We have a permanent SeeVogh meeting site based at DESY. This will be used for all regular OLYMPUS Meetings. It can also be used for informal meetings as necessary.
The URL for the OLYMPUS Seevogh meeting is here.
The password is the name of your favourite experiment all in lower case.
If you have any trouble connecting try the following:
When you start SeeVogh you normally see the Universe community. If you DO NOT also see the DESY community you should add it as follows:
Now select community DESY and click on OLYMPUS. It will ask for the password (see above).
This meeting has no end so is constantly available. So you can test the connection at any time.
If you can not connect via computer there is a phone bridge through all the usual SeeVogh phone numbers.
The phone bridge ID is 2774963 and phone bridge password is 7565. These will not change.
Similarly you can connect via Skype by adding evo.phone to your buddy list and using the above phone bridge id and password.