choir picture

Feel free to contact any of the officers if you have questions about the choir or the section leaders if you have questions about sectionals or attendance. For general queries or to be added to mailing lists, it’s best to email the entire Exec including Mr. Turner at concert-choir-admin.

Unless otherwise specified, all e-mail addresses should be followed by The domain part has been removed to avoid being targeted by spambots.

Mailing Lists

Officers and Administrators concert-choir-admin
Section Leaders cc-section-leaders (inactive)
Sopranos cc-soprano
Altos cc-alto
Tenors cc-tenor
Basses cc-bass
Full Choir concert-choir


Ryan Turner rlturner


For more, see the document on officer roles.

President Freya Edholm fe2o3
Vice President Ariel Largen aalargen
Secretary Ariel Largen aalargen
Publicity Chair Dylan Dalida rddalida
Social Chair Hallie Lavin
Social Chair Pip Knight pipk33
Concert Program Co-ordinator
Webmaster Sophie D'Halleweyn sophiedh