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A Forum for Independent Media on

January 28, 2002
10.30 a.m. - 5 p.m.: MIT Student Center (3rd floor)
6.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.: MIT 10-250

Overview   —   Schedule   —   Participants   —   Directions   —   Publicity


Michael Albert, longtime activist, speaker, and writer, is editor of ZNet, and co-editor and co-founder of Z Magazine. He also co-founded South End Press and has written numerous books and articles. He developed along with Robin Hahnel the economic vision called Participatory Economics — a vision that challenges the foundations of economic theory, positing a society run by neither markets nor central planning, neither competition nor control, instead a society based on participatory planning and sharing.

David Barsamian is the founder and director of Alternative Radio, the award-winning Boulder-based weekly independent program. AR presents information and perspectives that are ignored or distorted in the corporate-controlled media. The one-hour program is broadcast on more than 125 public radio stations around the world. Barsamian is also national producer of Making Contact, another weekly radio program. His interviews and articles appear in The Progressive, The Nation, Z, and other journals and magazines. He is author of numerous books with Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Eqbal Ahmad, and Edward Said. His series of books with Chomsky, America's leading dissident, have sold in the hundreds of thousands and have been translated into many languages. His latest book with Chomsky is Propaganda & the Public Mind. His forthcoming book is The Decline & Fall of Public Broadcasting.

George Capaccio is a storyteller, actor, and writer from Arlington, MA. During the week, he teaches storytelling and creative writing to children in grades K-5 in Boston and Somerville. On the weekends, he works at the Museum of Science where he performs science-based storytellling programs. In recent years, George has played an active role in educating others about Iraq. Since 1997, he has made eight trips to Iraq with various humanitarian organizations in an effort to understand the effects of UN sanctions on the people of Iraq. As a volunteer with the Middle East Council of Churches, George helped write a three-million dollar proposal for various rehabilitation projects in South/Central Iraq and visited schools, orphanages, hospitals and refugee camps throughout the country. This year (2002) he made his eighth visit to Iraq, this time as a delegate with Voices in the Wilderness. Besides visiting Iraq, George has published articles in national journals including Re-Thinking Schools. One of his essays is included in Iraq Under Siege, a recent book about sanctions published by the South End Press in Cambridge, MA. He has also written a book of poems and produced a video that further document his experiences. The book, entitled While The Light Still Trembles, received first prize for peace writing from the University of Arkansas in 1999. The video, Iraq In Darkness and Light, has been shown on cable networks and on college campuses across America. Currently, George is developing a theatrical piece for Boston's Museum of Science on the contributions of Islamic scientists to the Renaissance in Western Europe.

David Goodman, co-producer of Radio with a View, has been a journalist/radio producer for 20 years; getting his first paid, professional work covering the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant (on Long Island, NY) for WBAI-FM in New York City. From 1984 to 1999 he was a freelance reporter for Pacifica National News, effectively the New England correspondent for 14 years. He has been an associate producer for WBUR-FM and MonitorRadio in Boston. Since 1991 he has owned and operated the Independent Broadcast Information Service (I.B.I.S.), providing recording and production services to such clients as NPR, the BBC, the National Radio Project, and Antenna Audio, a Sacramento, CA company that creates the walk-about cassettes and CD-ROMs used in museums. This year Goodman is launching an independent, progressive news bureau — the Boston Community Reporters Project — which will also serve the Greater Boston community by providing educational and consultative services to individuals seeking to learn about journalism and the media and to become "citizen journalists."

John Grebe founded the "Sounds of Dissent" radio news in 1998 on WZBC-90.3 FM, and "In Public" radio in 1991 on WMFO-FM, where he served as both News Director and Technical Operations Director. He now serves as Radio Coordinator for the Boston Independent Media Center. With Technology for Social Change, he built a small FM radio station and computer network in Bluefields, Nicaragua in 1995 at the first college in eastern Nicaragua. Seeing the need for small isolated citizens' media to network in order to survive amid increasing corporate media mergers, he worked with the Boston Independent Media Center at its founding in 2000. He consults on computer networks to non-profits in the Boston area.

Amy McCreath is Episcopal Chaplain at MIT and Coordinator of the MIT Technology & Culture Forum.

Since 1998, Kevin Murray has been Executive Director of Grassroots International, a Jamaica Plain-based international human rights and development organization. Before that, he worked on housing issues in Boston for twelve years as part of City Life/Vida Urbana. In addition, he has worked for several international development organizations including Oxfam America, the Center for Global Education, the Jesuit Refugee Service and Lutheran World Relief. From 1989-95, he lived and worked in El Salvador, and has since written two books based on that experience. He now lives in Roslindale with Ellen Coletti and two great children, Kiernan and Claudia.

Linda Pinkow is a media activist who has been co-news director of WMBR, community radio at MIT, since 1995. She began doing radio in 1979 at WBRS (Brandeis University), where she served as program director, special productions director, and producer. From 1986-93 she was a member of the Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy, a collectively produced, leftist public affairs program that was aired on dozens of radio stations. She has also been an editor of newspapers and magazines, and has written for a wide variety of publications. She holds a bachelor's degree from Brandeis University, and master's and doctoral degrees from Johns Hopkins, where she studied global economic development, social movements and mass communications. She has lectured and done research on media, gender, race and ethnic relations, and social change.

Stephen Provizer is founder of Allston-Brighton Free Radio, 1670 AM, webcast at — and Director of Citizens Media Corps, a media education and direct-access non-profit.

Chuck Rosina is news director at WMBR, MIT's radio station, and co-producer of No Censorship Radio, a weekly public affairs program. He also records and produces audio art CDs with his band Urban Ambience, and provides similar services for other musicians.

Joshua Rubenstein, a long-time human-rights activist and scholar, has been Amnesty USA's North-East Regional Director for more than twenty-five years and has written numerous articles and books. He is an Associate at the Davis Center at Harvard University.

Charlotte Ryan is a former labor and community organizer and author of Prime Time Activism. Now Associate Research Professor at Boston College, Char is also co-director of the Media Research and Action Project (MRAP).

Randy Shadowalker is a member of the Cascadia Media Collective and produces Cascadia Alive! — a weekly radical TV show based in Eugene, Oregon.

Theresa Tobin has worked in the MIT Libraries for over 30 years and is currently the Head of the Humanities Library. Her activism in libraries has included working in a Nicaraguan library and a 10 year relationship with the Women's Presses Library Project through the American Library Association's Feminist Task Force which worked to bring the publications of independent presses to the attention of librarians.

Martin Voelker was born in 1963 and immigrated in 1996 from Germany when his wife took a position at MIT. He studied Psychology at the University of Konstanz and UMass Boston (B.A. equivalent 1993), freelanced as a science reporter and, after college, became a local desk reporter for a German newspaper in Germany's Southwest and also trained and worked as a radio reporter. When he moved to Boston in 1996 he decided to air David Barsamian's Alternative Radio himself as a public service at Tufts University's Free Form community station WMFO. He was later elected news director and began recording and editing local political events for his new show No-U-Turn Radio, some of which were later broadcast by Alternative Radio. He is now working full-time towards launching No-U-Turn Radio for broadcast throughout North America.

AK Press is in business to make radical books and other materials available: titles that are published by independent presses, not the corporate giants, titles with which you can make a positive change in the world. The sorts of books AK stocks are less and less available from the corporate publishers, booksellers & websites.

Beacon Press is a nonprofit, independent publisher founded in 1854. With a long, distinguished history of progressive publishing, Beacon Press promotes works of advocacy, scholarship, literature, and spiritual inquiry to inform readers about the urgent issues of our time - including social justice, education, racial and ethnic diversity, religious pluralism, our relationship to the natural world, and the importance of the arts in the civil society.

The Cascadia Media Collective is an uncompromising group of videographers producing "left of left" videos on resistance to environmental destruction, political demonstrations and the collapse of the techno-capitalist era. The CMC challenges typical liberal viewpoints to expand and accept more radical approaches to today's looming problems, as well as their solutions.

Clamor Magazine's mission is to provide a media outlet that reflects the reality of alternative politics and culture in a format that is accessible to people from a variety of backgrounds. Clamor exists to fill the voids left by mainstream media. The magazine recognizes and celebrates the fact that each of us can and should participate in media, politics and culture — and publishes writing and art that exemplifies the value it places on autonomy, creativity, exploration, and cooperation. Clamor is an advocate of progressive social change through active creation of political and cultural alternatives.

Cultural Survival was founded in 1972 as a response to the processes of "development" being undertaken in the Amazonian regions of South America during the 1960s. The "opening up" of the Amazonian hinterland and the drastic effects this had on the indigenous peoples living there dramatized the urgent need to defend the human rights of these "victims of progress." It was also clear that this was not solely an Amazonian problem. All over the world, governments were seeking to extract resources from areas that had not hitherto been developed and, in the process, were mistreating their indigenous inhabitants. What should be done about this? What could be done about this? Cultural Survival was founded to try to answer these questions and to work for the solutions developed by the nascent indigenous and pro-indigenous movements.

Equal Exchange was founded in 1986 to create a new approach to trade, one that includes informed consumers, honest and fair trade relationships and cooperative principles. As a worker-owned co-op, they have accomplished this by offering consumers fairly traded gourmet coffee direct from small-scale farmer co-ops in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Grassroots International is an independent human rights and development agency that provides financial and material support to social change organizations in in Brazil, East Timor, Eritrea, Haiti, Mexico, and Palestine. They also do educational and advocacy work in the United States on global justice issues, and dare to challenge the dominant media interpretations of the causes of poverty and inequality.

Harvest Co-op is a community-owned market with two stores in the greater Boston area. Harvest specializes in fresh and wholesome food choices. They sell natural, gourmet and conventional products. Harvest supports sustainable agriculture, certified organic, fair trade, and local and small family farms in their buying practices.

Independent Media Center (Boston) emerged in 2000 amid growing citizen awareness that people had long lost any choice over whether transnational corporate profit needs would supersede communities' preferences in civic affairs. As the second IMC to form, Boston IMC followed 1999's Seattle demonstrations against profits overriding citizen concerns in the WTO. At this historic moment amid record-breaking corporate media mergers, over 50 IMCs on every continent sprung from citizens and media movements to offer information about their own civic stories of ecology, health care, labor rights, trade policy, and the concentration of news media ownership. Media of, by, and for people, not profit-driven companies, suddenly became loosely networked via the name Boston IMC working groups in video, print, radio, and Web media focus on connecting local, national, and global issues too often ignored or distorted by profit-driven global media conglomerates.

The International Action Center was initiated in 1992 by many anti-war activists and by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark to expose the US bombing of innocent Iraqi civilians and the massive destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure through war and sanctions. The Center coordinated an International War Crimes Tribunal which indicted the US with gross violations of international law and war crimes in Iraq. Since then, the IAC has been a leader in the movements to end US/UN sanctions against Iraq; oppose the expansion of NATO and US/NATO bombing of the Bosnian Serbs and Yugoslavia; end the thirty-five year blockade of Cuba; and continually oppose US military involvement throughout the globe, from Haiti to Somalia, from Panama to the Philippines, from Colombia to Palestine.

Lucy Parsons Center is an all-volunteer collectively run radical political bookstore located at 549 Columbus Avenue in the South End. Tel: 617.267.6272. Hours: M-Sat 12-9pm and Sun 12-6. Free films are shown on Wednesday nights.

Mama Gaia's Café in Central Square, Cambridge, is a coffeehouse built on the principles of fair trade and socially aware business practices. In addition to a wide-ranging menu featuring a selection of organic foods, Mama Gaia's offers live music, displays of local art, and free Internet access. At the Café's opening ceremony last November, Cambridge legend Little Joe Cook, Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader, and social justice/fair trade icon Dean Cycon (founder of Dean's Beans) all took part. Doing business in its own way, Mama Gaia's hopes to enrich the Central Square area and redefine the relationship between business and community.

The Media Research and Action Project at Boston College works with community, labor and non-profit groups to strengthen communications for social change. The Project works with under-represented and mis-represented communities to identify and challenge barriers to democratic communication, to develop proactive messages and strategies and to build ongoing communications capacity.

The MIT Press Bookstore is part of the MIT Press, the nonprofit scholarly publishing program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Located in Kendall Square, the Bookstore offers quality retail bookselling to both the MIT community and the public at large. The Bookstore also organizes and sponsors events, including the long-running authors@mit series (in collaboration with the MIT Humanities Library).

No Censorship Radio airs every Friday night (6:30-8) on WMBR, community radio at M.I.T. (88.1 FM in Greater Boston, or NCR is an entertaining blend of art, activism and anarchy, and explores revolutionary ideas and actions, from Boston throughout the world. Weaving live interviews and taped events with topical music and political art, the program covers a vast range of issues, from a leftist perspective. It provides a forum for community activists to reach a broader audience, and airs lectures and interviews with nationally known authors and activists, as well as musicians, poets, comedians, and other artists with a political perspective.

No U-Turn Radio's Martin Voelker records people with a message: scholars, environmentalists social critics, historians, politicians & activists. Engaging speakers like Noam Chomsky, Angela Davis, Howard Zinn and Ralph Nader address current issues of concern: nuclear disarmament, US foreign policy, environmental threats and solutions, economic alternatives, student activism, biotechnology, and the death penalty

Radio with a View is a hybrid talk, news, commentary, and music program currently heard on WMBR-FM in Cambridge on Tuesday evenings 6:30 - 8:00. It is co-produced and co-hosted by David Goodman and Bentley College History Professor Marc Stern. Topics discussed on the air include economic democracy, human rights, war and peace, elections, politics, and culture.

Seven Stories Press is the New York-based independent publisher of writers including novelist Nelson Algren, African American science fiction writer Octavia Butler, geopolitical analyst Noam Chomsky, Algerian novelist Assia Djebar, Chilean novelist and dramatist Ariel Dorfman, French memoirist Annie Ernaux, (NBA coach) Phil Jackson, (Green Party presidential candidate) Ralph Nader, alternative health and nutrition advocate Gary Null, novelist Peter Plate, basketball novelist Charley Rosen, Women's health advocate and biographer Barbara Seaman, (formerly homeless memoirist) Lee Stringer, Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, novelist Kurt Vonnegut, French novelist Martin Winckler, American historian Howard Zinn, and many other notable authors. Perhaps no other small independent publishing house in America has consistently attracted so many important voices away from the corporate publishing sector. Seven Stories has also stepped in to publish — on First Amendment grounds — important books that were being refused the right to publish for political reasons, including Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Gary Webb's Dark Alliance, about the CIA-Contra-crack cocaine connection, Carol Felsenthal's biography of the Newhouse family, Citizen Newhouse, and distinguished journalist and death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal's censored essays in All Things Censored.

Sojourner: The Women's Forum, currently celebrating its 27th year, is the only monthly feminist newspaper still publishing in the United States. Unique among both feminist and progressive publications, Sojourner offers a progressive arena for activist dialogue, information exchange and critical feminist commentary, as well as fiction, news, reviews, and humor that challenge all of us to take action for a more just world. Seeking profound social change along the whole range of power imbalances — gender, race, class, sexuality and physical ableism, and seek to broaden and strengthen women's movements by featuring feminist perspectives from the widest possible range of backgrounds and experiences — we place particular emphasis on the voices of women who are usually marginalized in the mainstream press: women of color, old women, very young women, women with disabilities, poor women, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered women, women in prison, women on welfare, women immigrants and women from all over the world.

Sounds of Dissent radio airs the seldom-heard stories and perspectives eschewed by mainstream news media on WZBC-90.3 FM, Saturdays, 12-2 p.m. throughout Greater Boston. Connecting local to global stories from health care to Argentina's currency crash, from Polaroid pension scams to IMF policies, host John Grebe presents live guests from Boston to Buenos Aires since founding the program in 1998. While no one honestly claims to have "all things considered," even our public broadcasting institutions have come to reflect their most privileged listeners' interests. As they mine the wealthiest listener demographics to sell to their corporate underwriters, they distort the news. Sounds of Dissent tries to clarify the crucial stories, views, and information excluded elsewhere. How can we build participatory non-commercial educational radio? Locally and globally, people are making sounds of dissent, independent of profit and advertising-driven corporate bias.

South End Press is a non-profit, collectively run book publisher with more than 200 titles in print. Since its founding in 1977, South End has tried to meet the needs of readers who are exploring, or are already committed to, the politics of radical social change. Their goal is to publish books that encourage critical thinking and constructive action on the key political, cultural, social, economic, and ecological issues shaping life in the United States and in the world. In this way, South End hopes to give expression to a wide diversity of democratic social movements and to provide an alternative to the products of corporate publishing.

Ten Thousand Villages provides vital, fair income to Third World artisans by marketing their handicrafts and telling their stories in North America. Ten Thousand Villages works with artisans who would otherwise be unemployed or underemployed. This income helps pay for food, education, health care and housing. Thousands of volunteers in Canada and the United States work with Ten Thousand Villages in their home communities. Ten Thousand Villages is a non-profit program of the Mennonite Central Committee, the relief and development agency of Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches in North America — and has been working around the world since 1946.

United American Indians of New England is a Native-led organization of Native people and supporters who fight back against racism and for the freedom of Leonard Peltier and other political prisoners. UAINE supports Indigenous struggles, not only in New England but throughout the Americas; and fights back on such issues as the racism of the Pilgrim mythology perpetuated in Plymouth and the U.S. government's assault on poor people. Indigenous people from North, Central or South America who live in New England and who agree with UAINE's objectives are welcome to join. UAINE also welcomes the support of non-Native people from the four directions.

Whats Up Magazine is a Boston-based homeless paper that brings arts and awareness to the streets. It has been active for five years, and each year has grown to establish itself as a successful homeless streetpaper, focusing on many issues in youth culture, social activism & justice, and of course, working to empower the homeless in Boston. Whats Up is a bi-monthly, run by volunteers ages 16-30+, and is in the process of re-designing the magazine for the next issue due out in the first week in February.

Z Magazine is an independent political magazine of critical thinking on political, cultural, social, and economic life in the United States. It sees the racial, sexual, political, and class dimensions of personal life as fundamental to understanding and improving contemporary circumstances and it aims to assist activist efforts to attain a better future.