Poster Presentation/Demo Abstract
MIT TechTV is in its 3rd year and has become part of the MIT Libraries! With over 2800 videos uploaded, well over 7 million video views and over 1100 accounts created, MIT TechTV continues to grow and be developed to enhance the video sharing and educational experience at MIT.
Statement of the problem or issue
In a 2008 survey the Libraries posed to students, of which over 4500 responded to the question of whether “capturing of videos of MIT class lectures for replay later during the semester” was asked. The response from the students had a vast majority from undergrads and a majority from graduate students stating that it was at least “very important” or “essential”. How can this request be easily solved?
Description of activity, project, solution, and outcome
MIT TechTV allows for faculty and staff to quickly and easily upload video to be shared with students and other groups. They can limit the viewer-ship to just their class by making the video private and then posting to their course Stellar account. This all takes only minutes once you have your finished video to be uploaded.
Importance or relevance to other faculty, staff, students, departments, and programs
Video is a standard and expected method of communication in today’s internet thirsty age. All faculty, departments, labs and other groups can benefit greatly from the dissemination of a video on the information that they are trying to share with an individual or the world. Students value the videos of lectures that they can review to solidify their thoughts on materials taught in class. Grant moderators enjoy watching video updates on the research that their money is going towards. It is necessary to stay up to date on the methods of information sharing and the current format is internet video accessible at any time.
Kris Brewer, MIT TechTV – MIT Libraries/MIT AMPS
(Presented at MIT Educational Technology Fair 2009)
Topic Area(s)
1. Using video and clickers for teaching large classes more effectively
2. Finding and integrating digital content into the curriculum
3. Supporting global learning experiences
4. Incorporating visualizations and simulations to deepen student understanding
5. Open educational tools and resources