Journal Papers
- Y. Liu, C. Zhang, D. M. DeSantis, D. Hu, T. Meissner, J. Notaros, and J. Klamkin, "High-Resolution Arrayed Waveguide Grating-Assisted Passive Optical Phased Array for 2D Beam Steering," under review.
- S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, E. R. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, P. T. Callahan, G. N. West, D. Kharas, T. Mahony, C. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, I. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Systems for Polarization-Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions," under review. [arXiv]
- E. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, Z. Li, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, M. E. Kim, A. D. Leu, P. Callahan, T. Mahony, G. N. West, C. Sorace-Agaskar, D. Kharas, R. McConnell, C. D. Bruzewicz, I. L. Chuang, J. Notaros, and J. Chiaverini, "Sub-Doppler cooling of a trapped ion in a phase-stable polarization gradient," under review. [arXiv]
- A. Garcia Coleto, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Packaging Considerations and Evaluation Techniques for Integrated Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators," under review.
- M. Notaros, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, J. Notaros, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Holographic Display for Augmented Reality," under review.
- A. Garcia Coleto, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Visible-Light Uniform and Unidirectional Grating-Based Antennas for Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," Optics Express 32(26), 46447-46466 (2024). [Optics InfoBase]
- D. M. DeSantis, M. R. Torres, A. Garcia Coleto, B. M. Mazur, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Spiral Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Tunable Near-Field-Focusing Emission," Optics Express 32(25), 44567-44580 (2024). [Optics InfoBase]
- T. Sneh, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, K. Kikkeri, J. Voldman, and J. Notaros, "Optical Tweezing of Microparticles and Cells Using Silicon-Photonics-Based Optical Phased Arrays," Nature Communications 15, 8493 (2024). [Nature] (Selected News Coverage: [MIT News])
- D. M. DeSantis, B. M. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Multi-beam solid-state LiDAR using star-coupler-based optical phased arrays," Optics Express 32(21), 36656-36673 (2024). [Optics InfoBase]
- S. Park, M. Notaros, A. Mohanty, D. Kim, J. Notaros, and S. Mouradian, "Technologies for Modulation of Visible Light and their Applications," Progress in Quantum Electronics 97, 100534 (2024). [Elsevier] (Invited Review Paper)
- S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Silicon-Photonics-Enabled Chip-Based 3D Printer," Light: Science & Applications 13, 132 (2024). [Nature] (Top Downloaded Paper) (Selected News Coverage: [MIT News])
- M. Notaros, T. Dyer, A. Garcia Coleto, A. Hattori, K. Fealey, S. Kruger, and J. Notaros, "Mechanically-Flexible Wafer-Scale Integrated-Photonics Fabrication Platform," Scientific Reports 14, 10623 (2024). [Nature]
- A. Hattori*, T. Sneh*, M. Notaros, S. Corsetti, P. T. Callahan, D. Kharas, T. Mahony, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Visible-Light Polarization Rotators and Splitters for Atomic Quantum Systems," Optics Letters 49(7), 1794-1797 (2024). (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase]
- M. Notaros, A. Garcia Coleto, M. Raval, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Liquid-Crystal-Based Variable-Tap Devices for Visible-Light Amplitude Modulation," Optics Letters 49(4), 1041-1044 (2024). [Optics InfoBase]
- L. Neim, A. Yovanovich, J. Bartholomew, V. Deenadayalan, M. Ciminelli, T. Palone, M. van Niekerk, M. Song, A. Nauriyal, J. Notaros, S. Serna Otálvaro, J. Cardenas, T. Brown, A. M. Agarwal, S. Saini, and S. F. Preble, "Hands-On Photonic Education (HOPE) Kits: Empowering the Integrated Photonics Workforce through Practical Training," Applied Optics 62(31), H24-H32 (2023). [Optics InfoBase] (Editor's Pick)
- M. Notaros, D. DeSantis, M. Raval, and J. Notaros, "Liquid-Crystal-Based Visible-Light Integrated Optical Phased Arrays and Application to Underwater Communications," Optics Letters 48(20), 5269-5272 (2023). [Optics InfoBase]
- M. de Cea, Z. Li, M. Notaros, J. Notaros, and R. J. Ram, "Single-Mode Waveguide-Coupled Light Emitting Diodes in Unmodified Silicon Photonics Fabrication Processes," APL Photonics 8(8), 081301 (2023). [AIP Publishing]
- Z. Zhang, M. Notaros, Z. Gao, U. Chakraborty, J. Notaros, and D. S. Boning, "Impact of Process Variations on Splitter-Tree-Based Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," Optics Express 31(8), 12912–12921 (2023). [Optics InfoBase]
- M. Notaros, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, J. Notaros, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Phase Modulators," Optics Express 30(8), 13790-13801 (2022). [Optics InfoBase]
- U. Chakraborty, J. Carolan, G. Clark, D. Bunandar, G. Gilbert, J. Notaros, M. R. Watts, and D. R. Englund, "Cryogenic operation of silicon-photonics modulators based on the DC Kerr effect," Optica 7(10), 1385-1390 (2020). [Optics InfoBase]
- N. Li, M. Xin, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, N. Singh, J. Notaros, E. Timurdogan, Purnawirman, J. D. B. Bradley, and M. R. Watts, "A Silicon Photonic Data Link with a Monolithic Erbium-Doped Laser," Scientific Reports 10, 1114 (2020). [Nature]
- M. Xin*, N. Li*, N. Singh, A. Ruocco, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, J. Notaros, D. Vermeulen, E. Ippen, M. R. Watts, and F. Kaertner, "Optical frequency synthesizer with an integrated erbium tunable laser," Light: Science & Applications 8, 122 (2019). (*Equal Contributors) [Nature]
- J. Notaros*, N. Li*, C. V. Poulton, Z. Su, M. J. Byrd, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. M. Fahrenkopf, and M. R. Watts, "CMOS-Compatible Optical Phased Array Powered by a Monolithically-Integrated Erbium Laser," Journal of Lightwave Technology 37(24), 5982-5987 (2019). (*Equal Contributors) [IEEEXplore]
- T. Kim*, P. Bhargava*, C. V. Poulton*, J. Notaros, A. Yaacobi, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. Fahrenkopf, S. Kruger, T. Ngai, Y. Timalsina, M. R. Watts, and V. Stojanovic, "A Single-Chip Optical Phased Array in a Wafer-Scale Silicon Photonics / CMOS 3D-Integration Platform," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 54(11), 3061-3074 (2019). (*Equal Contributors) [IEEEXplore] (Invited Paper)
- J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Near-field-focusing integrated optical phased arrays," Journal of Lightwave Technology 36(24), 5912-5920 (2018). [IEEEXplore]
- N. Li, D. Vermeulen, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, M. Xin, N. Singh, A. Ruocco, J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, and M. R. Watts, "Monolithically integrated erbium-doped tunable laser on a CMOS-compatible silicon photonics platform," Optics Express 26(13), 16200-16211 (2018). [Optics InfoBase]
- A. H. Atabaki*, S. Moazeni*, F. Pavanello*, H. Gevorgyan, J. Notaros, L. Alloatti, M. T. Wade, C. Sun, S. A. Kruger, H. Meng, K. A. Qubaisi, I. Wang, B. Zhang, A. Khilo, C. V. Baiocco, M. A. Popovic, V. M. Stojanovic, and R. J. Ram, "Integrating photonics with silicon nanoelectronics for the next generation of systems on a chip," Nature 556, 349-354 (2018). (*Equal Contributors) [Nature] (Selected News Coverage: [Nature News] [MIT News] [BU News])
- J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated optical phased arrays for quasi-Bessel-beam generation," Optics Letters 42(17), 3510-3513 (2017). [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros, J. Mower, M. Heuck, C. Lupo, N. C. Harris, G. R. Steinbrecher, D. Bunandar, T. Baehr-Jones, M. Hochberg, S. Lloyd, and D. Englund, "Programmable dispersion on a photonic integrated circuit for classical and quantum applications," Optics Express 25(18), 21275-21285 (2017). [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros and M. A. Popovic, "Finite-Difference Complex-Wavevector Band Structure Solver for Analysis and Design of Periodic Radiative Microphotonic Structures," Optics Letters 40(6), 1053-1056 (2015). [Optics InfoBase]
Conference Papers
- S. M. Corsetti, A. Hattori, E. R. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, P. T. Callahan, G. N. West, D. Kharas, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, I. L. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Polarization-Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2025), paper 2.16. [MIT MTL]
- A. Garcia Coleto, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Visible-Light Grating-Based Antennas for Augmented-Reality Displays,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2025), paper 3.14. [MIT MTL]
- H. Crawford-Eng, A. Garcia Coleto, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Optical Phased Arrays with Visible-Spectrum-Spanning Emission,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2025), paper 3.22. [MIT MTL]
- D. M. DeSantis, B. M. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Multi-Beam Optical-Phased-Array-Based Solid-State LiDAR Sensors,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2025), paper 3.16. [MIT MTL]
- B. M. Mazur, D. M. DeSantis, A. Garcia Coleto, and J. Notaros, “Reduced-Crosstalk Optical Antennas for Wide-Field-of-View Optical Phased Arrays for Solid-State LiDAR Sensors,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2025), paper 3.18. [MIT MTL]
- S. M. Corsetti, A. Hattori, E. R. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, P. T. Callahan, G. N. West, D. Kharas, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, I. L. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Polarization-Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions,” in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2025), paper 3.1.
- E. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, Z. Li, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, M. E. Kim, A. D. Leu, P. Callahan, T. Mahony, G. N. West, C. Sorace-Agaskar, D. Kharas, R. McConnell, C. D. Bruzewicz, I. L. Chuang, J. Notaros, and J. Chiaverini, “Sub-Doppler cooling of a trapped ion in a phase-stable polarization gradient,” in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2025), paper 1.4.
- F. W. Knollmann, E. R. Clements, S. M. Corsetti, A. D. Leu, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, D. Kharas, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, I. L. Chuang, J. Notaros, and J. Chiaverini, "Collecting fluorescence from a trapped ion using trap-integrated photonics," in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2025), paper 3.10.
- C. Sorace-Agaskar, C. Bruzewicz, P. Callahan, C. Heidelberger, D. Kharas, W. Loh, T. Mahony, R. Maxson, R. McConnell, A. Medeiros, R. Morgan, A. Sumant, M. Schuldt, R. Swint, K. Cahoy, J. Notaros, J. Chiaverini, and P. Juodawlkis, "Near-Ultraviolet to Midwave Infrared Devices for Quantum Sensing and Information Processing," in Proceedings of Advanced Photonics Congress (APC) (OSA, 2024), paper NoTh3B.1. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros, "Integrated optical phased arrays for augmented reality, biophotonics, 3D printing, and beyond," in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics in Switching & Computing (PSC) (IEEE, 2024). (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Solid-State LiDAR and Beyond," in Proceedings of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium (IEEE, 2024), paper WSR-5. [IEEE] (Invited Workshop Talk)
- E. Clements, F. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. Callahan, D. Kharas, G. West, T. Mahony, C. Bruzewicz, M. Kim, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Notaros, I. Chuang, and J. Chiaverini, “Integrated photonics for photon mediated entanglement generation and sub-Doppler cooling,” in Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (APS, 2024), paper K00.00138. [APS]
- Y. Liu, C. Zhang, D. DeSantis, D. Hu, T. Meissner, A. Garcia Coleto, B. Mazur, J. Notaros, and J. Klamkin, “High-Resolution Arrayed-Waveguide-Grating-Assisted Passive Integrated Optical Phased Array for 2-D Beam Steering,” in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2024), paper STu4N.1. [Optics InfoBase] (Highlighted Talk)
- J. Notaros, "Silicon photonics for LiDAR sensors, AR displays, trapped-ion systems, and beyond," in Proceedings of SPIE Defense & Commercial Sensing (DCS) (SPIE, 2024), paper 13028-50. [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros, "Integrated optical phased arrays for augmented reality, biophotonics, 3D printing, and beyond," in Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe (SPIE, 2024), paper 13004-18. [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros, "Integrated optical phased arrays: augmented reality, biophotonics, 3D printing, and beyond," in Proceedings of SPIE Photonics West (SPIE, 2024), paper 12890-45. [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
- S. Corsetti*, A. Hattori*, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, F. Knollmann, E. R. Clements, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2024), paper 7.03. (*Equal Contributors) [MIT MTL]
- A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators for Augmented-Reality Displays,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2024), paper 7.02. (*Equal Contributors) [MIT MTL]
- D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Solid-State OPA-Based LiDAR,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2024), paper 7.04. [MIT MTL]
- B. Mazur*, D. M. DeSantis*, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Beam-Steering Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2024), paper 7.09. (*Equal Contributors) [MIT MTL]
- M. R. Torres, S. Corsetti, D. M. DeSantis, A. Garcia Coleto, B. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Optical Grating-Based Antennas for LiDAR,” in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2024), paper 7.11. [MIT MTL]
- S. Corsetti*, A. Hattori*, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, F. Knollmann, E. R. Clements, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems,” in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2024). (*Equal Contributors)
- E. R. Clements, F. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, M. E. Kim, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Notaros, I. L. Chuang, and J. Chiaverini, “Integrated photonics for trapped-ion state detection and photon mediated entanglement generation,” in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2024). (Best Poster Award)
- A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators: Packaging Processes and Evaluation Techniques," in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (IEEE, 2023), paper WE1.3. (*Equal Contributors) [IEEE Xplore]
- T. Sneh, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, K. Kikkeri, J. Voldman, and J. Notaros, "Optical Tweezing of Microspheres and Cells Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (IEEE, 2023), paper TuE2.2. [IEEE Xplore]
- D. M. DeSantis*, M. Notaros*, M. R. Torres, and J. Notaros, "Underwater Wireless Optical Communications Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (IEEE, 2023), paper MB4.5. (*Equal Contributors) [IEEE Xplore]
- J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: AR Displays, 3D Printing, Biophotonics, and Beyond," in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (IEEE, 2023), paper WD1.1. [IEEE Xplore] (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: AR Displays, Biophotonics, 3D Printing, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2023), paper FM6D.7. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
- S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, R. Swint, M. Notaros, G. N. West, T. Sneh, F. Knollmann, P. T. Callahan, T. Mahony, E. R. Clements, D. Kharas, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Polarization-Diverse Grating Emitters for Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science (FiO, LS) (OSA, 2023), paper JTu7A.3. [Optics InfoBase] (Postdeadline Talk)
- J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, AR Displays, Biophotonics, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Photonics North (PN) (OSA, 2023). [IEEE Xplore] (Invited Talk)
- Z. Zhang, M. Notaros, Z. Gao, U. Chakraborty, J. Notaros, and D. Boning, "Impact of Spatial Variations on Splitter-Tree-Based Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2023), paper W2A.35. [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Augmented Reality and Beyond," in Proceedings of IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) (IEEE, 2023), paper F4.04. (Invited Forum Talk)
- J. Notaros, "Integrated optical phased arrays: augmented reality, LiDAR, and beyond," in Proceedings of Photonics West (SPIE, 2023), paper 12438-64. [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
- Z. Zhang, M. Notaros, Z. Gao, U. Chakraborty, J. Notaros, and D. S. Boning, "Impact of Spatial Variations on Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2023), paper 7.6. [MIT MTL]
- M. Notaros, T. Dyer, A. Hattori, K. Fealey, S. Kruger, and J. Notaros, "Flexible Wafer-Scale Silicon-Photonics Fabrication Platform," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2023), paper 7.9. [MIT MTL]
- S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2023), paper 7.10. [MIT MTL]
- D. DeSantis*, M. Notaros*, and J. Notaros, "Underwater Free-Space Optical Communications Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2023), paper 7.11. (*Equal Contributors) [MIT MTL]
- A. Hattori*, S. Corsetti*, T. Sneh, M. Notaros, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, C. D. Bruzewicz, F. Knollmann, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2023), paper 8.8. (*Equal Contributors) [MIT MTL]
- S. Corsetti*, A. Hattori*, T. Sneh, M. Notaros, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, C. D. Bruzewicz, F. Knollmann, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems," in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2023), paper 3.6. (*Equal Contributors) (Best Pitch Award)
- A. Hattori*, T. Sneh*, M. Notaros, S. Corsetti, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Visible-Light Polarization-Control Devices for Atomic Quantum Technologies," in Proceedings of MIT QSEC Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT CQE, 2023), paper 4.4. (*Equal Contributors) (Best Poster Award)
- S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing," in MIT GW6 Research Summit (MIT, 2022). (Best Presentation Award)
- M. Notaros, T. Dyer, A. Hattori, K. Fealey, S. Kruger, and J. Notaros, "Flexible Silicon-Photonics Wafers and Chips," in MIT GW6 Research Summit (MIT, 2022).
- A. Hattori*, S. Corsetti*, T. Sneh, M. Notaros, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, C. D. Bruzewicz, F. Knollmann, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Architectures for Polarization-Gradient and EIT Cooling of Trapped Ions," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2022), paper FM4B.3. (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase] (Best Paper Award Finalist)
- M. Notaros, T. Dyer, A. Hattori, K. Fealey, S. Kruger, and J. Notaros, "Flexible Wafer-Scale Silicon-Photonics Fabrication Platform," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2022), paper FW1E.3. [Optics InfoBase] (Best Paper Award Finalist)
- T. Sneh*, A. Hattori*, M. Notaros, S. Corsetti, and J. Notaros, "Design of Integrated Visible-Light Polarization Rotators and Splitters," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2022), paper JTu5A.48. (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Hu, J. Michon, M. Shalaginov, G. Micale, J. Cardenas, J. Notaros, M. Notaros, J. Liu, S. Serna, P. Nagarkar, L. C. Kimerling, and A. M. Agarwal, "Online Collaborative Approach to Teaching Hands-On Photonics Integrated Circuit (PIC) Device Testing," in Proceedings of SPIE Optics Education and Outreach VII Conference (SPIE, 2022), paper 12213-2. [SPIE]
- S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Visible-Light Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Chip-Based 3D Printing," in Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR) (OSA, 2022), paper IM2B.4. [Optics InfoBase] (Best Paper Award)
- J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Imaging and Applied Optics Congress (COSI) (OSA, 2022), paper CM4A.3. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
- T. Sneh, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Focusing Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Chip-Based Optical Trapping," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2022), paper STh4G.4. [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Augmented Reality, LiDAR, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2022), paper M2E.1. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
- F. Knollmann, A. Hattori, S. Corsetti, T. Sneh, R. Morgan, A. Ungar, D. Voronin, C. D. Bruzewicz, P. Callahan, D. Kharas, M. Kim, R. Maxson, R. McConnell, A. Medeiros, D. Reens, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. Swint, S. Todaro, M. Notaros, J. Notaros, I. L. Chuang, and J. Chiaverini, "Photonic integration for trapped-ion quantum information science," in Proceedings of MIT QSEC's Annual Research Conference (QuARC) (MIT, 2022), paper 3.5.
- S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2022), paper 5.04. [MIT MTL]
- T. Sneh, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "CMOS-Compatible Focusing Optical Phased Arrays for Steerable Chip-Based Optical Trapping," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2022), paper 5.05. [MIT MTL]
- M. Notaros, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, E. P. Ippen, M. R. Watts, and J. Notaros, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Visible-Light Holographic Augmented-Reality Display," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2022), paper 5.03. [MIT MTL] (Best Poster Award)
- A. M. Shull, M. Notaros, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, M. R. Watts, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Butterfly Coupler for Independent Amplitude and Phase Control," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2022), paper 5.01. [MIT MTL]
- J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, N. Li, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, T. Dyer, C. Baiocco, T. Kim, P. Bhargava, V. Stojanovic, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Applied Industrial Optics (AIO) (OSA, 2021), paper M2A.3. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
- U. Chakraborty, J. Carolan, G. Clark, D. Bunandar, G. Gilbert, J. Notaros, M. R. Watts, and D. R. Englund, "Cryogenic Operation of DC Kerr Silicon Photonic Modulators," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2021), paper STh1Q.1. [Optics InfoBase]
- M. Notaros, J. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Holographic Display for Augmented Reality," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2021), paper 4.05. [MIT MTL] (Best Paper Award)
- J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, N. Li, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, T. Dyer, C. Baiocco, T. Kim, P. Bhargava, V. Stojanovic, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR, Communications, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2020), paper FM5B.3. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, N. Li, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, T. Dyer, C. Baiocco, T. Kim, P. Bhargava, V. Stojanovic, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Communications, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Photonics Networks and Devices (NETWORKS) (OSA, 2020), paper NeTu3B.1. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
- N. Mehta, Z. Su, E. Timurdogan, J. Notaros, R. Wilcox, C. V. Poulton, C. Baiocco, N. Fahrenkopf, S. Kruger, T. Ngai, Y. Timalsina, M. R. Watts, and V. Stojanovic, "An Optically Sampled ADC in 3D Integrated Silicon-Photonics/65nm CMOS," in Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology (VLSI) (IEEE, 2020). [IEEE Xplore] (Technology Highlight)
- U. Chakraborty, J. Carolan, G. Clark, D. Bunandar, J. Notaros, M. R. Watts, and D. R. Englund, "Cryogenic Operation of Silicon Photonic Electro-Optic Modulators based on DC Kerr Effect," in Proceedings of the APS March Meeting (APS, 2020), paper L27.4. [APS]
- J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Holographic Projector for Augmented Reality," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2020), paper 7.11. [MIT MTL]
- M. Notaros, J. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Liquid-Crystal Devices for Visible-Light Modulation," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2020), paper 7.07. [MIT MTL]
- J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, N. Li, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, T. Dyer, C. Baiocco, T. Kim, P. Bhargava, V. Stojanovic, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated optical phased arrays: LiDAR, augmented reality, and beyond," in Proceedings of Photonics West (SPIE, 2020), paper 11285-18. [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, N. Li, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, T. Dyer, C. Baiocco, T. Kim, P. Bhargava, V. Stojanovic, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," in Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR) (OSA, 2019), paper IM4A.2. [Optics InfoBase] (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Array Butterfly Architecture for Independent Amplitude and Phase Control," in Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR) (OSA, 2019), paper IM4A.4. [Optics InfoBase]
- M. Notaros, J. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal Variable-Tap Amplitude Modulator," in Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR) (OSA, 2019), paper ITh2C.6. [Optics InfoBase]
- P. Bhargava*, T. Kim*, C. V. Poulton*, J. Notaros, A. Yaacobi, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. Fahrenkopf, S. Kruger, T. Ngai, Y. Timalsina, M. R. Watts, and V. Stojanovic, "Fully Integrated Coherent LiDAR in 3D-Integrated Silicon Photonics/65nm CMOS," in Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI) (IEEE, 2019). (*Equal Contributors) [IEEE Xplore]
- J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. Raval, M. Notaros, N. Li, M. J. Byrd, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: Architectures and Applications," in Proceedings of Photonics North (IEEE, 2019). [IEEE Xplore] (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros, M. Raval, M. Notaros, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated-Phased-Array-Based Visible-Light Near-Eye Holographic Projector," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2019), paper STu3O.4. [Optics InfoBase] (Chair's Pick Award) (Upgraded to Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros, M. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Liquid-Crystal-Based Visible-Light Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2019), paper STu3O.3. [Optics InfoBase]
- M. Xin*, N. Li*, N. Singh, A. Ruocco, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, J. Notaros, D. Vermeulen, E. Ippen, M. R. Watts, and F. Kaertner, "An optical frequency synthesizer using an integrated erbium tunable laser," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2019), paper SW4G.6. (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase]
- T. Kim, P. Bhargava, C. V. Poulton, J. Notaros, A. Yaacobi, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. Fahrenkopf, S. Kruger, T. Ngai, Y. Timalsina, M. R. Watts, and V. Stojanovic, "A Single-Chip Optical Phased Array in a 3D-Integrated Silicon Photonics/65nm CMOS Technology," in Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) (IEEE, 2019), pp 464-466. [IEEE Xplore]
- J. Notaros, N. Li, C. V. Poulton, Z. Su, M. J. Byrd, E. S. Magden, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. M. Fahrenkopf, and M. R. Watts, "CMOS-Compatible Optical Phased Arrays Powered by Monolithically-Integrated Erbium Lasers," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2019), paper 6.03. [MIT MTL] (Best Overall Award) (Best Pitch Award)
- M. Notaros, J. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal Phase Modulator," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2019), paper 6.01. [MIT MTL]
- M. Notaros, M. Raval, J. Notaros, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal Phase Modulator," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2018), paper FW6B.5. [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros, M. Raval, M. Notaros, and M. R. Watts, "VIPER: Visible Integrated Photonics Enhanced Reality," presented at the DARPA D60 Symposium, National Harbor, Maryland (2018). [DARPAtv] (Top-Three DARPA Riser Award) (DARPA D60 Plenary Talk)
- J. Notaros*, N. Li*, C. V. Poulton, Z. Su, M. J. Byrd, E. S. Magden, and M. R. Watts, "CMOS-Compatible Optical Phased Arrays with Monolithically-Integrated Erbium Lasers," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2018), paper STu4B.2. (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Bessel-Beam-Generating Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2018), paper SM3I.5. [Optics InfoBase]
- M. Popovic, F. Pavanello, A. H. Atabaki, S. Moazeni, H. Gevorgyan, J. Notaros, L. Alloatti, M. Wade, C. Sun, S. Kruger, K. A. Qubaisi, I. Wang, B. Zhang, A. Khilo, C. Baiocco, V. Stojanovic, and R. Ram, "Monolithically Integrated Photonics with Silicon Nanoelectronics in Advanced Bulk CMOS Process Nodes for Next-Generation Systems-on-Chip," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2018), paper SF1A.5. (Invited Talk)
- N. Li, D. Vermeulen, Z. Su, E. S. Magden, A. Ruocco, N. Singh, J. Notaros, M. Xin, C. V. Poulton, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, and M. R. Watts, "CMOS-Compatible Tunable Vernier Ring Laser using Erbium Doped Waveguide on a Silicon Photonics Platform," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2018), paper SW3B.4. [Optics InfoBase]
- F. X. Kaertner, P. T. Callahan, K. Shtyrkova, N. Singh, M. Xin, N. Li, R. Koustuban, J. Notaros, E. S. Magden, D. Vermeulen, E. P. Ippen, and M. R. Watts, "Integrated Rare-Earth Mode-Locked Lasers on a CMOS Platform," in Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe (SPIE, 2018). [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
- A. H. Atabaki*, S. Moazeni*, F. Pavanello*, H. Gevorgyan, J. Notaros, L. Alloatti, M. Wade, C. Sun, S. Kruger, K. A. Qubaisi, I. Wang, B. Zhang, A. Khilo, C. Baiocco, M. Popovic, V. Stojanovic, and R. Ram, "Monolithic Optical Transceivers in 65 nm Bulk CMOS," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2018), paper W1I.4. (*Equal Contributors) [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Array Architectures and Applications," presented at the 2018 Boston Photonics Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (2018). [BPC] (Plenary Talk)
- J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Quasi-Bessel-Beam Generation Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2018), paper 4.11. [MIT MTL]
- S. Moazeni*, A. H. Atabaki*, F. Pavanello*, H. Gevorgyan, J. Notaros, L. Alloatti, M. Wade, C. Sun, S. Kruger, H. Meng, K. A. Qubaisi, I. Wang, B. Zhang, A. Khilo, C. Baiocco, M. Popovic, V. Stojanovic, and R. Ram, "Integration of Polysilicon-based Photonics in a 12-inch Wafer 65nm Bulk CMOS Process," in Proceedings of 5th Berkeley Symposium on Energy Efficient Electronic Systems & Steep Transistors Workshop (E3S) (E3S, 2017). (*Equal Contributors) [E3S]
- J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. Raval, M. J. Byrd, D. Coolbaugh, and M. Watts, "Fresnel-Lens-Inspired Focusing Phased Arrays for Optical Trapping Applications," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2017), paper STh1M.3. [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. Raval, and M. Watts, "Focusing Optical Phased Arrays in a Silicon Photonics Platform," in Proceedings of MIT MTL's Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) (MIT MTL, 2017), paper 6.05. [MIT MTL]
- J. Notaros, J. Mower, M. Heuck, N. C. Harris, G. R. Steinbrecher, D. Bunandar, C. Lupo, T. Baehr-Jones, M. Hochberg, S. Lloyd, and D. Englund, "Tunable-Coupling Resonator Arrays for Chip-Based Quantum Enigma Machines," in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (OSA, 2016), paper FTh4C.4. [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros, F. Pavanello, M. T. Wade, C. M. Gentry, A. Atabaki, L. Alloatti, R. J. Ram, and M. A. Popovic, "Ultra-Efficient CMOS Fiber-to-Chip Grating Couplers," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2016), paper M2I.5. [Optics InfoBase]
- F. Pavanello, A. Atabaki, M. T. Wade, L. Alloatti, J. Notaros, S. Moazeni, C. Baiocco, D. Coleman, D. Coolbaugh, V. Stojanovic, R. J. Ram, and M. A. Popovic, "Depletion-based optical modulators in a bulk 65nm CMOS platform," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2016), paper Th4H.3. [Optics InfoBase]
- F. Pavanello, M. Wade, J. Notaros, J. Shainline, C. Poulton, C. Sun, M. Georgas, L. Alloatti, A. Atabaki, R. Kumar, B. Moss, S. Lin, R. Ram, V. Stojanovic, and M. Popovic, "Efficient Nanoscale Photonic Devices and Monolithic Electronic-Photonic Subsystems in Sub-100nm SOI CMOS," in Proceedings of the IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (IEEE, 2015). [IEEE Xplore] (Invited Talk)
- M. A. Popovic, M. Wade, J. Notaros, F. Pavanello, J. Shainline, C. Sun, M. Georgas, B. Moss, S. Lin, V. Stojanovic, J. S. Orcutt, L. Alloatti, A. Atabaki, and R. J. Ram, "Efficient Photonic Devices and Monolithic Transmitters in Sub-100 nm SOI CMOS," in Proceedings of the IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting Series (IEEE, 2015). (Invited Talk)
- M. A. Popovic, M. T. Wade, J. S. Orcutt, J. M. Shainline, C. Sun, M. Georgas, B. Moss, F. Pavanello, J. Notaros, L. Alloatti, R. Kumar, Y. H. Chen, A. Atabaki, J. Leu, V. Stojanovic, and R. J. Ram, "Photonics as a More-than-Moore Device Technology within Sub-100nm SOI CMOS," in Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) (PIERS, 2015). (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros and M. A. Popovic, "Band-Structure Approach to Synthesis of Grating Couplers with Ultra-High Coupling Efficiency and Directivity," in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (OSA, 2015), paper Th3F.2. [Optics InfoBase]
- M. A. Popovic, M. T. Wade, J. S. Orcutt, J. M. Shainline, C. Sun, M. Georgas, B. Moss, R. Kumar, L. Alloatti, F. Pavanello, Y. H. Chen, K. Nammari, J. Notaros, A. Atabaki, J. C. Leu, V. Stojanovic, and R. J. Ram, "Monolithic Silicon Photonics in a Sub-100nm SOI CMOS Microprocessor Foundry: Progress from Devices to Systems," in Proceedings of Photonics West (SPIE, 2015). [SPIE] (Invited Talk)
- J. Notaros and M. Popovic, "Analysis of Leaky-Wave Microphotonic Structures with a Complex-Wavevector Photonic Band Structure Solver," in Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) (OSA, 2014), paper FTh4D.3. [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros and M. Popovic, "Finite-Difference Complex Wavevector Band Structure Solver for Nanophotonics Applications," in Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR) (OSA, 2014), paper IT1A.3. [Optics InfoBase]
- J. Notaros, "Complex Wavevector Bloch Solver For Nanophotonic Device Applications," presented at the 2014 IEEE Region 5 Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas (2014). (Best Paper Award)
- J. Notaros, E. Chobanyan, V. Chandrasekar, and B. M. Notaros, "Accurate and Efficient Full-Wave Electromagnetic Analysis of Scattering from Hailstones," in Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APS) (IEEE, 2013), pp 1976-1977. [IEEE Xplore]
- E. Chobanyan, J. Notaros, V. Chandrasekar, and B. Notaros, "Accurate Electromagnetic Modeling of Melting Hail," in Proceedings of the USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (IEEE, 2013). [IEEE Xplore]
Other Publications and Presentations
- Poster: S. M. Corsetti, A. Hattori, E. R. Clements, F. W. Knollmann, M. Notaros, R. Swint, T. Sneh, P. T. Callahan, G. N. West, D. Kharas, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, I. L. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Photonics for Polarization-Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions," presented at the QSA Trapped-Ion Topical Meeting, Duke University (2024).
- Poster: E. Clements, F. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. Callahan, D. Kharas, G. West, T. Mahony, C. Bruzewicz, M. Kim, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Notaros, I. Chuang, and J. Chiaverini, "Integrated photonics for photon mediated entanglement generation and sub-Doppler cooling," presented at the QSA Trapped-Ion Topical Meeting, Duke University (2024).
- Invited Seminar: D. M. DeSantis, B. M. Mazur, A. Garcia Coleto, M. R. Torres, S. Corsetti, H. Crawford-Eng, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Adaptive Solid-State LiDAR," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 Liaison Seminar (2024).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Displays, Biophotonics, Quantum, and Beyond," presented at the MIT ILP Research and Development Conference, MIT (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Overview of Integrated Modulator Mechanisms and Metrics," presented at the Optica Incubator on Programmable Photonics, Optica Headquarters (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Augmented-Reality Displays and Beyond," presented at the MIT Workshop on Small Display Technologies, MIT (2024). [Link]
- Poster: A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators for Augmented-Reality Displays," presented at the MIT Workshop on Small Display Technologies, MIT (2024). (*Equal Contributors) [Link]
- Poster: S. Corsetti, ... J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: Platforms, Devices, and Systems," presented at the MIT Workshop on Small Display Technologies, MIT (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Adaptive Solid-State LiDAR," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024).
- Poster: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Multi-Beam Solid-State LiDAR Using Star-Coupler-Based Optical Phased Arrays," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024). (Best Pitch Award)
- Poster: D. M. DeSantis*, B. Mazur*, and J. Notaros, "Super-Resolution MIMO LiDAR Using Phase-Locked Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024). (*Equal Contributors)
- Poster: B. M. Mazur, D. M. DeSantis, A. Garcia Coleto, and J. Notaros, "Densely-Packed Reduced-Crosstalk Antennas and Spatial-Vernier Techniques for Wide-Field-of-View Optical-Phased-Array-Based LiDAR," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024).
- Poster: D. M. DeSantis, M. R. Torres, A. Garcia Coleto, B. M. Mazur, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Spiral Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Tunable Near-Field-Focusing Emission," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024).
- Poster: A. Garcia Coleto, … J. Notaros, "MIT PERG: Other Projects and Applications," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2024).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Solid-State LiDAR and Beyond," presented at the MIT Mobility Forum, MIT (2024). [Link]
- News Article: "Microelectronics projects awarded CHIPS and Science Act funding," MIT News (2024). [Link]
- News Article: "MIT engineers create a chip-based tractor beam for biological particles," MIT News (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, AR Displays, Biophotonics, Trapped Ions, and Beyond," presented at the EE Faculty Meeting, MIT (2024).
- News Article: "3Qs: Jelena Notaros on the new Silicon Photonics class within 6-5, Electrical Engineering With Computing," MIT EECS News (2024). [Link]
- Report: S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, F. Knollmann, E. R. Clements, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2024), pp 134. [Link]
- Report: A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators for Augmented-Reality Displays,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2024), pp 136. [Link]
- Report: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Solid-State Optical-Phased-Array-Based LiDAR,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2024), pp 135. [Link]
- Report: B. Mazur*, D. M. DeSantis*, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Beam-Steering Optical Phased Arrays for Solid-State LiDAR Sensors,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2024), pp 133. [Link]
- Report: M. R. Torres, S. Corsetti, D. M. DeSantis, A. Garcia Coleto, B. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Optical Grating-Based Antennas for Solid-State LiDAR Sensors,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2024), pp 140. [Link]
- Report: S. Corsetti*, A. Hattori*, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, F. Knollmann, E. R. Clements, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems,” CQE Research Highlights (MIT CQE, 2024), pp 16. [Link]
- Report: E. R. Clements, F. Knollmann, S. Corsetti, A. Hattori, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, D. Kharas, G. N. West, T. Mahony, C. D. Bruzewicz, M. E. Kim, C. Sorace-Agaskar, R. McConnell, J. Notaros, I. L. Chuang, and J. Chiaverini, “Integrated photonics for trapped-ion state detection and photon mediated entanglement generation,” CQE Research Highlights (MIT CQE, 2024), pp 5. [Link]
- Thesis: A. Garcia Coleto, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators and Grating-Based Antennas," Master's Thesis, MIT (2024).
- Thesis: D. M. DeSantis, "Spatially-Adaptive LiDAR and Underwater Communications Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," Master's Thesis, MIT (2024).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, AR Displays, Biophotonics, Quantum, and Beyond," presented at the MIT ASML Seminar, MIT (2024).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Summer Academy (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Members Meeting (2024). [Link]
- News Article: "Researchers demonstrate the first chip-based 3D printer," MIT News (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the MTL GlobalFoundries Research Forum, MIT (2024).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the MIT Center for Integrated Circuits and Systems Review, MIT (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the MIT Professional Education Technology Leadership Program, MIT (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the Photonics Seminar Series, Ghent University (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the C2N Seminar Series, Université Paris Saclay (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Augmented-Reality Displays and Beyond," presented at the MIT Display Workshop, MIT (2024). [Link]
- Poster: A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators for Augmented-Reality Displays," presented at the MIT Display Workshop, MIT (2024). [Link]
- Poster: S. Corsetti, ... J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: Platforms, Devices, and Systems," presented at the MIT Display Workshop, MIT (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the TSMC Corporate Research Seminar Series (2024).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, UC Santa Barbara (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the EE Devices Seminar, Caltech (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the EE Department Seminar, Stanford University (2024).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Winter Bootcamp (2024). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, AR Displays, Quantum, and Beyond," presented at the MIT.nano US Government Agency Seminar, MIT (2023).
- Poster: S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, “Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing,” presented at the BU Photonics Symposium, Boston University (2023).
- Poster: A. Garcia Coleto*, M. Notaros*, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Visible-Light Liquid-Crystal-Based Modulators for Augmented-Reality Displays,” presented at the BU Photonics Symposium, Boston University (2023). (*Equal Contributors)
- Poster: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Solid-State OPA-Based LiDAR,” presented at the BU Photonics Symposium, Boston University (2023).
- Poster: B. Mazur*, D. M. DeSantis*, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Beam-Steering Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR,” presented at the BU Photonics Symposium, Boston University (2023). (*Equal Contributors)
- Poster: S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, “Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing,” presented at the MIT GW6 Research Summit, MIT (2023).
- Lightning Talk and Demo: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, Y. Liu, M. R. Torres, A. Garcia Coleto, T. Zhang, M. Notaros, J. Klamkin, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Solid-State LiDAR Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays,” presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2023). (Best Demo Award)
- Poster: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Spatially-Adaptive Solid-State OPA-Based LiDAR,” presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2023).
- Poster: B. Mazur*, D. M. DeSantis*, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Beam-Steering Optical Phased Arrays for LiDAR,” presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2023). (*Equal Contributors) (Best Poster Award)
- Poster: M. R. Torres, S. Corsetti, D. M. DeSantis, A. Garcia Coleto, B. Mazur, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Optical Grating-Based Antennas for LiDAR,” presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2023).
- Poster: A. Garcia Coleto, ... J. Notaros, “MIT PERG: Other Projects and Applications,” presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 CogniSense Annual Review, Georgia Tech (2023).
- Invited Seminar: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, S. Corsetti, A. Garcia Coleto, H. Crawford-Eng, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Solid-State LiDAR Sensors and Beyond," presented at the SRC JUMP 2.0 Liaison Seminar (2023).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the Institute of Optics Colloquia, University of Rochester (2023). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: D. M. DeSantis, B. Mazur, S. Corsetti, A. Garcia Coleto, H. Crawford-Eng, M. R. Torres, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Intel Seminar (2023).
- Report: M. Notaros, T. Dyer, A. Hattori, K. Fealey, S. Kruger, and J. Notaros, “Flexible Wafer-Scale Silicon-Photonics Fabrication Platform,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2023), pp 58. [Link]
- Report: S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, “Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2023), pp 52. [Link]
- Report: D. DeSantis*, M. Notaros*, and J. Notaros, “Underwater Free-Space Optical Communications Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2023), pp 53. (*Equal Contributors) [Link]
- Report: A. Hattori*, S. Corsetti*, T. Sneh, M. Notaros, R. Swint, P. T. Callahan, C. D. Bruzewicz, F. Knollmann, R. McConnell, J. Chiaverini, and J. Notaros, “Integrated Photonics for Advanced Cooling of Trapped-Ion Quantum Systems,” MTL Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2023), pp 108. (*Equal Contributors) [Link]
- Thesis: M. Notaros, "Integrated Visible-Light Platforms, Devices, and Systems for Augmented Reality and Beyond," Doctoral Dissertation, MIT (2023). [Link]
- Thesis: S. Corsetti, "Visible-Light Integrated Photonics for 3D-Printing and Trapped-Ion Systems," Master's Thesis, MIT (2023). [Link]
- Thesis: A. Hattori, "Integrated-Photonics Devices and Architectures for Advanced Cooling of Trapped Ions," Master's Thesis, MIT (2023). [Link]
- Thesis: C. Pan, "Design and Performance Analysis of Frequency-Shift Keyed Transmitter using Rapidly Tunable Lasers," MEng Thesis, MIT (2023). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Summer Academy (2023). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT Monterrey Tech Nanotechnology Program (MTech), MIT (2023).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the SoE Lockheed Symposium, MIT (2023).
- News Article: "Jelena Notaros receives 2023 NSF CAREER Award," MIT EECS News (2022). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering, and Beyond," presented at the MTL MiniTech Seminar, MIT (2023).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Technology Office Seminar, MIT Lincoln Laboratory (2023).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, UMass Dartmouth (2023).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, UT Austin (2023).
- News Article: "Thriving Stars panel: women leaders share career wisdom," MIT EECS News (2023). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the EECS Department Seminar, UC Berkeley (2023).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Army Research Laboratory Colloquium (2023).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT.nano Membership Advisory Panel (MAP) Meeting (2023).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics at MTL," presented at the MIT MTL Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting (2023).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Winter Bootcamp (2023). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT EECS Graduate Electromagnetics Course (6.630) (2022).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the PIC1: Fabless Design of Photonic Integrated Circuits Course (2022). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT ILP Research and Development Conference (2022). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Photonics for Biophotonics and Beyond," presented at the SoE Analog Devices Symposium, MIT (2022).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Photonics for Trapped-Ion Systems and Beyond," presented at the NSF Quantum Nanofabrication Workshop, CU Boulder (2022). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Electron Devices Society Seminar, Cornell University (2022). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the iMAPS New England Symposium (2022).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the AIM Photonics Summer Academy (2022). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Integrated Photonic Systems Roadmap (IPSR) International Spring Meeting (2022).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT EECS Undergraduate Electromagnetics Course (6.013) (2022).
- Report: S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, T. Sneh, A. Stafford, Z. Page, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Chip-Based 3D Printing," MTL 2022 Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2022), pp 106. [Link]
- Report: M. Notaros, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, E. P. Ippen, M. R. Watts, and J. Notaros, "Integrated-Photonics-Based Visible-Light Holographic Augmented-Reality Display," MTL 2022 Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2022), pp 110. [Link]
- Report: T. Sneh, S. Corsetti, M. Notaros, and J. Notaros, "CMOS-Compatible Focusing Optical Phased Arrays for Steerable Chip-Based Optical Trapping," MTL 2022 Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2022), pp 112. [Link]
- News Article: "Last-minute pivot leads to record-setting Microsystems Annual Research Conference," MIT News (2022). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Stanford Center for Image System Engineering (SCIEN) Seminar, Stanford (2022). [Link]
- News Article: "Five in EECS Appointed to Career Development Professorships," MIT EECS News (2021). [Link]
- News Article: "EECS graduate women’s research summit increases research visibility and strengthens community," MIT News (2021). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MIT ILP Research and Development Conference (2021). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the IEEE Photonics Society Boston Chapter Seminar (2021). [Link]
- News Article: "School of Engineering welcomes new faculty," MIT News (2021). [Link]
- Poster: M. Notaros, T. Dyer, M. Raval, C. Baiocco, E. P. Ippen, M. R. Watts, and J. Notaros, "Silicon Photonics for Augmented Reality and Beyond," presented at the MIT ILP-MRL Microphotonics Everywhere Symposium, MIT (2020). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Division 8 Seminar, MIT Lincoln Laboratory (2020).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the MTL Symposium, MIT (2020). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: M. Notaros, J. Notaros, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Liquid-crystal-based integrated optical phased arrays for augmented reality," presented at the MIT Nano Explorations Webinar Series, MIT (2020). [Link]
- Thesis: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: Augmented Reality, LiDAR, and Beyond," Doctoral Dissertation, MIT (2020). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, Cornell University (2020). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the EE Department Seminar, Harvard University (2020). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ESE Department Seminar, University of Pennsylvania (2020). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the EECS Department Seminar, UC Berkeley (2020). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, UT Austin (2020).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the EE Department Seminar, Princeton University (2020). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the EECS Department Seminar, MIT (2020).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECEE Department Seminar, CU Boulder (2020).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the ECE Department Seminar, UC San Diego (2020).
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Solid State Technology and Devices Seminar, UC Berkeley (2019). [Link]
- Invited Seminar: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: LiDAR, Augmented Reality, and Beyond," presented at the Electronic Materials Research Group Meeting, MIT (2019).
- Poster: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: Architectures and Applications," presented at the EECS Rising Stars Workshop, MIT (2018). [Link]
- Poster: J. Notaros, "Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: Architectures and Applications," presented at the MIT.nano LAUNCH.nano Symposium, MIT (2018).
- Report: J. Notaros, C. V. Poulton, M. J. Byrd, M. Raval, and M. R. Watts, "Quasi-Bessel-Beam Generation Using Integrated Optical Phased Arrays," MTL 2018 Annual Research Report (MIT MTL, 2018), pp 52. [Link]
- News Article: "Electronics and photonics united," Nature (2018). [Link]
- News Article: "Integrating optical components into existing chip designs," MIT News (2018). [Link]
- News Article: "Researchers illuminate the path to a new era of microelectronics," BU News (2018). [Link]
- Patent: J. C. Mower, J. Notaros, M. Heuck, D. R. Englund, C. Lupo, and S. Lloyd, "Apparatus and methods for locked quantum communication using photonic integrated circuits," U.S. Patent No. 10126506 (2018). [Link]
- Thesis: J. Notaros, "Fresnel-Focusing and Bessel-Beam Integrated Optical Phased Arrays for Optical Trapping Applications," Master's Thesis, MIT (2017). [Link]
- Poster: J. Notaros, "Ultra-Efficient Grating Couplers," presented at the 2015 ECEE Senior Design Expo, CU Boulder (2015).
- Magazine Article: J. Notaros, "Utilizing Computational Electromagnetics for the Advancement of Photonic Processor Communications," IEEE-HKN's The Bridge (IEEE, 2014), pp 11-14. [Link]
- News Article: "Undergrad excited to be taking part in cutting-edge nanophotonics research," CU Boulder News (2014). [Link]
- Invited Presentation: J. Notaros, "Complex Wavevector Bloch Solver for Nanophotonic Device Applications," presented at the IEEE Denver Section Executive Committee Meeting, Denver, Colorado (2014).
- Invited Presentation: J. Notaros, "Complex Wavevector Bloch Solver for Nanophotonic Device Design Applications," presented at the 2014 Engineering Advisory Council Meeting, CU Boulder (2014).
- Poster: J. Notaros, "Complex Wavevector Band Structure Solver for Nanophotonic Device Design Applications," presented at the 2014 Discovery Learning Research Symposium, CU Boulder (2014).