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Becoming Involved
The simplest way to become more involved with the MIT International Review is to contribute content. Please consult our submissions guidelines should you wish to send us either an article proposal or a completed manuscript.
We are always seeking to recruit motivated and talented individuals to our staff. Below is a list of currently available positions, all of which require:
Public Relations Director (1): Adopting savvy, proactive marketing strategies will be of vital importance as we look to establish MITIR as a hallmark of the Institute, and of the growing body of foreign affairs publications. We seek individuals who can fulfill the following responsibilities :
Business Associate (2): Ensuring the long-term sustainability of MITIR enterprise is a top priority and will require building a strong organizational strategy and foundation from the very beginning. We seek individuals who can fulfill the following responsibilities :
Journalist (5): Publishing podcasts of lectures on international affairs will allow us to showcase the vibrant exchange of ideas here at MIT. We seek individuals who can fulfill the following responsibilities :
To apply for any of the positions above, please send a resume and a letter of interest to the