May 30, 2002
Please contact
your recitation instructor for your final course grade. If you are
interested, you can see your Final Exam in the presence of your
recitation instructor; please make arrangements with him. All exams
are kept in the Physics Education Office.
I'll be happy to answer
May 23, 2002
Based on 175 Finals, class
average is 52 (as of this time, Thursday 8 AM, we are still entering
grades in the data base).
May 15, 2002
The Serenade
If you missed it, here are pictures of the MIT
Muses serenading Walter.
May 11, 2002
Lecture Monday, May 13
For those of you who have access to Giancoli, Volume I: Sect. 16-7
covers the Doppler effect of sound very well.
May 10, 2002
Five Planets
Don't miss this opportunity! Click on apod.
May 8, 2002
Exam 3
For solutions to the problems of Exam 3, click here.
Based on the three exams
alone (not counting Homework, Quizzes and possible extra credit
for your motor), the dividing line between C and D would be somewhere
in the range 135-138 (this is the SUM of your three grades with
a maximum of 300).
May 3, 2002
Early Alert HW #10
Homework assignment #10 contains only 4 problems. It is due
Friday, May 10, which is the latest date allowed by MIT rules.
May 2, 2002
Exam 3
Our third exam
will be on Monday, May 6. There will be two reviews. Several tests
given in previous years are available.
For all details, click here.
A tutor will be available
Sunday, May 5 from 12-3 pm in room 4-163.
of page
April 30, 2002
Rainbows, Haloes and Glories
For many magnificent
pictures, look at
A nice glory can be seen
on "apod" April
17, 2002.
For the physics of rainbows, look at
See "apod" Jan
14, 2002.
April 26, 2002
Two Great Pictures
Look at some spectacular
aurora with comet Ikeya-Zhang (click here).
The same comet and the Space Station can be seen here.
April 23, 2002
Comets have two Tails
Comets consist
of CO2 (it's a "dirty snow ball" the size of Manhattan).
As discussed in lectures (4/24) when they get close to the sun,
comets develop two tails. The white/yellowish tail is due to radiation
pressure (the white light is scattered sunlight). The blue tail
results from the solar wind which ionizes the CO2 molecules; blue
light is emitted through de-excitation of the excited molecules.
Hale-Bopp (in April 1997) showed the two tails in a very dramatic
way; click here.
April 17, 2002
A few students have expressed their unhappiness about the fact
that the due date of HW #7 was Wed (4/17). I wish I could have given
you 9 days for this assignment, but the consequence would have been
that we could then not cover 3 assignments on Exam 3.
I always allow at least
7 days for HW (as is the case for #7), and I keep a minimum of 5
days between topics covered on HW and in lectures (this is also
the case for #7). I also observe time students need to prepare for
an exam. Consequently, there are only 10 assignments.
I realize that you lost
one recitation this week. That has happened before; students lost
their Tue (2/19) recitation. I therefore kept #7 rather short.
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April 16, 2002
Musical Instruments needed on Friday, April 19
I need a few musical
instruments in class Friday, April 19. I would prefer a violin,
and a saxophone, (or trumpet, or horn or clarinet), but I am willing
to listen to other offers. You do not have to be a "super"
musician! Please contact me asap by e-mail:
Thanks, \\/\//////@lter
April 12, 2002
If I had to decide now on a passing course grade, using only
the grades of Exam 1 and Exam 2, (not counting HW, quizzes, and
extra motor credit), students whose total score (sum of the two
exam grades, with a maximum of 200) is 80 or less would get D's
and F's. The dividing line between D and F would be in the vicinity
of 70.
\\/\/////@lter Lewin
April 8, 2002
Exam 2
For details on our second exam, click here.
The emphasis of my exams is largely on concepts, not on math.
Professor Belcher kindly
made available some of his exams from 1992-1994 (including finals);
we have no solutions for them. Click here
to enter.
In addition, there are
eight old exams (covering overlapping material with our exam on
Wednesday) from 1985-1990 (exams two
and three),
and three).
Old exams and solutions are only available in PDF.
Keep in mind that the
material covered in 8.02 differs somewhat from year to year, depending
on who is lecturing the course. I also want to stress that I am
not responsible for the exams. Reference is made in some to "Kirchhoff's
loop rule", where this rule DOES NOT apply (see the Lecture
Supplement of April 1).
\\/\/////@lter Lewin
of page
April 5, 2002
Motional EMF in Space
A striking example of an induced EMF due to a changing magnetic
flux is NASA's experiment with a 20 km long tether attached to the
Shuttle. For more details, click here.
April 4, 2002
Motors can be picked up in 4-309. Someone is there most (but not
all) of the time. If we were unable to get your motor running, we
placed a "?" on your motor, and we will give you a chance
to show us how it works. We will then test it (in 4-309) in your
presence and credit you. This will have to be done before April
April 2, 2002
TODAY, April 2, is the GREAT 8.02 Motor Contest from 1-5 PM in 26-110.
For details click here. It is not
necessary that you bring your own battery. We will have 1.5 Volt
power supplies which we will use to test your motors. See you there!
March 22, 2002
===>> Friday's Vacation Special <<===
As a follow-up on my lecture of March 22, I suggest you
look at some wonderful Aurora pictures and also visit some of the
Maglev sites.
Aurora Borealis (and
Look at APOD Nov.
14 and Dec. 3, 2001, Jan. 21 and March 20, 2002.
Look at EPOD April 23, June
25, Nov. 2, 2001, and March 19, 2002.
To access specific dates, scroll down and enter "Archive".
Also look at Theta Aurora and Oval Aurora, located at
For an explanation of the various colors, see
Magnetic Levitation
Maglev (High-Speed Bullet Trains)
Look at
and look at some of the pictures. Look also at
\\/\///////@lter Lewin
of page
March 11, 2002
Do some Physics, and have FUN!
Click here
and look at magnetic fields created by two current loops. You can
change the size and orientation of the loops. Try to create a "magnetic
bottle" (that is a near constant B-field in a region of space
between two current loops).
March 6, 2002
Click here if you are interested
in the solutions to Exam 1.
March 1, 2002
Our first Exam is
on Wednesday, March 6. For detailed information, click here.
Lectures 1 - 10 can be
viewed on the web from any Athena workstation; click on "lecture
videos". My Exam Review Lecture can be viewed on MIT Cable
TV (channel 10) beginning at 5 PM today (Monday). The lecture will
start every hour on the hour; this will continue day and night till
Wednesday morning 11 AM.
Unfortunately no exams
can be found under "previous years". However, I managed
to find a routing to two past exams (one without and one with solutions).
Click on
The file is "practice1.pdf" (forget problem 4). Also click
This is the best I was able to do for you. If you need help, see
your instructors and the tutors. I too will make myself available
as much as possible!
Good Luck!
\\/\//////@lter Lewin
Feb. 27, 2002
Students who did not attend Friday's lecture (March 1), can pick
up a motor kit in room 4-309 (someone is there most of the time).
Feb. 25, 2002
There is a typo
in eq. (10) of the Lecture Supplement of Feb. 22:
"sigma(ind)" should be "sigma(free)". We have
made the correction in the present version.
Feb. 21, 2002
Two Lecture Supplements (2/20 and 2/22) are now available.
of page
Feb. 18, 2002
LIGHTNING (Feb. 19 Lecture)
Look at some "Astronomy Pictures of the Day" -
At the very bottom, click on "Archive". Look at the pictures
of Nov 11, 1995 and June 16, 1999. These are great examples of Sprites,
very high up in the atmosphere.
Also visit some "Earth
Science Pictures of the Day" -
Nice examples of lightning are May 22 and June 18, 2001. Bookmark
both "apod" and "epod"; I look every day at
Feb. 9, 2002
Want to do Physics and have some Fun?
Click on "previous
years", "8.02T", "Current Assignment",
"Simulations", and finally click on the image of the Electric
Vector Field Applet. You can create wonderful electric field line
patterns. You can change the polarity and the magnitude of the charges
(it's easy to create a dipole field). Try to guess approximate locations
where the E-field is zero (see problem 1.2). "Iron filings"
do not work for E-fields, but "grass seeds" do, as demonstrated
in lectures.
\\/\//////@lter Lewin
Feb. 2, 2002
will start Tue Feb 5, our first lecture will be Wed Feb 6. The following
is of particular importance:
* The Ground Rules, see
general information
* First Homework
Assignment, see problem sets
* Recitation Schedules,
see schedules
* Course Syllabus,
see schedules
Enjoy the course!
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