Cardenas, J. Notaros, M. Notaros, J. Liu, S. Serna, P. Nagarkar, L. C. Kimerling, and A. M. Agarwal, "Online Collaborative Approach to Teaching Hands-On Photonics Integrated Circuit (PIC) Device Testing," in Proceedings of SPIE Optics Education and Outreach VII Conference (SPIE, 2022), paper 12213-2. [SPIE]
  47. S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Visible-Light Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Chip-Based 3D Printing," in Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR) (OSA, 2022), paper IM2B.4. [Optics InfoBase] (Best Paper Award)
  48. J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Imaging and Applied Optics Congress (COSI) (OSA, 2022), paper CM4A.3. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
  49. T. Sneh, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Focusing Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Chip-Based Optical Trapping," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2022), paper STh4G.4. [Optics InfoBase]
  50. J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Augmented Reality, LiDAR, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2022), paper M2E.1. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
  51. F. Knollmann, A. Hattori, S. Corsetti, T. Sneh, R. Morgan, A. Ungar, D. Voronin, C. D. Bruzewicz, P. Callahan, D. Kharas, M. Kim, R. Maxson, R. McConnell, A. Medeiros, D. Reens, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. Swint, S. Todaro, M. Notaros, J. Notaros, I. L. Chuang, and J. Chiaverini, "Photonic integration for trapped-ion quantum information science," in Proceedings of MIT QSEC's Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT, 2022), paper 3.5.
  52. S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2022), paper 5.04. [MIT MTL]
  53. T. Sneh, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "CMOS-Compatible Focusing Optical Phased Arrays for Steerable Chip-Based Optical Trapping," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2022), paper 5.05. [MIT MTL]
  54. M. Notaros, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, E. P. Ippen, M. R. Watts, and J. Notaros, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Visible-Light Holographic Augmented-Reality Display," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2022), paper 5.03. [MIT MTL] (Best Poster Award)
  55. A. M. Shull, M. Notaros, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, M. R. Watts, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Butterfly Coupler for Independent Amplitude and Phase Control," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2022), paper 5.01. [MIT MTL]
  56. J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, N. Li, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, T. Dyer, C. Baiocco, T. Kim, P. Bhargava, V. Stojanovic, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Applied Industrial Optics (AIO) (OSA, 2021), paper M2A.3. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
  57. U. Chakraborty, J. Carolan, G. Clark, D. Bunandar, G. Gilbert, J. Notaros, M. R. Watts, and D. R. Englund, "Cryogenic Operation of DC Kerr Silicon Photonic Modulators," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2021), paper STh1Q.1. [Optics InfoBase]
  58. M. Notaros, J. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Holographic Display for Augmented Reality," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2021), paper 4.05. [MIT MTL] (Best Paper Award)
  59. J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, N. Li, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, T. Dyer, C. Baiocco, T. Kim, P. Bhargava, V. Stojanovic, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR, Communications, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2020), paper FM5B.3. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
  60. J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, N. Li, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, T. Dyer, C. Baiocco, T. Kim, P. Bhargava, V. Stojanovic, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Communications, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Photonics Networks and Devices (NETWORKS) (OSA, 2020), paper NeTu3B.1. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
  61. N. Mehta, Z. Su, E. Timurdogan, J. Notaros, R. Wilcox, C. V. Poulton, C. Baiocco, N. Fahrenkopf, S. Kruger, T. Ngai, Y. Timalsina, M. R. Watts, and V. Stojanovic, "An Optically Sampled ADC in 3D Integrated Silicon-Photonics/65nm CMOS," in Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology (VLSI) (IEEE, 2020). [IEEE Xplore] (Technology Highlight)
  62. U. Chakraborty, J. Carolan, G. Clark, D. Bunandar, J. Notaros, M. R. Watts, and D. R. Englund, "Cryogenic Operation of Silicon Photonic Electro-Optic Modulators based on DC Kerr Effect," in Proceedings of the APS March Meeting (APS, 2020), paper L27.4. [APS]
  63. J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Holographic Projector for Augmented Reality," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2020), paper 7.11. [MIT MTL]
  64. M. Notaros, J. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Liquid-Crystal Devices for Visible-Light Modulation," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2020), paper 7.07. [MIT MTL]
  65. J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, N. Li, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, T. Dyer, C. Baiocco, T. Kim, P. Bhargava, V. Stojanovic, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated optical phased arrays: LiDAR, augmented reality, and beyond," in Proceedings of Photonics West (SPIE, 2020), paper 11285-18. [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
  66. J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, N. Li, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, T. Dyer, C. Baiocco, T. Kim, P. Bhargava, V. Stojanovic, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR) (OSA, 2019), paper IM4A.2. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
  67. J. Notaros, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Array Butterfly Architecture for Independent Amplitude and Phase Control," in Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR) (OSA, 2019), paper IM4A.4. [Optics InfoBase]
  68. M. Notaros, J. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal Variable-Tap Amplitude Modulator," in Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR) (OSA, 2019), paper ITh2C.6. [Optics InfoBase]
  69. P. Bhargava*, T. Kim*, C. V. Poulton*, J. Notaros, A. Yaacobi, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. Fahrenkopf, S. Kruger, T. Ngai, Y. Timalsina, M. R. Watts, and V. Stojanovic, "Fully Integrated Coherent LiDAR in 3D-Integrated Silicon Photonics/65nm CMOS," in Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI) (IEEE, 2019). (*Equal Contributors) [IEEE Xplore]
  70. J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. Raval, M. Notaros, N. Li, M. J. Byrd, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: Architectures and Applications," in Proceedings of Photonics North (IEEE, 2019). [IEEE Xplore] (Invited Talk)
  71. J. Notaros, M. Raval, M. Notaros, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated-Phased-Array-Based Visible-Light Near-Eye Holographic Projector," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2019), paper STu3O.4. [Optics InfoBase] (Chair's Pick Award) (Upgraded to Invited Talk)
  72. J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Liquid-Crystal-Based Visible-Light Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2019), paper STu3O.3. [Optics InfoBase]
  73. M. Xin*, N. Li*, N. Singh, A. Ruocco, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, J. Notaros, D. Vermeulen, E. Ippen, M. R. Watts, and F. Kaertner, "An optical frequency synthesizer using an integrated erbium tunable laser," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2019), paper SW4G.6. (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase]
  74. T. Kim, P. Bhargava, C. V. Poulton, J. Notaros, A. Yaacobi, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. Fahrenkopf, S. Kruger, T. Ngai, Y. Timalsina, M. R. Watts, and V. Stojanovic, "A Single-Chip Optical Phased Array in a 3D-Integrated Silicon Photonics/65nm CMOS Technology," in Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) (IEEE, 2019), pp 464-466. [IEEE Xplore]
  75. J. Notaros, N. Li, C. V. Poulton, Z. Su, M. J. Byrd, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. M. Fahrenkopf, and M. R. Watts, "CMOS-Compatible Optical Phased Arrays Powered by Monolithically-Integrated Erbium Lasers," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2019), paper 6.03. [MIT MTL] (Best Overall Award) (Best Pitch Award)
  76. M. Notaros, J. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal Phase Modulator," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2019), paper 6.01. [MIT MTL]
  77. M. Notaros, M. Raval, J. Notaros, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal Phase Modulator," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2018), paper FW6B.5. [Optics InfoBase]
  78. J. Notaros, M. Raval, M. Notaros, and M. R. Watts, "VIPER: Visible Integrated Photonics Enhanced Reality," presented at the DARPA D60 Symposium, National Harbor, Maryland (2018). [DARPAtv] (Top-Three DARPA Riser Award) (DARPA D60 Plenary Talk)
  79. J. Notaros*, N. Li*, C. V. Poulton, Z. Su, M. J. Byrd, E. S. Magden, and M. R. Watts, "CMOS-Compatible Optical Phased Arrays with Monolithically-Integrated Erbium Lasers," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2018), paper STu4B.2. (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase]
  80. J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Bessel-Beam-Generating Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2018), paper SM3I.5. [Optics InfoBase]
  81. M. Popovic, F. Pavanello, A. H. Atabaki, S. Moazeni, H. Gevorgyan, J. Notaros, L. Alloatti, M. Wade, C. Sun, S. Kruger, K. A. Qubaisi, I. Wang, B. Zhang, A. Khilo, C. Baiocco, V. Stojanovic, and R. Ram, "Monolithically Integrated Photonics with Silicon Nanoelectronics in Advanced Bulk CMOS Process Nodes for Next-Generation Systems-on-Chip," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2018), paper SF1A.5. (Invited Talk)
  82. N. Li, D. Vermeulen, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, A. Ruocco, N. Singh, J. Notaros, M. Xin, C. V. Poulton, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, and M. R. Watts, "CMOS-Compatible Tunable Vernier Ring Laser using Erbium Doped Waveguide on a Silicon Photonics Platform," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2018), paper SW3B.4. [Optics InfoBase]
  83. F. X. Kaertner, P. T. Callahan, K. Shtyrkova, N. Singh, M. Xin, N. Li, R. Koustuban, J. Notaros, E. S. Magden, D. Vermeulen, E. P. Ippen, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Rare-Earth Mode-Locked Lasers on a CMOS Platform," in Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe (SPIE, 2018). [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
  84. A. H. Atabaki*, S. Moazeni*, F. Pavanello*, H. Gevorgyan, J. Notaros, L. Alloatti, M. Wade, C. Sun, S. Kruger, K. A. Qubaisi, I. Wang, B. Zhang, A. Khilo, C. Baiocco, M. Popovic, V. Stojanovic, and R. Ram, "Monolithic Optical Transceivers in 65 nm Bulk CMOS," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2018), paper W1I.4. (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase]
  85. J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Array Architectures and Applications," presented at the 2018 Boston Photonics Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (2018). [BPC] (Plenary Talk)
  86. J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Quasi-Bessel-Beam Generation Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2018), paper 4.11. [MIT MTL]
  87. S. Moazeni*, A. H. Atabaki*, F. Pavanello*, H. Gevorgyan, J. Notaros, L. Alloatti, M. Wade, C. Sun, S. Kruger, H. Meng, K. A. Qubaisi, I. Wang, B. Zhang, A. Khilo, C. Baiocco, M. Popovic, V. Stojanovic, and R. Ram, "Integration of Polysilicon-based Photonics in a 12-inch Wafer 65nm Bulk CMOS Process," in Proceedings of 5th Berkeley Symposium on Energy Efficient Electronic Systems & Steep Transistors Workshop (E3S) (E3S, 2017). (*Equal Contributors) [E3S]
  88. J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. Raval, M. J. Byrd, D. Coolbaugh, and M. Watts, "Fresnel-Lens-Inspired Focusing Phased Arrays for Optical Trapping Applications," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2017), paper STh1M.3. [Optics InfoBase]
  89. J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. Raval, and M. Watts, "Focusing Optical Phased Arrays in a Silicon Photonics Platform," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2017), paper 6.05. [MIT MTL]
  90. J. Notaros, J. Mower, M. Heuck, N. C. Harris, G. R. Steinbrecher, D. Bunandar, C. Lupo, T. Baehr-Jones, M. Hochberg, S. Lloyd, and D. Englund, "Tunable-Coupling Resonator Arrays for Chip-Based Quantum Enigma Machines," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2016), paper FTh4C.4. [Optics InfoBase]
  91. J. Notaros, F. Pavanello, M. T. Wade, C. M. Gentry, A. Atabaki, L. Alloatti, R. J. Ram, and M. A. Popovic, "Ultra-Efficient CMOS Fiber-to-Chip Grating Couplers," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2016), paper M2I.5. [Optics InfoBase]
  92. F. Pavanello, A. Atabaki, M. T. Wade, L. Alloatti, J. Notaros, S. Moazeni, C. Baiocco, D. Coleman, D. Coolbaugh, V. Stojanovic, R. J. Ram, and M. A. Popovic, "Depletion-based optical modulators in a bulk 65nm CMOS platform," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2016), paper Th4H.3. [Optics InfoBase]
  93. F. Pavanello, M. Wade, J. Notaros, J. Shainline, C. Poulton, C. Sun, M. Georgas, L. Alloatti, A. Atabaki, R. Kumar, B. Moss, S. Lin, R. Ram, V. Stojanovic, and M. Popovic, "Efficient Nanoscale Photonic Devices and Monolithic Electronic-Photonic Subsystems in Sub-100nm SOI CMOS," in Proceedings of the IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (IEEE, 2015). [IEEE Xplore] (Invited Talk)
  94. M. A. Popovic, M. Wade, J. Notaros, F. Pavanello, J. Shainline, C. Sun, M. Georgas, B. Moss, S. Lin, V. Stojanovic, J. S. Orcutt, L. Alloatti, A. Atabaki, and R. J. Ram, "Efficient Photonic Devices and Monolithic Transmitters in Sub-100 nm SOI CMOS," in Proceedings of the IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting Series (IEEE, 2015). (Invited Talk)
  95. M. A. Popovic, M. T. Wade, J. S. Orcutt, J. M. Shainline, C. Sun, M. Georgas, B. Moss, F. Pavanello, J. Notaros, L. Alloatti, R. Kumar, Y. H. Chen, A. Atabaki, J. Leu, V. Stojanovic, and R. J. Ram, "Photonics as a More-than-Moore Device Technology within Sub-100nm SOI CMOS," in Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) (PIERS, 2015). (Invited Talk)
  96. J. Notaros and M. A. Popovic, "Band-Structure Approach to Synthesis of Grating Couplers with Ultra-High Coupling Efficiency and Directivity," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2015), paper Th3F.2. [Optics InfoBase]
  97. M. A. Popovic, M. T. Wade, J. S. Orcutt, J. M. Shainline, C. Sun, M. Georgas, B. Moss, R. Kumar, L. Alloatti, F. Pavanello, Y. H. Chen, K. Nammari, J. Notaros, A. Atabaki, J. C. Leu, V. Stojanovic, and R. J. Ram, "Monolithic Silicon Photonics in a Sub-100nm SOI CMOS Microprocessor Foundry: Progress from Devices to Systems," in Proceedings of Photonics West (SPIE, 2015). [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
  98. J. Notaros and M. Popovic, "Analysis of Leaky-Wave Microphotonic Structures with a Complex-Wavevector Photonic Band Structure Solver," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2014), paper FTh4D.3. [Optics InfoBase]
  99. J. Notaros and M. Popovic, "Finite-Difference Complex Wavevector Band Structure Solver for Nanophotonics Applications," in Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR) (OSA, 2014), paper IT1A.3. [Optics InfoBase]
  100. J. Notaros, "Complex Wavevector Bloch Solver For Nanophotonic Device Applications," presented at the 2014 IEEE Region 5 Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas (2014). (Best Paper Award)
  101. J. Notaros, E. Chobanyan, V. Chandrasekar, and B. M. Notaros, "Accurate and Efficient Full-Wave Electromagnetic Analysis of Scattering from Hailstones," in Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APS) (IEEE, 2013), pp 1976-1977. [IEEE Xplore]
  102. E. Chobanyan, J. Notaros, V. Chandrasekar, and B. Notaros, "Accurate Electromagnetic Modeling of Melting Hail," in Proceedings of the USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (IEEE, 2013). [IEEE Xplore]

Other Publications and Presentations

  1. Poster: S. M. Corsetti, A. Hattori, E. R. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, P. T. Callahan, G. N. West, D. Kharas, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, I. L. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Photonics for Polarization-Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions," presented at the QSA Trapped-Ion Topical Meeting, Duke University (2024).
  2. Poster: E. Clements, F. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. Callahan, D. Kharas, G. West, T. Mahony, C. Bruzewicz, M. Kim, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Notaros, I. Chuang, and J. Chiaverini, "Integrated photonics for photon mediated entanglement generation and sub-Doppler cooling," presented at the QSA Trapped-Ion Topical Meeting, Duke University (2024).
  3. Invited Seminar: D. M. DeSantis, B. M. Mazur, A. Garcia Coleto, M. R. Torres, S. Corsetti, H. Crawford-Eng, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Adaptive Solid-State LiDAR," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 Liaison Seminar (2024).
  4. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Displays, Biophotonics, Quantum, and Beyond," presented at the MIT ILP Research and Development Conference, MIT (2024). [Link]
  5. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Overview of Integrated Modulator Mechanisms and Metrics," presented at the Optica Incubator on Programmable Photonics, Optica Headquarters (2024). [Link]
  6. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Augmented-Reality Displays and Beyond," presented at the MIT Workshop on Small Display Technologies, MIT (2024). [Link]
  7. Poster: A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators for Augmented-Reality Displays," presented at the MIT Workshop on Small Display Technologies, MIT (2024). (*Equal Contributors) [Link]
  8. Poster: S. Corsetti, ... J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: Platforms, Devices, and Systems," presented at the MIT Workshop on Small Display Technologies, MIT (2024). [Link]
  9. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Adaptive Solid-State LiDAR," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024).
  10. Poster: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Multi-Beam Solid-State LiDAR Using Star-Coupler-Based Optical Phased Arrays," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024). (Best Pitch Award)
  11. Poster: D. M. DeSantis*, B. Mazur*, and J. Notaros, "Super-Resolution MIMO LiDAR Using Phase-Locked Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024). (*Equal Contributors)
  12. Poster: B. M. Mazur, D. M. DeSantis, A. Garcia Coleto, and J. Notaros, "Densely-Packed Reduced-Crosstalk Antennas and Spatial-Vernier Techniques for Wide-Field-of-View Optical-Phased-Array-Based LiDAR," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024).
  13. Poster: D. M. DeSantis, M. R. Torres, A. Garcia Coleto, B. M. Mazur, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Spiral Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Tunable Near-Field-Focusing Emission," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024).
  14. Poster: A. Garcia Coleto, … J. Notaros, "MIT PERG: Other Projects and Applications," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024).
  15. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Solid-State LiDAR and Beyond," presented at the MIT Mobility Forum, MIT (2024). [Link]
  16. News Article: "Microelectronics projects awarded CHIPS and Science Act funding," MIT News (2024). [Link]
  17. News Article: "MIT engineers create a chip-based tractor beam for biological particles," MIT News (2024). [Link]
  18. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, AR Displays, Biophotonics, Trapped Ions, and Beyond," presented at the EE Faculty Meeting, MIT (2024).
  19. News Article: "3Qs: Jelena Notaros on the new Silicon Photonics class within 6-5, Electrical Engineering With Computing," MIT EECS News (2024). [Link]
  20. Report: S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, F. Knollmann, E. R. Clements, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2024), pp 134. [Link]
  21. Report: A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators for Augmented-Reality Displays,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2024), pp 136. [Link]
  22. Report: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Solid-State Optical-Phased-Array-Based LiDAR,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2024), pp 135. [Link]
  23. Report: B. Mazur*, D. M. DeSantis*, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Beam-Steering Optical Phased Arrays for Solid-State LiDAR Sensors,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2024), pp 133. [Link]
  24. Report: M. R. Torres, S. Corsetti, D. M. DeSantis, A. Garcia Coleto, B. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Optical Grating-Based Antennas for Solid-State LiDAR Sensors,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2024), pp 140. [Link]
  25. Report: S. Corsetti*, A. Hattori*, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, F. Knollmann, E. R. Clements, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems,” CQE Research Highlights (MIT CQE, 2024), pp 16. [Link]
  26. Report: E. R. Clements, F. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, M. E. Kim, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Notaros, I. L. Chuang, and J. Chiaverini, “Integrated photonics for trapped-ion state detection and photon mediated entanglement generation,” CQE Research Highlights (MIT CQE, 2024), pp 5. [Link]
  27. Thesis: A. Garcia Coleto, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators and Grating-Based Antennas," Master's Thesis, MIT (2024).
  28. Thesis: D. M. DeSantis, "Spatially-Adaptive LiDAR and Underwater Communications Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," Master's Thesis, MIT (2024).
  29. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, AR Displays, Biophotonics, Quantum, and Beyond," presented at the MIT ASML Seminar, MIT (2024).
  30. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Summer Academy (2024). [Link]
  31. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Members Meeting (2024). [Link]
  32. News Article: "Researchers demonstrate the first chip-based 3D printer," MIT News (2024). [Link]
  33. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the MTL GlobalFoundries Research Forum, MIT (2024).
  34. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the MIT Center for Integrated Circuits and Systems Review, MIT (2024). [Link]
  35. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the MIT Professional Education Technology Leadership Program, MIT (2024). [Link]
  36. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the Photonics Seminar Series, Ghent University (2024). [Link]
  37. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the C2N Seminar Series, Université Paris Saclay (2024). [Link]
  38. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Augmented-Reality Displays and Beyond," presented at the MIT Display Workshop, MIT (2024). [Link]
  39. Poster: A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators for Augmented-Reality Displays," presented at the MIT Display Workshop, MIT (2024). [Link]
  40. Poster: S. Corsetti, ... J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: Platforms, Devices, and Systems," presented at the MIT Display Workshop, MIT (2024). [Link]
  41. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the TSMC Corporate Research Seminar Series (2024).
  42. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, UC Santa Barbara (2024). [Link]
  43. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the EE Devices Seminar, Caltech (2024). [Link]
  44. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the EE Department Seminar, Stanford University (2024).
  45. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Winter Bootcamp (2024). [Link]
  46. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, AR Displays, Quantum, and Beyond," presented at the MIT.nano US Government Agency Seminar, MIT (2023).
  47. Poster: S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, “Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing,” presented at the BU Photonics Symposium, Boston University (2023).
  48. Poster: A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators for Augmented-Reality Displays,” presented at the BU Photonics Symposium, Boston University (2023). (*Equal Contributors)
  49. Poster: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Solid-State OPA-Based LiDAR,” presented at the BU Photonics Symposium, Boston University (2023).
  50. Poster: B. Mazur*, D. M. DeSantis*, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Beam-Steering Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR,” presented at the BU Photonics Symposium, Boston University (2023). (*Equal Contributors)
  51. Poster: S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, “Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing,” presented at the MIT GW6 Research Summit, MIT (2023).
  52. Lightning Talk and Demo: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, Y. Liu, M. R. Torres, A. Garcia Coleto, T. Zhang, M. Notaros, J. Klamkin, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Solid-State LiDAR Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays,” presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2023). (Best Demo Award)
  53. Poster: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Solid-State OPA-Based LiDAR,” presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2023).
  54. Poster: B. Mazur*, D. M. DeSantis*, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Beam-Steering Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR,” presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2023). (*Equal Contributors) (Best Poster Award)
  55. Poster: M. R. Torres, S. Corsetti, D. M. DeSantis, A. Garcia Coleto, B. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Optical Grating-Based Antennas for LiDAR,” presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2023).
  56. Poster: A. Garcia Coleto, ... J. Notaros, “MIT PERG: Other Projects and Applications,” presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2023).
  57. Invited Seminar: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, S. Corsetti, A. Garcia Coleto, H. Crawford-Eng, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Solid-State LiDAR Sensors and Beyond," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 Liaison Seminar (2023).
  58. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the Institute of Optics Colloquia, University of Rochester (2023). [Link]
  59. Invited Seminar: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, S. Corsetti, A. Garcia Coleto, H. Crawford-Eng, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Intel Seminar (2023).
  60. Report: M. Notaros, T. Dyer, A. Hattori, K. Fealey, S. Kruger, and J. Notaros, “Flexible Wafer-Scale Silicon-Photonics Fabrication Platform,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2023), pp 58. [Link]
  61. Report: S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, “Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2023), pp 52. [Link]
  62. Report: D. DeSantis*, M. Notaros*, and J. Notaros, “Underwater Free-Space Optical Communications Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2023), pp 53. (*Equal Contributors) [Link]
  63. Report: A. Hattori*, S. Corsetti*, T. Sneh, M. Notaros, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, C. D. Bruzewicz, F. Knollmann, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2023), pp 108. (*Equal Contributors) [Link]
  64. Thesis: M. Notaros, "Integrated Visible-Light Platforms, Devices, and Systems for Augmented Reality and Beyond," Doctoral Dissertation, MIT (2023). [Link]
  65. Thesis: S. Corsetti, "Visible-Light Integrated Photonics for 3D-Printing and Trapped-Ion Systems," Master's Thesis, MIT (2023). [Link]
  66. Thesis: A. Hattori, "Integrated-Photonics Devices and Architectures for Advanced Cooling of Trapped Ions," Master's Thesis, MIT (2023). [Link]
  67. Thesis: C. Pan, "Design and Performance Analysis of Frequency-Shift Keyed Transmitter using Rapidly Tunable Lasers," MEng Thesis, MIT (2023). [Link]
  68. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Summer Academy (2023). [Link]
  69. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT Monterrey Tech Nanotechnology Program (MTech), MIT (2023).
  70. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the SoE Lockheed Symposium, MIT (2023).
  71. News Article: "Jelena Notaros receives 2023 NSF CAREER Award," MIT EECS News (2022). [Link]
  72. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the MTL MiniTech Seminar, MIT (2023).
  73. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Technology Office Seminar, MIT Lincoln Laboratory (2023).
  74. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, UMass Dartmouth (2023).
  75. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, UT Austin (2023).
  76. News Article: "Thriving Stars panel: women leaders share career wisdom," MIT EECS News (2023). [Link]
  77. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the EECS Department Seminar, UC Berkeley (2023).
  78. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Army Research Laboratory Colloquium (2023).
  79. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT.nano Membership Advisory Panel (MAP) Meeting (2023).
  80. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics at MTL," presented at the MIT MTL Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting (2023).
  81. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Winter Bootcamp (2023). [Link]
  82. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT EECS Graduate Electromagnetics Course (6.630) (2022).
  83. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the PIC1: Fabless Design of Photonic Integrated Circuits Course (2022). [Link]
  84. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT ILP Research and Development Conference (2022). [Link]
  85. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Photonics for Biophotonics and Beyond," presented at the SoE Analog Devices Symposium, MIT (2022).
  86. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Photonics for Trapped-Ion Systems and Beyond," presented at the NSF Quantum Nanofabrication Workshop, CU Boulder (2022). [Link]
  87. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Electron Devices Society Seminar, Cornell University (2022). [Link]
  88. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the iMAPS New England Symposium (2022).
  89. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Summer Academy (2022). [Link]
  90. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Integrated Photonic Systems Roadmap (IPSR) International Spring Meeting (2022).
  91. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT EECS Undergraduate Electromagnetics Course (6.013) (2022).
  92. Report: S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing," MTL 2022 Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2022), pp 106. [Link]
  93. Report: M. Notaros, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, E. P. Ippen, M. R. Watts, and J. Notaros, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Visible-Light Holographic Augmented-Reality Display," MTL 2022 Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2022), pp 110. [Link]
  94. Report: T. Sneh, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "CMOS-Compatible Focusing Optical Phased Arrays for Steerable Chip-Based Optical Trapping," MTL 2022 Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2022), pp 112. [Link]
  95. News Article: "Last-minute pivot leads to record-setting Microsystems Annual Research Conference," MIT News (2022). [Link]
  96. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Stanford Center for Image System Engineering (SCIEN) Seminar, Stanford (2022). [Link]
  97. News Article: "Five in EECS Appointed to Career Development Professorships," MIT EECS News (2021). [Link]
  98. News Article: "EECS graduate women’s research summit increases research visibility and strengthens community," MIT News (2021). [Link]
  99. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT ILP Research and Development Conference (2021). [Link]
  100. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the IEEE Photonics Society Boston Chapter Seminar (2021). [Link]
  101. News Article: "School of Engineering welcomes new faculty," MIT News (2021). [Link]
  102. Poster: M. Notaros, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, E. P. Ippen, M. R. Watts, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Augmented Reality and Beyond," presented at the MIT ILP-MRL Microphotonics Everywhere Symposium, MIT (2020). [Link]
  103. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Division 8 Seminar, MIT Lincoln Laboratory (2020).
  104. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MTL Symposium, MIT (2020). [Link]
  105. Invited Seminar: M. Notaros, J. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Liquid-crystal-based integrated optical phased arrays for augmented reality," presented at the MIT Nano Explorations Webinar Series, MIT (2020). [Link]
  106. Thesis: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: Augmented Reality, LiDAR, and Beyond," Doctoral Dissertation, MIT (2020). [Link]
  107. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, Cornell University (2020). [Link]
  108. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the EE Department Seminar, Harvard University (2020). [Link]
  109. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ESE Department Seminar, University of Pennsylvania (2020). [Link]
  110. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the EECS Department Seminar, UC Berkeley (2020). [Link]
  111. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, UT Austin (2020).
  112. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the EE Department Seminar, Princeton University (2020). [Link]
  113. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the EECS Department Seminar, MIT (2020).
  114. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECEE Department Seminar, CU Boulder (2020).
  115. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, UC San Diego (2020).
  116. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Solid State Technology and Devices Seminar, UC Berkeley (2019). [Link]
  117. Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Electronic Materials Research Group Meeting, MIT (2019).
  118. Poster: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: Architectures and Applications," presented at the EECS Rising Stars Workshop, MIT (2018). [Link]
  119. Poster: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: Architectures and Applications," presented at the MIT.nano LAUNCH.nano Symposium, MIT (2018).
  120. Report: J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Quasi-Bessel-Beam Generation Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," MTL 2018 Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2018), pp 52. [Link]
  121. News Article: "Electronics and photonics united," Nature (2018). [Link]
  122. News Article: "Integrating optical components into existing chip designs," MIT News (2018). [Link]
  123. News Article: "Researchers illuminate the path to a new era of microelectronics," BU News (2018). [Link]
  124. Patent: J. C. Mower, J. Notaros, M. Heuck, D. R. Englund, C. Lupo, and S. Lloyd, "Apparatus and methods for locked quantum communication using photonic integrated circuits," U.S. Patent No. 10126506 (2018). [Link]
  125. Thesis: J. Notaros, "Fresnel-Focusing and Bessel-Beam Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Optical Trapping Applications," Master's Thesis, MIT (2017). [Link]
  126. Poster: J. Notaros, "Ultra-Efficient Grating Couplers," presented at the 2015 ECEE Senior Design Expo, CU Boulder (2015).
  127. Magazine Article: J. Notaros, "Utilizing Computational Electromagnetics for the Advancement of Photonic Processor Communications," IEEE-HKN's The Bridge (IEEE, 2014), pp 11-14. [Link]
  128. News Article: "Undergrad excited to be taking part in cutting-edge nanophotonics research," CU Boulder News (2014). [Link]
  129. Invited Presentation: J. Notaros, "Complex Wavevector Bloch Solver for Nanophotonic Device Applications," presented at the IEEE Denver Section Executive Committee Meeting, Denver, Colorado (2014).
  130. Invited Presentation: J. Notaros, "Complex Wavevector Bloch Solver for Nanophotonic Device Design Applications," presented at the 2014 Engineering Advisory Council Meeting, CU Boulder (2014).
  131. Poster: J. Notaros, "Complex Wavevector Band Structure Solver for Nanophotonic Device Design Applications," presented at the 2014 Discovery Learning Research Symposium, CU Boulder (2014).

MIT Photonics and Electronics Research Group - Professor Jelena Notaros - Accessibility