Category: EdTech Fair 2009
Update on MIT’s Who’s Teaching What/Online Subject Evaluation Project
Poster Presentation/Demo Abstract Since Spring 2008, MIT has been moving its paper-based subject evaluation system online, as well as improving the collection of teaching data. By AY2010-11, the system will be ready to handle the @750 subjects previously evaluated on paper. The presentation will give an update on the three parts of the project —…
New Empirical Assessment Protocols To Evaluate Educational Technologies
Poster Presentation/Demo Abstract After four years and six independent studies at MIT on the use of the tablet pc, novel and empirical assessment protocols were established. These protocols have begun to be used by various software development companies, universities and secondary schools around the world. Tablet PC in Combination with Various Software Products, Teaching Styles,…
Poster Presentation/Demo Abstract MIT TechTV is in its 3rd year and has become part of the MIT Libraries! With over 2800 videos uploaded, well over 7 million video views and over 1100 accounts created, MIT TechTV continues to grow and be developed to enhance the video sharing and educational experience at MIT. MIT TechTV Website…