Editorial Editorial Subcommittee President Reif announced a new pathway to MIT Master's degrees on 7 October, and referenced an MIT News account with a subtitle that says the new pathway . . . |
Nasser Rabbat There is a new face to the tragedy of forced migration, and it is Syrian. Mouaz al-Balkhi, a 22-year-old engineering student, died while trying to swim across the English . . . |
Jeffrey S. Ravel, Aaron Weinberger, Bigyan Bista Last April 25, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale struck the South Asian country of Nepal, killing over 9,000 people and injuring more than . . . |
On October 21, President Reif announced a Plan for Action on Climate Change in response to the ongoing call from student group Fossil Free MIT for MIT to divest . . . |
Sanjay Sarma, Isaac Chuang, Hazel Sive, Woodie Flowers In 1861, the charter of MIT incorporated it as an Institute of Technology based on a school of industrial science. This was a tremendous novelty for the age, blurring . . . |
William M. Kettyle Long before PowerPoint was universal, I was asked to give a lecture to a class at MIT. It was 1977. The course was HST060 – Endocrine Physiology and Pathophysiology. |
Thomas W. Eagar In a prior article I described some of the changes I have witnessed over nearly a half century at MIT, most notably in the nature of research and the pressure to obtain . . . |
Munther Dahleh, Suzanne Flynn, Kevin Kraft Sexual assault happens at MIT. We know this from our first-hand experience on the Committee on Discipline (COD), as well as from the Community Attitudes on . . . |
Chris Peterson, Hal Abelson In August 2013, the Admissions Office at MIT added a Maker Portfolio supplement to the undergraduate application. Many colleges and universities, including MIT, have . . . |
Elfatih A. B. Eltahir In The Healthy Minds Study 2015 Survey Results more MIT students, compared with the national average (to be accurate about twice as many), agreed with the . . . |
The Office of Faculty Support is requesting proposals for projects for the 2016-2017 academic year that improve the quality of teaching, enrich students’ learning . . . |
Letters Steven R. Tannenbaum The publication of this essay [“Iran and the P5+1 Pact,” by Noam Chomsky, MIT Faculty Newsletter, Vol. XXVIII No. 1, September/October 2015] is outrageous . . . |
M.I.T. Numbers |
M.I.T. Numbers |