Do you unreleased software projects you'd like to clean up and release as open source, but don't have time?
Or maybe you uploaded a code dump to GitHub, but no one noticed it?
This spring’s 6.S194 Open Source Entrepreneurship class can provide you with an opportunity to get your open source project going. We are looking for groups with unreleased or undeveloped software projects with potential. Student groups will develop your code dumps into useful open source projects through the entire project lifecycle, from requirements collection through coding to documentation and community outreach. This is an opportunity to convert “research-quality” tools and systems into practical, documented, and helpful open source projects. You need to provide a mentor (a graduate student or a post-doc) to meet weekly with the students developing your project to bootstrap project-specific knowledge and set goals. Your UROPs who are willing to take the class and work on your project are also welcomed.
Interested groups should contact Saman Amarasinghe saman@mit.edu and Jeffrey Bosboom jbosboom@csail.mit.edu with a brief description of the project’s current state and goals and the name and contact information of the mentor.