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HST.508/Biophysics 170 Quantitative Genomics
First meeting of the class Septemebr 12
see course calendar
Evolution and biophysics of the genome
Leonid Mirny
as a part of
Physique de la matiere vivante
Quantitaive Genomics
Leonid Mirny, Shamil Sunyaev, Gregory Krykov, Isaac Kohane
8.593J - HST.452J: Statistical Physics in Biology
Mehran Kardar, Leonid Mirny
HST.508: Quantitative Genomics
Provides a foundation in the following four areas: evolutionary and population genetics; comparative genomics; structural genomics and proteomics; and functional genomics and regulation. Each module consists of four lectures providing key background material, one lecture providing clinical correlates and one guest lecture from leaders in the field.
HST.508: Quantitative Genomics
L. Mirny, I. Kohane, S. Sunyaev
Provides a foundation in the following four areas: Evolutionary and Population Genetics; Comparative Genomics; Structural Genomics and Proteomics; and Functional Genomics and Regulation. Each module consists of four lectures providing key background material, one lecture providing clinical correlates and one guest lecture from leaders in the field.
8.593J - HST.452J: Statistical Physics in Biology
Mehran Kardar, Leonid Mirny
Courseware webpage of the class (2005)
A survey of problems at the interface of statistical physics and modern biology: Bioinformatic methods for extracting information content of DNA; gene finding, sequence comparison, phylogenetic trees. Physical interactions responsible for structure of biopolymers; DNA double helix, secondary structure of RNA, elements of protein folding. Considerations of force, motion, and packaging; protein motors, membranes. Collective behavior of biological elements; cellular networks, neural networks, evolution.
HST.508: Quantitative Genomics
L. Mirny, A. Kho, I. Kohane, S. Sunyaev
Provides a foundation in the following four areas: Evolutionary and Population Genetics; Comparative Genomics; Structural Genomics and Proteomics; and Functional Genomics and Regulation. Each module consists of four lectures providing key background material, one lecture providing clinical correlates and one guest lecture from leaders in the field. Required for all HST students in the Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics training program within MEMP.
8.593J - HST.452J: Statistical Physics in Biology
(Open Courseware)
(Course website)
Mehran Kardar, Leonid Mirny
1.021/2.030/3.021j/10.333/18.361/22.00/HST.558: Introduction to
Modeling and Simulation (Open
M. Bazant, G. Ceder, N. Hadjiconstantinou, N.
Marzari, L. Mirny, A. Powell, R. Radovitzky, R. Rosales, B. Trout, F. -J. Ulm,
J. White, S. Yip
Basic concepts of computer modeling in science and engineering using discrete particle systems and continuum fields. Techniques and software for statistical sampling, simulation, data analysis and visualization. Use of statistical, quantum chemical, molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, mesoscale and continuum methods to study fundamental physical phenomena encountered in the fields of computational physics, chemistry, mechanics, materials science, biology, and applied mathematics. Applications drawn from a range of disciplines to build a broad-based understanding of complex structures and interactions in problems where simulation is on equal-footing with theory and experiment. Term project allows development of individual interest. Student mentoring by a coordinated team of participating faculty from across the Institute.
Group meetings are currently being held in conjunction with Professors Mehran Kardar and Arup Chakraborty and their group members every Tuesday at 2:45 PM in 12-132. Anyone interested in discussing topics related to biophysics and computational biology is welcome to attend. Contact Zeba Wunderlich (wunderl[at]fas[dot]harvard[dot]edu) for more information.