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Journal Papers
A.M. Liu, C.M. Oman, R. Galvan and A. Natapoff. (2012) "Predicting Space Telerobotic Operator Performance from Human Spatial Ability Assessment." Acta Astronautica. (960K PDF) http://dx.doi.org.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2012.04.0004.
C.T. Oravetz, L.R. Young and A.M. Liu. (2009) “Slope, distance, and height estimation of lunar and lunar-like terrain in a virtual reality environment.” Gravitational and Space Biology, 22(2): 57-66. (672K PDF)
J.T. Richards, C.M. Oman, W.L. Shebilske, A.C. Beall, A. Liu, and A. Natapoff. (2003) “Transfer, Training, and Retention of Three-Dimensional Spatial Memory in Virtual Environments.”, Journal of Vestibular Research, 12(5-6): 223-238.
D. Salvucci and A. Liu (2002) “The Time Course of a Lane Change: Driver Control and Eye Movement Behavior.” Transportation Research, Part F, 5(2): 123-132. (218K PDF)
D. Salvucci, E. Boer, and A. Liu. (2001) “Toward an Integrated Model of Driver Behavior in a Cognitive Architecture.” Transportation Research Record, 1779:9-16. [Abstract] (Fred Burggraf Award for excellence in transportation research) (133K PDF)
A. Pentland and A. Liu. (1999) “Modeling and prediction of human behavior.” Neural Computation, 11:229-242. (209K PDF)
A. Liu and A. Pentland. (1997) “Recognizing Driver Intentions with Hidden Markov Models.” Nissan Technical Review, 41:53-56.
R. B. Welch, T. T. Blackmon, A. Liu, B. A. Mellers, and L. Stark. (1996) “The Effect of Pictorial Realism, Delay of Visual Feedback, and Observer Interactivity on the Subjective Sense of Presence in a Virtual Environment.” Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 5(3):263-273.
A. Liu and A. P. Pentland. (1996) “Detection of Unexpected Motion While Driving: From Psychophysics to Real Life via Virtual Environments.” Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 5(2):163-172.
A. Liu, G. Tharp, L. French, S. Lai, and L. Stark. (1993) “Some of What One Needs to Know About Helmet-Mounted Display Performance.” IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation, 9(5):638-648. (836K PDF)
A. Liu, G. Tharp, M. Hirose, and L. Stark. (1992) “Visual Factors Affecting Human Operator Performance with a Helmet Mounted Display.” SAE Transactions - Journal of Aerospace, 100:976-84, Society of Automotive Engineers.
A. Liu and L. Stark. (1991) “The Effect of Monocular Blur on Simulated Telerobotic Manipulation.” IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation, 7(3): 372-376. (505K PDF)
A.S. Popel, A. Liu, B. Dawant, A. Koller, and P.C. Johnson. (1988) "Distribution of vascular resistance in terminal arteriolar networks of cat sartorius muscle.'' American Journal of Physiology 254 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 23): H1149-H1156.
M.L. Ellsworth, A. Liu, B. Dawant, A.S. Popel, and R.N. Pittman. (1987) "Analysis of Vascular Pattern and Dimension in Arteriolar Networks of Retractor Muscle in Young Hamsters.'' Microvascular Research, 34: 168-183.A.
Koller, B. Dawant,
A. Liu, A.S. Popel, and P.C. Johnson. (1987) "Quantitative analysis of
arteriolar network architecture in cat sartorius muscle.'' American Journal
of Physiology, 253(Heart Circ. Physiol. 22): H1154-H1164.
A.M. Liu. (2011) “Modeling Differences in Behavior Within and Between Drivers.” In P.C. Cacciabue, M. Hjälmdahl, A. Lüdtke, C. Riccioli, Eds., Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation: Models, Tools and Risk Methods, Milan: Springer-Verlag, pp. 15-22.
A. Liu. (1998) “What the Driver’s Eye Tells the Car’s Brain.” In G.J. Underwood, Ed., Eye Guidance During Reading and Scene Perception, Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 431-452.
Conference Papers and Abstracts
K. Thornburg, H.P.M. Peterse and A. Liu. (2012) "Operator Performance in Long Duration Control Operations: Switching from Low to High Task Load." Proc. of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Boston, MA, Oct 22-26.
C. Lowenthal, C.M. Oman, A.M. Liu and A. Natapoff. (2012) "The Effects of Sleepiness on Performance." Proc of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (SLEEP 2012), Boston, MA, June 9-13. (Abstract)
C. Lowenthal, A.M. Liu, A. Natapoff, and C.M. Oman. (2012) "Effect of Sleepiness on Performance and Workload During Space Robotics Tasks." Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 83(3): 274. (Abstract)
A.M. Liu, M. Rueger, L.K. Barger, G.C. Brainard, C.A. Czeisler, E.E. Flynn-Evans, R.E. Forman, C.S. Lowenthal, A. Natapoff, C. Quincy, D. Schulz, P.N. Williamson, C.M. Oman, and S.W. Lockley. (2011) "Validation of Assessment Tests and Countermeasures for Detecting and Mitigating Changes in Cognitive Function During Robotics Operations." Proc. of the 18th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Houston, TX, April 11-15. (Abstract)
C. S. Lowenthal, R. E. Forman, A. M. Liu, A. Natapoff, and C. M. Oman. (2011) "Workload Measurement During Space Robotics Tasks." Proc. of the 18th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Houston, TX, April 11-15. (Abstract)
T.M. Pontillo, A.M. Liu, A. Natapoff, and C.M. Oman. (2011) "Spatial Ability, Joystick Configuration, and Handedness as Predictors of Space Teleoperation Performance." Proc. of the 18th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Houston, TX, April 11-15. (Abstract)
R. E. Forman, C. S. Lowenthal, C. M. Oman, A. M. Liu , and A. Natapoff. (2011) "A Review of Space Robotics Metrics and Proposed Objective Performance Metrics for Improved Telerobotics Training." Proc. of the 18th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Houston, TX, April 11-15. (Abstract)
C.M. Oman, A.M. Liu, A. Natapoff, Z.A. Tomlinson, and T.M. Pontillo. (2010) “Influence of Spatial Abilities and Fatigue Space Telerobotics Operator Performance.” Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 81(3): 214. (abstract)
J.D. Kaderka, J. Mateus, A. Liu, and L.R. Young. (2010) “Partial Gravity Effects on Slope Estimation.” Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 81(3): 220. (abstract)
T.M. Pontillo, C.M. Oman, A.M. Liu, A. Natapoff, and Z.A. Tomlinson. (2010) “Role of Spatial Ability in Camera Selection for Space Teleoperation Tasks.” Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 81(3): 255. (abstract)
C.T. Oravetz, L.R. Young, A.M. Liu, and H. Hecht. (2009) “Slope and Distance Estimation Errors in a Lunar Environment.” Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 80(3), 221. (abstract) (350Kb PDF)
Z.A. Tomlinson, C.M. Oman, A.M. Liu, A. Natapoff, A. Collins, & J.B. Silverman. (2009) “Influence of spatial ability on primary and secondary space telerobotics operator performance.” Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 80(3), 221. (abstract) (55Kb PDF)
K.R. Duda, L.R. Young, C.M. Oman, A.M. Liu, A. J. Stimpson, & T. Clark. (2009). “Evaluation of sensorimotor performance during lunar landing.” Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 80(3), 230. (abstract) (55Kb PDF)
C.M. Oman, A.M. Liu, S. Popkin, J.K. Pollard, H. Howarth, and A. Aboukhalil. (2009) “Locomotive Alerter Technology Assessment.” Proc. of the 2009 International Conference on Fatigue Management in Transportation Operations, Boston, MA, March 24-26, p. 30. (abstract)
A. Collins, Z. Tomlinson, C. Oman, A. Liu, and A. Natapoff (2008) “Investigating Effectos of Frame Disparity on the Performance of Telerobotic Tasks.” Proc. of the 59th International Astronautical Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, Sept 29 - Oct 3. (350Kb PDF)
A.M. Liu, C.M. Oman, A. Natapoff and C. Coleman. (2008) “Spatial Ability as a Predictor of Space Robotics Training Performance.” Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 79(3): 288-9. (abstract) (870Kb PDF)
C.M. Oman, C. Cizaire, A. Natapoff, H. Aoki, D.A. Buckland, and A.M. Liu. (2008) “Effect of Docked Spacecraft Configuration on Spatial Orientation.” Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 79(3): 326. (abstract) (623Kb PDF)
C.T. Oravetz, K. Ingle, L. Young, and A.M. Liu. (2008) “Astronaut Slope and Surface Estimations for Lunar Exploration.” Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 79(3): 326-7. (abstract) (623Kb PDF)
C. Cizaire, C. Oman, D. Buckland, A. Natapoff, H. Aoki, and A. Liu. (2007) “Effect of Two-Module Docked Spacecraft Configurations on Spatial Orientation.” Proc. of the 16th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, May 20-24, Beijing, China.
M.A. Menchaca-Brandan, A.M. Liu, C.M. Oman, and A. Natapoff. (2007) "Influence of Perspective-Taking and Mental Rotation Abilities in Space Teleoperation." Proc. of the 2007 ACM Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Washington, DC, March 8-11, pp. 271-278. (400Kb PDF)
C.M. Oman,D. Benveniste, D. Buckland, H. Aoki, A. Liu, and A. Natapoff. (2006) "Spacecraft Module Visual Verticals and Training Affect Spatial Task Performance." Habitation, 10(3/4): 202-203.
A.M. Liu, K. Duda, C.M. Oman, and A. Natapoff. (2004) "The Perception of Linear Self-Motion During 0-G Parabolic Flight." Journal of Vestibular Research, 14(2-3): 114. (abstract)
J.J. Marquez, C.M. Oman, A.M. Liu. (2004) "You-Are_Here Maps for International Space Station: Approach and Guidelines." Proc. of the 34th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Colorado Springs, CO, July 19-22. (2Mb PDF)
A. Liu, K. Duda, C.M. Oman, and A. Natapoff. (2002) "Effects of parabolic flight zero-gravity on looming linear vection." Journal of Vestibular Research, 11(3-5): 325. (abstract, Proc. of the 6th NASA Symposium on The Role of the Vestibular System in the Exploration of Space, Portland, OR, Sept 30-Oct 3.)
W. Albert and A. Liu. (In press) "The effects of map orientation and perspective on visual attention while using an in-vehicle navigation system." Vision in Vehicles VIII, Amsterdam, Elsevier.
A. Liu, C.M. Oman, A.C. Beall, I.P. Howard, T. Smith, L.R. Young, L. Harris, and M. Jenkin. (2001) "Human Orientation in Prolonged Weightlessness (ISS E085)." Proc. of the AIAA Conference on International Space Station Utilization. On CD-ROM, Cape Canaveral, FL, October 15-18. (325K PDF)
D. Salvucci, A. Liu, and E. Boer. (2001) The Time Course of Driver Eye Movements During a Lane Change. 9th International Conference on Vision in Vehicles, Brisbane, Australia, August. (124K PDF)
A. Liu and D. Salvucci. (2001) "Modeling and Prediction of Human Driver Behavior." In M.J. Smith, G. Salvendy, D. Harris, R.J. Koubek, Eds., Usability Evaluation and Interface Design: Cognitive Engineering, Intelligent Agents, and Virtual Reality, Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 1479-1483. (Proc. of the 9th HCI International Conference, New Orleans, LA, Aug. 5-10.)
N. Kuge, T. Yamamura, O. Shimoyama, and A. Liu. (2000) "A Driver Behavior Recognition Method Based on a Drive Model Framework.'' Proc. of the SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, March 6-9. (563K PDF)
A. Liu. (1999) “Towards Predicting Driver Intentions from Patterns of Eye Movements.” In A.G. Gale, Ed., Vision in Vehicles VII, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 205-212.
M. Fernàndez, A. Liu, M. Lozano, and G. Martin. (1999) "Stochastic Approach to the Evaluation and Classification of Driver Behavior in Driving Simulators.'' Proc. of the 10th Intl. Training and Education Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, April 13-15.
A. Liu, L. Veltri, and A. P. Pentland. (1998) “Modelling Changes in Eye Fixation Patterns While Driving.” In A.G. Gale, Ed., Vision in Vehicles VI, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 13-20.
A. Liu and A.P. Pentland. (1997) "Towards Real-Time Recognition of Driver Intention.'' Proc. of the 1997 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, pp. 236-241, Boston, MA, November 9-12. (595K PDF)
E. Boer, M. Fernàndez, A. Pentland, and A. Liu (1996) "Method for evaluating human and simulated drivers in real traffic situations.'' Proc. of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, pp. 1810-1814, Atlanta, GA.
M. Fernàndez, A. Liu, S. Bayarri, and A. P. Pentland. (1996) "Tuning of Driver Behavior Models Used in Driving Simulators.'' Proc. of the 1996 Intl. Conf. on Traffic and Transport Psychology, pp. 191-196, Valencia, Spain, May 22-25.
A. Liu and S. Chang. (1995) "Force Feedback in a Stationary Driving Simulator.'' Proc. of the 1995 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 2, pp. 1711-1716, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 23-25. (509K PDF)
A. P. Pentland and A. Liu. (1995) "Towards Augments Control Systems.'' Proc. of the 1995 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 350-355, Detroit, MI, September 23-25. (430K PDF)
A. Liu, G. Tharp, and L. Stark. (1992) "Effect of Stereo and Occlusion on Simulated Telemanipulation.'' Proc. 1992 SID International Symposium, pp. 833-6, Boston, MA, May 17-22.
A. Liu, G. Tharp, and L. Stark. (1992) "Depth Cue Interaction in Telepresence and Simulated Telemanipulation''. In Bernice E. Rogowitz, Ed., Human Vision, Visual Processing and Digital Display III, SPIE 1666, pp. 541-7.
G. Tharp, A. Liu, and L. Stark. (1992) "Timing Considerations of Helmet-mounted Display Performance.'' In Bernice E. Rogowitz, Ed., Human Vision, Visual Processing and Digital Display III, SPIE 1666, pp. 541-7.
A. Liu, L. Stark, and M. Hirose. (1991) "Interaction if Visual Depth Cues and Viewing Parameters During Simulated Telemanipulation.'' Proc. of the 1991 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation}, pp.2286-91, Sacramento, CA, April 7-12.
B. Baker, A. Liu and S. Baumrind. (1990) "Graphic Display of Craniofacial X-Ray Data Overlaid in Digital Images.'' Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, p. 334, Philadelphia, PA, November.
B. Baker, S. Baumrind, A. Liu, and S. Curry (1990) "Reliability of Cephalometric Landmark Location Directly on a Computer Monitor.'' Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Engineering in Medicine and Biology}, p. 333, Philadelphia, PA, November.
L. Stark, S. Ellis, M. Hirose, W. S. Kim, A. Liu, C. Neveu, A. H. Nguyen, G. Tharp, and I. Yamashita. (1990) "Making a Picture Fit the Eye: Human Engineering for Computer Graphics.'' Proc. of the IEEE Visualization '90 (Panel Session), pp. 411-420, San Francisco, CA, October 23-26.
M. Hirose, T. Myoi, A. Liu, and L. Stark. (1990) "Object Manipulation in the Virtual Environment: Case of the Fixed Display.'' Proc. of the Human Interface Symposium, pp. 571-576, Tokyo, Japan, October 24-26.
Last updated: Apr 2012
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© Andrew Liu