I. Instructors
IKEDA, Masami 池田雅美
Rm. 14N-232, phone 452-2768 mikeda@mit.edu
Office hours: Monday 11:00-12:30, Wednesday 3:00-4:30 and by appointment
II. Meeting hours and classrooms
MWF 1:05-1:55 Rm. 16-628 MWF 2:05-2:55 Rm. 16-628
III. Textbooks
- Japanese: the Spoken Language, Part 3, by Eleanor H. Jorden with Mari Noda, Yale University Press, 1988 (available at Kendall Coop)
- Course packet for 21f.506 Japanese 6 (available at MIT Copy Tech Rm. 11-004)
IV. Course Objectives
We will continue
grammar and vocabulary by further developing four skills: speaking,
reading, and writing. This course covers Lessons 28-30 of JSL. Class
hours will
be devoted to oral/aural and reading practices. After completing JSL we
authentic reading materials of various types for expanding the ability of reading and
discussion. All classes are conducted in Japanese. The goal
is to acquire the ability to use Japanese appropriately with increasing
spontaneity emphasized, and to be prepared to become an independent
learner to
the point where you are capable of handling authentic Japanese by
without fear or hesitation. Approximately 160 new kanji will be
introduced in
this course.
V. Evaluation
Daily Grade | 25% * |
Lesson Quiz (3) |
20% |
Oral Interview (2) | 15% |
Presentation/Project (2) | 10% |
Kanji Quiz | 10%** |
Vocabulary Quiz | 5%** |
Homework | 10% |
Class Participation | 5% |
* The two lowest daily grades will be dropped.
** The lowest score of each category will be dropped.
A. Daily Grade
You should come to class having memorized assigned Core Conversations thoroughly using audios. Also you are expected to try using new patterns actively in class. When reading is assigned, you must familiarize yourself with the contents of the materials as well as with the new kanji. Based on your performance of the CCs, drills and reading assignments, you will be given a daily performance score according to the following scale:
10 = excellent performance
9 = clearly well-prepared; strong performance with minor errorxs
8 = clearly prepared; fair performance
7 = evidently prepared but weak in major areas
6 = present, but evidently unprepared
0 = absent
B. Exam and Quizzes
There are three Lesson Quizzes, two oral interviews and two oral presentations. A number of Vocabulary Quizzes and Kanji Quizzes are given throughout the semester. There will be NO MAKE-UPS for missed performances and quizzes.
C. Writing Assignments
- There are two types of writing assignments in this course; Structure Patterns Homework (SP宿題) and Reading and Writing Homework (読み書き宿題). SPHW will be given prior to each lesson to facilitate your self-study of new structures; no lectures will be given in class. You are expected to read through the related Structural Patterns in the textbook and work on the assignment. RWHW will be given to build up your writing skills, using newly acquired kanji, vocabulary and structure patterns.
- Assignments are due at the beginning of the class. Late submission will result in a 5% deduction in grade each day. All writing assignments must be completed and submitted to receive course grade.
D. Attendance Policy
- Because of the cumulative nature of language learning, it is essential that you attend all sessions and keep up with the course work on a daily basis. Please follow the online Weekly Schedule and come to class well-prepared. Missing more than five classes without valid excuses may result in failing the course.
- Students are expected to come to class in time. Coming in late not only results in missed performances and quizzes that may not be made up for, but also distracts other students.
- You will be officially excused from class ONLY with the one-day-in-advance notice to the instructor with legitimate (academic/job-related) reasons.
VI. Online Supplementary Materials
Supplementary course materials and other resources are available
- Course Syllabus
- Monthly and Weekly Schedule (Please check frequently)
- Kanji Study materials
- Audio files of Core Conversations
- Reading materials with AUDIO
- MIT-Only Quiz Review Materials
Other Information
- You should try your best never to fall behind. Any student who feels he/she is behind is encouraged to see an instructor and discuss the situation with her before it is too late.
- Various audio materials for language learning and Japanese films are available at FLLRC (Foreign Languages & Literatures Resource Center, 16-644. Open 3pm - 8pm, Sunday through Thursday).
- Japanese Minor Advisor: Ian Condry.
- Japanese Concentration Advisor: Masami Ikeda.
- Japanese Study
Abroad Advisor: Masami Ikeda. You should also visit MIT Study Aborad Office.
- For internship opportunities contact MIT Japan Program
- For conversation practice: check out Japanese Lunch Table (12:30-2pm, Wednesdays)
- For language conversation exchange: check http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/about.php