Hebb' rule: Neurons
that fire together, wire together
Oriented segments in natural images tend to be `collinear'
Lateral connections in V1 from Biocytin injections (for
Tree Shrew, from Bosking et al)
An alternative perspective is that of optimal processing
of information from stochastic signals,
W. Bialek, D.L. Ruderman, and
A. Zee (1991)
The response of a neuron at x in terms of its
OP, t(x) ,
input signal direction, s(x) , and horizontal inputs from neurons
at other points y :
Find the function F(x,y) which maximizes the
information content of the stochastic output, subject to cost of `wiring'
C(x-y) , and signal correlations S(X-Y) , as
Using correlations from a set of five images of trees,
we find
Barn Owls also
have topographic auditory cortical maps (optic tectum)