Research Group


Jan. 2024. Top row: Arjun Yennemadi, Qiaohao (Harry) Liang, Yash Samantaray, MZB, Alex Cohen, Barath Baskaran, Pierfrancesco Ombrini (visitor), Matthew Moy, Masato Yano (visitor), Junghyun Yoon, Daniel Markiewitz. Bottom Row: Michael Li, Huada Lian, Amelia Dai, Siqi (Suzy) Wu, Debbie Zhuang, Cristina Grosu, Emily Krucker-Velasquez.

Current Members

    Graduate Students

  1. Ethan Abraham (Chemistry, co-advised by Troy Van Voorhis, Chemistry)
  2. Barathkumar Baskaran (Chemical Engineering, co-advised by Desiree Plata, Civil Engineering)
  3. Shreyanil Bhuyan (Chemical Engineering)
  4. Alexander Cohen (Chemical Engineering / Computational Science and Engineering, co-advised by Joern Dunkel, Mathematics)
  5. Zhouhang (Amelia) Dai (Chemical Engineering)
  6. Samuel Degnan-Morgenstern (Chemical Engineering)
  7. Xiaochen Du (Chemical Engineering / Computational Science and Engineering, co-advised by Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Materials Science)
  8. Chan Kim (Chemical Engineering)
  9. Young Ko (Mechanical Engineering)
  10. Michael Li (Chemical Engineering)
  11. Daniel Markiewitz (Chemical Engineering)
  12. Matthew Moy (Chemical Engineering)
  13. Shakul Pathak (Chemical Engineering)
  14. Yash Samantaray (Chemical Engineering)
  15. Leah Soldner (Chemical Engineering)
  16. Chien-Rung Shih (Chemical Engineering, co-advised by Betar Gallant, Mechanical Engineering)
  17. Siqi (Suzy) Wu (Chemical Engineering)
  18. Arjun Yennemadi (Chemical Engineering)
  19. Junghyun Yoon (Chemical Engineering)

    Undergraduate Students

  20. Jad Abou Ali
  21. Isha Narang
  22. Mairin O'Shaughnessy

    Visiting Student

  23. Konrad Dittrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)


  24. Osama Joseph-Irabor


    Ph.D. Students

  1. Jaehyuk Choi Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, MIT (2005).

  2. Kevin T. Chu Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, MIT (2005).

  3. Jeremy A. Levitan Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, MIT (2005).

  4. Chris H. Rycroft Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, MIT (2007).

  5. Kenneth N. Kamrin Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, MIT (2008).

  6. Mustafa Sabri Kilic Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, MIT (2008).

  7. Damian Burch Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, MIT (2009).

  8. Todd R. Ferguson, PhD in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2013).

  9. William A. Braff, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, MIT (2013). Co-advisor: Cullen Buie.

  10. Yeqing Fu, PhD in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2014).

  11. Matthew B. Pinson, PhD in Physics, MIT (2014).

  12. Yi Zeng, Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, MIT (2015)

  13. Sven Schlumpberger, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2016)

  14. Raymond B. Smith, Ph.D. in Chemical Engieering, MIT (2017)

  15. Juhyun Song, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2018) Next: Argonne National Lab, Professor, Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH).

  16. Edwin Sze Lun Khoo, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2019)

  17. Kameron Conforti, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2019)

  18. Fan He, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2019), Co-advisor: T. Alan Hatton

  19. Zongyu Gu, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2019)

  20. Tingtao Zhou, Ph.D. in Physics, MIT (2019)

  21. Amir Levy, Ph.D. in Physics, MIT (2019)

  22. Supratim Das, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2020)

  23. Michael McEldrew, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2021).

  24. Dimitrios Fraggedakis, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2021).

  25. Hongbo Zhao, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2021).

  26. Surya Effendy, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2022).

  27. Pedro de Souza, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2022).

  28. Mohammad A. Alkhadra, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2022).

  29. Huanhuan Tian, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2022).

  30. Qiaohao (Harry) Liang, Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering and Computational Science and Engineering (2024).

  31. Debbie Zhuang, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2024).

  32. Emily Krucker-Velasquez, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2024). Original advisor: James Swan, Co-advisor: Alexander Alfredo-Katz.

    Research Scientists

  1. Juner Zhu (Research Scientist, 2020-2022) Li-ion battery mechanics, second-life, machine learning. Next: Assistant Professor, Northeastern University, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
  2. Daniel Cogswell (Research Scientist, 2019-2021) Li-ion batteries and acoustics, experiments and modeling, D3BATT.
  3. Mohammad Mirzadeh (Senior Postdoc 2018-2020, Postdoc 2015-2018) Electrokinetics in porous media.
  4. Peng Bai (Research Scientist 2015-2017, Postdoc 2012-2014) Li-ion and Li-metal batteries. Next: Assistant Professor, Washington University, Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering


  1. Huada Lian (2022-2024) Battery modeling.
  2. Cristina Grosu (2022-2024) Battery experiments.
  3. Wei Li (2022-2023) Phase-field modeling, machine learning.
  4. Neel Nadkarni (2017-2020) Battery chemomechanics.
  5. Amin Amooie (2018-2020) Flow in porous media. Next: Senior Research Scientist, University of Wyoming
  6. Tao Gao (2017-2020) Electrokinetic fingering, lithium plating on graphite. Next: Assistant Professor, University of Utah
  7. Tingtao Zhou (2019-2020) Freezing of electrolytes in nanopores.
  8. Arash Sayyah (2016-2018) Electrostatic projection of ceramic grains.
  9. Yossi Cohen (2014-2015) Electrocapillary phenomena in porous media.
  10. Ji-Hyung Han (2012-2015) Shock electrodeposition in porous media.
  11. Elisha Rejovitsky (2014-2015) Mechanics of Li-ion battery nanoparticles.
  12. Jaromir Marek (2014) Desalination.
  13. Matthew Suss (2013-2014) Cyclable membraneless H-Br flow battery. Next: Assistant Professor, Techion, Mechanical Engineering
  14. Venkat Viswanathan (2013-2014) Li-Br-seawater flow battery. Next: Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Mechanical Engineering
  15. Antonio Bertei, SOFC modeling.
  16. Sourav Padhy (2013-2014) Electrodeposition.
  17. Daosheng Deng (2010-2014) Shock electrodialysis experiments. Next: Harvard.
  18. Birger Horstmann (2012, coadvised by Y. Shao-Horn) Phase-field modeling of Li-air batteries. Next: professor at Helmholtz Institute Ulm.
  19. Dan Cogswell. (2010-2012) Phase-field modeling of Li-ion batteries.
  20. Ali Mani. (2011) Nonlinear electrokinetics, desalination shocks. Next: Assistant Professor, Stanford, Mechanical Engineering.
  21. Markus Schmuck. (2009-2011) Homogenization analysis of ion transport in porous media. Next: Imperial College London.
  22. Chien-Chih Huang . (2007-2009) Induced-charge electro-osmosis, microfluidic pumps. MIT Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies. (Co-advised by Prof. T. Thorsen, Mechanical Enginering.)
  23. Jeremy Levitan (2007). Applications of nonlinear electrokinetics in microfluidic devices. Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies.
  24. Gogi Singh (2006-2007). Modeling lithium rechargeable batteries. Center for Materials Science and Engineering (IRG IV).
  25. Yuxing Ben (2004-2005). Simulation and design of ICEO-based microfluidic devices.

    Visiting Graduate Students

  1. Pierfrancesco Ombrini, Ph.D. student, TU Delft, Netherlands, 2023-2024
  2. Gerrit Ipers , Ph.D. student, Aachen University, 2022
  3. Alexander Sapp , M.S. student, Technical University of Munich, 2022.
  4. Nicholas Williams Ph.D. student, Imperial College London, 2022
  5. Tammo Schwietert, Ph.D. student, TU Delft, Netherlands, 2022
  6. Marko Tesanovic, Ph.D. student, TU Munich, Germany, 2022
  7. Gregor Essert , Ph.D. student, TU Munich, Germany, 2022
  8. Jialong Liu , Ph.D. student, University of Science and Technology of China, 2020
  9. Yu Han, PhD student, Tsinghua University, 2019
  10. Aymar de Lichtervelde, MS Wageningen, Netherlands, 2018.
  11. Dennis Cardoen, PhD student, Univ. of Ghent, Belgium, 2015
  12. Niek de Klerk, PhD student, TU Delft 2015
  13. Mirella Simoes Santos, PhD student. Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2014-2016
  14. Alexandros Vasileiadis, PhD student, TU Delft 2015
  15. Christoffer Nielsen, Tech. Univ. Denmark. Electrodeposition simulation, 2014.
  16. Moses Ender, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Battery modeling 2013.
  17. Ianis Bernard, U Rennes, ICEO modeling.
  18. Mathias Andersen. student from Technical University of Denmark. Desalination simulation. 2011.
  19. Costas Anastassiou. Imperial College Department of Bioengineering. summer 2006, Theory of electrochemical sensors.
  20. Peng Bai. Tsinghua Univ., automotive engineering. Li-ion battery modeling. 2009-2011
  21. Raul Rica. Univ. de Granada, Spain, physics dept. 2009. Electrodiffusiophoresis.
    Visiting Postdocs

  1. Inge Bellemans, University of Ghent, Belgium, 2018. Corrosion modeling.
    Visiting Scientists

  1. Masato Yano. Murata, Japan 2023-2024.
  2. Matthew Suss. Techion, Israel, 2022.
  3. Alexei Kornyshev. Imperial College London, Chemistry. 2017, 2019
  4. Isaak Rubinstein. Ben-Gurion University, Israel, 2013-2014.
  5. Boris Zaltzman. Ben-Gurion University, Israel, Applied Mathematics, 2009-2010.
  6. Evgeny Demekhin. Kuban State Univ., Russia. Fall 2010.
  7. Henrik Bruus. Technical University of Denmark, Microtechnology. Fall 2010.
  8. Brian Storey. Olin College, Mechanical Engineering. 2006-2007.
  9. Armand Ajdari. ESPCI, Paris, France. 2005-2006.
  10. Arshad Kudrolli. Clark University, Physics. 2003-2007.

    M.S. Students

  1. Ken Gosier . M.S. in Financial Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (2002). Thesis: Generalized Black-Scholes models for pricing and hedging options with residual risk.
  2. Young Han Lee. M.S. in Applied Mathematics, MIT (2002). Thesis: Noise detection in financial correlation matrices.

    Undergraduate Research Assistants

  1. Anson Lam (2024) Visiting from Imperical College London.
  2. Xiaomian Yang (2023) Visting from Stanford.
  3. Nathanael Assefa (2017-2019) Electrokinetics, modeling and simulation. (Super UROP)
  4. Kaleigh Hunt (2018) Viscous fingering experiemnts.
  5. Rebecca Eisenach (2018) Battery experiments.
  6. Danielle-Joy Rodriguez (2018) Battery experiments.
  7. Nancy Lu (2014-2016) Desalination experiments. (Super UROP)
  8. Wassim Aouad. Desalination experiments, intern from Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal 2012.
  9. Joseph Atnafu. (2010) Desalination experiments.
  10. Ben Derrett. Cambridge-MIT exchange student. Li-ion battery modeling. (2009-2010)
  11. Michael Hess. Undergraduate intern, from Magdeburg, Germany, spring/summer 2009. Modeling lithium intercalation in graphite.
  12. Hoyin Au. Undergraduate intern, from Bunker Hill Community College, summer 2009. Modeling Li-ion battery composite electrodes.
  13. Jakub Kominiarcz B. S. in Physics, MIT (2007). Senior thesis: Numerical simulations of AC electro-osmotic pumps.
  14. Brian Wheeler UROP 2007. Applications of ACEO pumps.
  15. Matt Fishburn B. S. in Electrical Engineering, MIT (2007). Advanced Undergraduate Project: Electronics for control of portable electrokinetic microfluidic devices.
  16. Kapil Subramanian Undergraduate intern, summer 2007, from Indian Institute of Technology. ACEO experiments (with T. Thorsen).
  17. Andrew Jones UROP spring 2007. ACEO experiments (with T. Thorsen).
  18. Jeremie Palacci. Undergraduate intern, summer 2005. Visiting from Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. Thesis: Spot-model simulations of periodic systems.
  19. Serginio Sylvain. UROP, Dry Fluids Lab, 2005.
  20. Ken Weaver. Undergraduate intern in the MIT Materials Processing Center, summer 2002. Simulations of granular drainage.
  21. Camilo Guaqueta. B. S. in Materials Science, MIT (2003) Thesis: Computer simulations of a stochastic model for granular drainage.
  22. Mani Mahjouri. B.S. in Mathematics and Economics, MIT (2000). Thesis: Pricing risky derivative securities.

    Graduate Research Assistants

  1. Laura Gilson Membraneless flow batteries. MIT PhD stduent in Mechanical Engineering), co-advised by Cullen Buie, 2014-2018.
  2. Yamini Krishnan. Theory of mixed ion electron transfer, MIT PhD student, Chemical Engineering 2014-2015.
  3. Carlos Sauer. Theory of reverse osmosis, MIT PhD student in Mathematics, 2012-2015.

    Administrative Assistants

  1. Shirley Entziminger , MIT Math, 1998-2008
  2. Linda Mousseau , MIT Chemical Engineering, 2008-2014
  3. Barbara Balkwill , MIT Chemical Engineering, 2014-2023

Photo Album

Aug. 2024: Left to right: Daniel Markiewitz, Arjun Yennemadi, Michael Li, Yash Samantaray, Matthew Moy, Debbie Zhuang (celebrating her PhD thesis defense), MZB, Amelia Dai, Junghyun Yoon.

May 2024: Front row: Yash Samantaray, Junghyun Yoon, Debbie Zhuang, Amelia Dai,Sam Degnan-Morgenstern, Michael Li, Shakul Pathak; Back row: Chan Gi Kim, Daniel Markiewitz,Huada Lian, Matthew Moy, Young Ko, Xiaochen Du.

Harry Liang's thesis defense: Huada Lian, Arjun Yennemadi, Alex Cohen, Xiaochen Du, Matthew Moy, Chan Gi Kim, Junghyun Yoon, Young Ko, Yash Samantaray, Debbie Zhuang, Amelia Dai, Daniel Markiewitz, Sam Degnan-Morgenstern, Harry Liang, MZB.

Group ski trip 2024, Wachusett Mtn, MA: Shakul Pathak, Sam Degnan-Morgenstern, Yash Samantaray, Alex Cohen, Harry Liang, MZB, IMB.

Group lunch, 2024: Micahel Li, MZB, Amelia Dai, Cristina Crosu, Daniel Markiewitz, Arjun Yennemadi, Emily Krucker-Velasquez, Barath Baskaran, Masato Yano, Suzy Wu, Harry Liang, Pierfrancesco Ombrini, Junghyun Yoon, Alex Cohen, Huada Lian.

Sept. 2021. Top row: Juner Zhu, Dan Cogswell, Spencer Delgado, Huanhuan Tian, Mo Alkhadra, Qiaohao (Harry) Liang, Alex Cohen, Barbara Balkwill, Pedro de Souza, MZB. Bottomw row: Wei Li, Surya Effendy, Mikhailo Flaks (visitor), Debbie Zhuang, Huada Lian.

Group dinner, 2023: Debbie Zhuang, Sam Degnan-Morganstern, MZB, IMB, Xiaomian Yang, Suzy Wu, Arjun Yennemadi, Chan Gi Kim, Michael Li, Cristina Grosu, IRB, LMB, Shakul Pathak, Yash Samantaray.

Group dinner, 2022: Huada Lian, Masato Yano, Debbie Zhuang, Gerrit Ipers, Siqi (Suzy) Wu, Daniel Markiewitz, Xiaochen Du, Huanhuan Tian, Shakul Pathak, Qiaohaoi (Harry) Liang, Mo Alkhadra, Michael Li, Alex Sapp, Dan Cogswell.

Jaffa, Israel, 2022: Emily Krucker-Velasquez, Pedro de Souza, MZB, Daniel Markiewitz.

Stanford (SLAC) visit, 2022: Michael Li, Alex Cohen, MZB, Huada Lian, Shakul Pathak, Yash Samantaray, Debbie Zhuang.

D3BATT dinner 2022.

Group ski trip 2018, Sunapee, NH. Liam B, Aymar de Lichtervelde, Pedro de Souza, Zongyu Gu, Martin B, Supratim Das, Isabella B

Group dinner 2018. Pedro de Souza, Kameron Conforti, Surya Effendy, MZB, Tao Gao, Neel Nadkarni, Aymar de Lichtervelde, Michael McEldrew, Supratim Das, Tingtao (Edmond) Zhou.

Mt. Monadnock, New Hampshire, 2017: Hongbo Zhao, Pedro de Souza, Joey Gu, Supratim Das, Laura Glison, Amir Levy.

Bazant Research Group 2017. Left (top to bottom): Peng Bai, Ray Smith, Mohammad Mirzadeh, Amir Levy, Fan He, Laura Gilson, Yamini Krishnan; Middle: Zongyu (Joey) Gu, Kameron Conforti, Juhyun Song, Hongbo Zhao, Pedro de Souza; Right: Dimitrios Fraggedakis, Edwin Khoo, Tingtao (Edmond) Zhao, Arash Sayyed, Michael McEldrew, Supratim Das, Martin Bazant Absent: Truong (Wesley) Cai.

Group potluck 2017. Amir Levy, Pedro de Souza, Zongyu (Joey) Gu, Neel Nadkarni, Kameron Conforti, MZB, Barbara Balkwill, Michael McEldrew, Laura Gilson, Edwin Khoo, Hongbo Zhao.

Bazant Research Group 2013. Front: Ji-Hyung Han, MZB, Edwin Khoo, Ray Smith, Daosheng Deng, Yeqing Fu. Back: Sourav Padhy, Yi Zeng, Barbara Balkwill, Sven Schlumpberger, Evan Piephoff, Matt Suss, Todd Ferguson, Will Braff, Dan Cogswell. Absent: Matthew Pinson, Juhyun Song, Ianis Bernard.

Bazant Research Group 2011. Front: Linda Mousseau, Yeqing Fu, Daosheng Deng. Back: Dan Cogswell, Todd Ferguson, Sven Schlumpberger, MZB, Juhyun Song, Ali Mani, Will Braff Absent: Matthew Pinson.

Bazant Research Group 2010. Front: Daosheng Deng, Linda Mousseau, Yeqing Fu; Back: Mathias Andersen, Xiaochuan Yang, Matthew Pinson, Ben Derrett, Todd Ferguson, Martin Bazant, Peng Bai, Henrik Bruus. Absent: Boris Zaltzman, Dan Cogswell, Markus Schmuck, Joseph Atnafu.

Group dinner 2007: Gogi Singh, Yee Lok Wong, Ken Kamrin, MZB, Chris Rycroft, Kapil Subramanian

Celebrating the PhD of Chris Rycroft on the Boston Blues Barge 2007.

Group lunch 2006. Kenny Karmin, MZB, Sabri Kilic, Damian Burch, and Chris Rycroft.

Group candlepin bowling 2005 (clockwise from top left): Jean-Christophe Nave, Jeremy Levitan, Jeremie Palacci, Kevin Chu, Ken Kamrin, Yuxing Ben, Jaehyuk Choi, Chris Rycroft, and MZB.

Group dinner 2003 (clockwise from center left): Kevin Chu, Jeremy Levitan, Chris Rycroft, Jaehyuk Choi, Ruben Rosales, Dionisios Margetis, and MZB.

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