Email Cartel's Email List Stanford's Umich's Cyrus IMAP wiki (for Umich's failover plan for cyrus backend) atmail (commercial webmail client used by CMU's school of CS) citadel (open source webmail client) Storage/Filesystems openafs 2007 AFS workshop talk Open AFS Road map File Drawers for AFS U Mich's documentation on how to use their File Drawers Tracy's (Iowa state) "Serving stuff out of AFS via web" presentation Identity Management remctl (used by Stanford and U Mich) Stanford Webauth U Mich's Cosign Statistics, Reporting, Usage Analysis, Policies U Mich's Statistics web tool Iowa State's Policy Website Iowa State's non-production Password Checker Carnege Mellon's computing policy page Stanford's (Russ's) password strength checking package
Cartel's Email List Stanford's Umich's Cyrus IMAP wiki (for Umich's failover plan for cyrus backend) atmail (commercial webmail client used by CMU's school of CS) citadel (open source webmail client)
Cartel's Email List
Cyrus IMAP wiki (for Umich's failover plan for cyrus backend)
atmail (commercial webmail client used by CMU's school of CS)
citadel (open source webmail client)
openafs 2007 AFS workshop talk Open AFS Road map File Drawers for AFS U Mich's documentation on how to use their File Drawers Tracy's (Iowa state) "Serving stuff out of AFS via web" presentation
2007 AFS workshop talk
Open AFS Road map
File Drawers for AFS
U Mich's documentation on how to use their File Drawers
Tracy's (Iowa state) "Serving stuff out of AFS via web" presentation
remctl (used by Stanford and U Mich) Stanford Webauth U Mich's Cosign
remctl (used by Stanford and U Mich)
Stanford Webauth
U Mich's Cosign
U Mich's Statistics web tool Iowa State's Policy Website Iowa State's non-production Password Checker Carnege Mellon's computing policy page Stanford's (Russ's) password strength checking package
U Mich's Statistics web tool
Iowa State's Policy Website
Iowa State's non-production Password Checker
Carnege Mellon's computing policy page
Stanford's (Russ's) password strength checking package
Network Iowa State's wireless Iowa State's regional optical network Iowa State's Boreas Powerpoint slides Iowa State's data charging rates Carnegie Mellon's NetReg Scope/more info re Carnegie Mellon's NetReg U Mich's network general data Monitoring U Mich's Nefu monitoring system Stanford uses Munin to generate graphs/gather stats Carnegie Mellon's Network statistics Iowa State uses Hobbit Hobbit's sourceforge page Stanford's NetDB Cricket's sourceforge page RRDTool Mon's Wiki Desktops and Servers U Mich's Radmind Stanford is using Puppet Columbia is using CFEngine Samhain Public Computing Facilities Iowa State's Lab Database U Mich's sites website Iowa State's Collaborative Spaces
Iowa State's wireless Iowa State's regional optical network Iowa State's Boreas Powerpoint slides Iowa State's data charging rates Carnegie Mellon's NetReg Scope/more info re Carnegie Mellon's NetReg U Mich's network general data
Iowa State's wireless
Iowa State's regional optical network
Iowa State's Boreas Powerpoint slides
Iowa State's data charging rates
Carnegie Mellon's NetReg
Scope/more info re Carnegie Mellon's NetReg
U Mich's network general data
U Mich's Nefu monitoring system Stanford uses Munin to generate graphs/gather stats Carnegie Mellon's Network statistics Iowa State uses Hobbit Hobbit's sourceforge page Stanford's NetDB Cricket's sourceforge page RRDTool Mon's Wiki
U Mich's Nefu monitoring system
Stanford uses Munin to generate graphs/gather stats
Carnegie Mellon's Network statistics
Iowa State uses Hobbit
Hobbit's sourceforge page
Stanford's NetDB
Cricket's sourceforge page
Mon's Wiki
U Mich's Radmind Stanford is using Puppet Columbia is using CFEngine Samhain
U Mich's Radmind
Stanford is using Puppet
Columbia is using CFEngine
Iowa State's Lab Database U Mich's sites website Iowa State's Collaborative Spaces
Iowa State's Lab Database
U Mich's sites website
Iowa State's Collaborative Spaces
Voip U Mich's VOIP Misc Carnegie Mellon's Eddy Project Help Desk Best Practical Request Tracker (RT) BMC Remedy Footprints MIT's RT documentation MIT's 3-DOWN website (status page) U Mich's Down status page Carnegie Mellon's School of CS Help Page Iowa State's Down Status Page Iowa State's Administrative Desktop Support Costs Workgroup Support Kerberos/GSSAPI Support in Jabber
U Mich's VOIP
Carnegie Mellon's Eddy Project
Best Practical Request Tracker (RT) BMC Remedy Footprints MIT's RT documentation MIT's 3-DOWN website (status page) U Mich's Down status page Carnegie Mellon's School of CS Help Page Iowa State's Down Status Page Iowa State's Administrative Desktop Support Costs
Best Practical Request Tracker (RT)
BMC Remedy
MIT's RT documentation
MIT's 3-DOWN website (status page)
U Mich's Down status page
Carnegie Mellon's School of CS Help Page
Iowa State's Down Status Page
Iowa State's Administrative Desktop Support Costs
Kerberos/GSSAPI Support in Jabber
Miscellany Carnegie Pulse (calendar for students) Administrativia
Carnegie Pulse (calendar for students)