You Should Know! When creating a file, be sure to check in with CopyTech. This saves both time and money. Call CopyTech to let us know that you have a project coming. We will build our time around your print needs. We are here to help you achieve success!
Conference and Seminar Printing
Are you planning a conference or seminar? CopyTech can take care of your conference printing needs from start to finish. CopyTech can order your binders, print the materials, insert the contents and deliver to your conference site. In the event you are in need of large-format color prints to enhance your conference advertising or poster sessions, we have that covered at our CopyTech Express Center. Take advantage of advertising your event on the screens around campus through our Infinite Display digital advertising system. Conference materials in electronic format: Feel free to ask about having your conference materials saved onto flash drives (printed with conference logos if preferred) or onto printed CDs. We are also happy to make special pick-up/delivery arrangements for the conference duration to handle any ongoing or last-minute presentation needs. Our experience in handling the tight deadlines associated with such events, coupled with the ability to offer weekend services , makes us an ideal solution to your conference needs. |
Event Advertising and Printing!