![How to submit: writer's guidelines](../-img/info/guidelines.gif)
- Originality: The paper must contain original and unpublished work.
- File Format: Papers should be submitted as Microsoft Word files (*.doc) or as Rich Text Format files (*.rtf).
- Length: Maximum words of possible submission categories:
- Traditional Essays (4000)
- Original Data-Centered Research (2000, free of all technical jargon)
- Case Studies (2000)
- Interviews (1500) (e.g., medical treatments) for the resolution of a global problem
- Field Reports (1500): For those who can impart an outsider’s perspective on global problems and what is being done about them
- Work-in-Progress (1200): For those who are pioneering new technologies or services
- Opinion Editorials (800)
- Photo Essays (maximum: 10 photographs).
- Contact Information: A separate page should list:
- Name(s) of the author(s)
- Address
- Telephone (and fax number)
- E-mail address
- Institutional affiliation.
- Abstract: The first page of the actual article should contain the following information:
- Title
- Name(s) of the author(s)
- An abstract of no more than 100 words
- Word count of the article.
- Accuracy: Facts in submissions will be reviewed to ensure accuracy.
- References should be included.
- Figures should not be copyrighted.
Please submit your work to mitir-editors@mit.edu.
Note: After initial submission, writers whose articles are being considered for publication may be asked to resubmit their articles according to more specific guidelines.